
One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

author:Crippled wolves tell stories
One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

Tanjia Bridge in the northern foothills of Huangshan Mountain, there is a stone bridge next to the village, people call it "Bajia Bridge". Legend has it that this stone bridge was built by Han Xiangzi of the Eight Immortals when he was visiting Huangshan Mountain.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

In ancient times, the strange peaks of Huangshan Mountain attracted countless tourists from all over the world. This summer, Han Xiangzi flew to visit Huangshan Mountain in a cloud of color. When I reached the edge of Tanjiaqiao Village, I saw a mighty river blocking the way. Han Xiangzi was not in a hurry, gently shaking the fairy broom, and galloping past. Only to see many pedestrians on both sides of the big river wandering along the river, do not dare to cross the river, some poor people are forced by life, have to find a wide and shallow place to help each other cross the river, often people lost their feet and drowned, cried out in sorrow, and could not bear to see.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

When Han Xiangzi saw this tragic scene, his heart was compassionate. Secretly thinking: Why don't I show some mana to build a stone bridge here, rescue the poor, and avoid the pain of crossing the river, and when I think about it, I press the cloud head and become a stonemason and come to the river.

At this time, it will be late, and the passers-by have gone home. I saw a white-haired farmer staring at the gushing river. Han Xiangzi went forward and asked, "Old man, where is the right place to cross the river, and the most pedestrians?"

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

The white-haired farmer pointed to the side of Tanjiaqiao Village, where the shallow river is wide, and said: "The river here is shallow and gentle, and there are many pedestrians crossing the water here." ”

Han Xiangzi thanked the farmer, and when he looked back, the white-haired farmer was gone, and it turned out that the white-haired farmer was the god of Huangshan Mountain.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

Coincidentally, on this day, one of the Eight Immortals, Lan Cai and Huangshan, excitedly rode the clouds to the tanjiaqiao river, and saw a stonemason measuring by the river. I thought, which capable person is here to build a bridge? Looking at it, it turned out to be Han Xiangzi. He hurriedly greeted, "Brother Han, why are you building a bridge here?"

When Han Xiangzi saw Lan Caihe, his heart was overjoyed. Hurriedly said, "You've come just in time, please help me!" Han Xiangzi told him about the preparation of the bridge.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

Lan Caihe listened and said, "If you want me to build a bridge together, you can build one, but you want to build one one, and you have to build it before the chicken crows three times, I don't know what my brother wants?"

Han Xiangzi is well aware of Lan Cai and the importance of fame and fortune, and wants to take the opportunity to show his talents. I thought that it would be better to build one more bridge on the river, and it would be more convenient for pedestrians to come and go. So they agreed to build bridges separately, and the two agreed to finish it three times before the chicken barked.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

As night fell, it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. Blue and triumphant, shaking the flower basket, calling the wind and rain, and making the Fa.

Han Xiangzi was very dissatisfied with his "bluff" approach. Smiling slightly, he immediately picked up the fairy broom and went up the river to the White Pavilion and swam towards the Huangshan Mountain. After a while, only to see a group of fat live pigs, crowded and crowded down the river, Han Xiangzi rushed this group of fat pigs to the Tanjiaqiao River, the broom shook, both hands clapped, only to see the fat pigs stand still, turning into huge granite rocks.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

Han Xiangzi plucked another immortal from the fairy broom, and with a gentle blow, the immortal shot straight into the Nine Heavens, and after a while it was planted straight down, turning into an ink bucket and quickly bouncing off the stone. I saw white and smooth stone strips, neatly arranged by the river. Han Xiangzi hurriedly built the piers and erected the bridge body... The chicken had not yet barked three times, and a five-hole stone bridge was created. Han Xiangzi saw that the time was still early, so he went up the river to see how to pick up the blue and how to build the bridge.

Besides, Lan Caihe secretly wanted to compete with Han Xiangzi, although the wind and rain were called and bluffed, but the mana was limited after all, and a one-hole bridge could only be built at the stone gate of the narrow river. Seeing Han Xiangzi coming, he hurriedly asked, "Brother, how is the bridge built?" Han Xiangzi replied, "The bridge has been built, so I will go into the mountain to catch a batch of stones and surround the bridge head field, so as not to wash away the farmland by flooding." After saying that, he walked towards The Yellow Mountain.

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

Lan Caihe saw that Han Xiangzi Bridge had been built, and his heart was very jealous. Secretly thinking: If Han Xiangzi succeeds in driving stones around the field again, won't he damage my reputation? If the immortals knew, wouldn't it be a shame to say that I was fighting between the two of them, and That Lan Cai and Han Xiangzi were inferior! When he thought about it, he transformed into an octogenarian woman standing by the Baiting River.

Han Xiangzi drove the manhe fat pig to the Baiting River, saw an old woman blocking the way, and hurriedly shouted: "Old woman, please get out of the way, the fat pig is coming!"

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

The old woman laughed on her back and said, "Hugh wants to lie to me, this is a stone, not a pig!" After saying that, he stretched out a finger, and suddenly the fat pig in the river turned into a stone and stood in the river.

Han Xiangzi took a closer look, and it turned out that it was Lan Caihe who had broken his fa, causing him to fail in encircling the field. (Today, the stones lie still in the Shimen River.)

One of the eight immortals story Han Xiangzi built the "Eight Jia Stone Bridge"

At this time, the chicken had barked three times, and Han Xiangzi came to the side of the Blue Cai and Shimen Bridge, only to see this one-hole bridge, which was made sloppy. Han Xiangzi had just stepped onto the bridge, and the bridge deck suddenly shook, cracking a large crack, "booming" a loud noise, and the bridge collapsed. When Lan Caihe saw it, his face turned red with shame, and he slipped away without a sound.

In order to commemorate Han Xiangzi's meritorious contribution to building a bridge for the people, later generations called him the Armor of the Eight Immortals and named the bridge "Eight Jia Stone Bridge".

Lan Cai and the collapsed stone bridge are still in the Shimen River.

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