
Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

author:Old street taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > preface</h1>

Yesterday, I visited Chaozhou and wrote a story of ten prime ministers in Chaozhou Arch Street. It quotes two poems from Han Yu's "Left Migration to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang": a letter to the Ninth Heaven, and the Sunset Descending Chaozhou Road Eight Thousand.

However, some readers left a message saying: Is it interesting that you tampered with Han Yu's poems in the old street?

What this reader means is that it should be "Xi Depreciate Chaoyang" rather than "Xi Depreciate Chaozhou", so is it Chaozhou or Chaoyang?

In addition, the nephew of Han Yu mentioned in the poem is not an ordinary person, he is Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals. It was said that he had already calculated that Han Yue had this disaster.

Today, let's talk about these two topics.

Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >, Chaoyang is Chaozhou</h1>

In fact, there are several versions of this poem, the main difference of which is the difference between "Chaoyang" and "Chaozhou". And many versions that write "Eight Thousand Chaozhou Road in the Sunset" will indicate "One As yang" at the back.

Today Chaozhou is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province, while Chaoyang is a district under the city of Shantou, which seems to be two unrelated areas.

But Chaoyang originally belonged to Chaozhou, and for a time, Chaoyang was Chaozhou.

After the Sui Dynasty unified the world, in 591 it changed Ngee An County to Chaozhou, with six counties under its jurisdiction: Ngee An, Chaoyang, Yizhao, Chengxiang, Sui'an, and Haining. Chaoyang is a county below Chaozhou.

In the third year of the Sui Dynasty (607), Chaozhou was changed back to Nghe An County. In the fifth year of The Tang Dynasty (622), Nghe An County was changed to Chaozhou.

In the first year of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (742), Chaozhou was changed to Chaoyang Commandery .00 In the first year of the Tang Dynasty (758), Chaoyang was renamed Chaozhou. "Chaoyang County" one used for 16 years.

When Han Yu was demoted to Chaozhou, it was in the fourteenth year of Yuan He (819), and this area had been restored to Chaozhou for more than sixty years. However, the ancients wrote poetry, and the name of the place name was more casual, and the original name was often used.

Therefore, it makes sense to use Chaoyang or Chaozhou here.

Moreover, the version with these two words can be seen in many ancient books, so it is not lao jie who dares to tamper with ancient poetry at will, but these two versions, lao jie is used to this version of Chaozhou.

Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >2, several versions of "Left Migration to Languan Show Nephew Sun Xiang"</h1>

The Five Hundred Commentaries on Changli Anthology is a collection of essays compiled and printed by Wei Zhongju in the sixth year of the Qingyuan Dynasty (1200) of the Southern Song Dynasty. In this book, several versions of Han Yu's poem are summarized, mainly because the first two versions are different from today's versions.

First, enter today's version as follows:

A letter to the Ninth Heaven, the sunset degraded Chaozhou Road eight thousand. In order to eliminate the evils of the saints, Ken will decay and waste his life. Where is the yun heng Qinling family. Snow and blue are not moving forward. Knowing that Ruyuan should be intentional, so as to collect my bones by the river.

1. First Link

A letter to the Ninth Heaven, the sunset degraded Chaozhou Road eight thousand.

Commentary in the book:

In the fourteenth year of Yuan He, Gong was appointed as a servant of the Punishment Department, and the above table was extremely admonished about the Buddha's bones. The emperor was furious and would be killed, holding the chancellor Cui Xi and Pei Du. The more loyal he is. May there be less falsehood, and may it be slandered. Emperor slightly understood. It is the character of who Chaozhou Thorn ShiZhou, one / ben zuo yang.

This Song edition of the book tells the reason why Han Yu was belittled. In addition, it is deliberately stated that there is a version of this poem that writes "Chaozhou" as "Chaoyang". ”

It can be seen that Chaoyang is still Chaozhou, and in the Southern Song Dynasty, there were already different versions.

Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

2. Jaw joint

If you want to remove the evils of the Holy Ming, will you decay and count the years?

Looking at the picture above, we can see that in the third sentence, there is also a version: "Ben" removes the evil for The Saint Ming.

The fourth sentence is different from today's version: Will decay be counted as a wreckage? The book says that there are two other versions: "Will you be in the twilight of the year of decay", or "Will you decay and regret the year of decay".

In fact, the fourth sentence, most of our versions today are: "Ken will decay and regret the years." ”

Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >3, is Han Yu's nephew Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? </h1>

This nephew of Han Yu was named Han Xiang, and when Han Yu was belittled, he braved heavy snow to send him off. After the two met, they also talked about an old matter. The Five Hundred Commentaries on Changli Anthology writes:

"Qingzhuo Gaoyi" Yun: "Xiangzi Qingfu, Gong Nephew also." The study of public encouragement is to laugh and write poetry, and there is a sentence that 'can blossom in an instant'. Gong Yue: 'Can Ru capture the creation and blossom?' 'Xiang Sui gathered soil raspberries, and liangjiu said: 'The flowers have been developed'. The pot is two flowers, and there are small golden characters between the leaves, which are poems and clouds: 'Where is the home of the clouds across the Qin mountains, and the snow embraces the blue and the horses do not move forward.' 'The public does not know the poetry. Xiang Yue: 'Things can be verified for a long time'. The Queen of Gong lowered the chaoyang, and there was a man who came in the snow on the way, Nai Xiangye. Xiang Yue: 'Gong Yi Hua sentence? It is also the day. 'Public inquiry of place names, i.e. Blue Pass.' Sigh again and again: I am Rucheng this poem "Clouds and Clouds."

Han Xiang was a person who was free and loose, and he didn't study well. For Han Yu's encouragement, Han Xiangzi did not take it seriously, and composed a poem of "Yan Zhi":

Qingshan Yunshui Grotto, this place is my home. After the night flow of qiong liquid, in the early morning chewing Dai Xia. The piano plays the jasper tune and the furnace is refined with white cinnabar. Baoding saves golden tigers, and Yuantian raises white crows. A scoop hides the world, and three feet slays the evil. Unmade wine patrol, can bloom in an instant. Someone can learn from me and go to see the fairy.

After Han Yu read "Can Bloom Flowers in an Instant", can you really go against the laws of nature and let the flowers bloom at will? Han Xiang filled the pot with soil, and after a while, he really had to open two flowers, and there were small characters in the middle: Where is the family of The Clouds Across the Qinling Mountains, and the snow embraces the blue and the horses do not move forward.

Han Yue did not understand what these two poems meant. Han Xiang said, you will know later.

Later, Han Yu was degraded to Chaozhou, and Han Xiangzi braved the snow to send him off and told Han Yu, Do you remember those two poems? That's what happened today.

Han Yu asked about the place name, and it turned out that he had just passed through Lan Guan, so he suddenly realized. Han Yu, who was full of emotions, said, I finished this poem for you, so I wrote the Seven Laws "Left To Languan to Show Nephew Sun Xiang".

Han Xiang, that is, Han Xiangzi, who was good at blowing pipes in the Eight Immortals Across the Sea, had a style of "Yanzhi" poems that resembled the Youxian poems of the Jin Dynasty.

According to scholars, because Han Yu did not believe in The Buddhist Tao, the Buddhist Taoists wrote the story of the great monk and Han Xiangzi to enlighten Han Yu to dissolve Han Yu's influence. In today's parlance, this is a means of propaganda that relies on media opinion.

Sunset or Sunset Tide? Why did Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals, send off Han Yu? Preface 1, Chaoyang is Chaozhou 2, Several versions of "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang" 3, Is Han Yu's nephew han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals? Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > concluding remarks</h1>

The Song of Han Yu that we see today, "Left To Languan Shows Nephew Sun Xiang", is basically two copyrights, the difference is the difference between Chaozhou and Chaoyang.

According to the Japanese Tibetan "YouXuan Collection", this poem also has a different title of "Degrading Officials Chaozhou Out of The Customs".

When I went to Chaozhou the day before yesterday, I was very sorry that the Hanyu Memorial Hall (Hanwen Ancestral Hall) was closed. I'm curious about which version of the poem is in this museum. I don't know if I have a friend who has been there, please leave a message to let me know if you notice.

@Old Street Taste

Chaozhou Arch Street ten phases of the voice, these ten Tang and Song Dynasty prime ministers, almost all of them are great poets

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