
Eight Immortals (8) - Han Xiangzi of Snow Embracing Blue Pass

author:Three thousand bright moons
Eight Immortals (8) - Han Xiangzi of Snow Embracing Blue Pass

Teachers, so preaching is also karmic to solve puzzles.

"Shi Said", Han Yu's article everyone has studied it.

One of the eight masters of the Tang and Song dynasties, very famous.

He also has a very famous poem, which moved to Languan to show his nephew Sun Xiang.

Here's what it looks like:

A letter to the Ninth Heaven,

Eight thousand Chaozhou Road.

To remove the evils of the Holy Ming,

Ken will decay and die for years!

Where is the Yunheng Qinling home?

Snow and blue are not moving forward.

Knowing that Ru ruyuan should be intentional,

Good to collect my bones by the river.

Nephew Sun Xiang, it is said that our protagonist today - Han Xiangzi.

It is said that there was a Han Yu who celebrated his birthday and feasted on a large banquet and invited everyone to drink. Han Xiangzi came to wish for his birthday.

Han Yu was a world-class man, naturally full of guests, all dressed in luxurious clothes. Han Xiangzi was dressed in a Daoist robe, which was naturally a bit out of place.

Han Yu asked Han Xiangzi, you are not young, why don't you study seriously, take a meritorious name, and serve the king.

Han Xiangzi returned: What Xiang xiang learned is not known to the public. Meaning, I learned something that you don't know!

Han Yu was curious, what did you learn?

Han Xiangzi replied, this is a bit mysterious, I paste the whole text;

Qingshan Yunshui Grotto,

This is my home.

After the night flow agar,

In the early hours of the morning, chewing Daisy.

Playing jasper tone,

Furnace white cinnabar.

Baoding Cun Golden Tiger,

Genda raises white crows.

A scoop of hidden worlds,

Three feet to slay the demon.

Unmasking the wine patrol,

Can bloom in an instant.

Someone can learn from me,

Look at the fairy together.

Han Yue looked at it, this realm was a little high, and the realm of immortals was a little unbelieving.

Han Xiangzi performed a spell. Put the soil in the pot, after a while, in the cold winter, two peony flowers (I don't know what kind of flower) grew.

There are actually 2 verses on the petals:

Where is the yun heng Qinling family,

Han Yue was shocked, but also suspicious, because it was just a small illusion.

Later, Han Yu was degraded and went to Chaozhou.

One day when it was snowing, Han Xiangzi came to see him and said, "Do you remember my poem?" ”

When Han Yu asked the place, he knew that this was the Blue Pass boundary of Chaozhou.

I couldn't help but admire Han Xiangzi greatly, so I groaned:

At this point, a period of uncle-nephew friendship overflows into words, a good story for eternity!

At this point, the eight immortal anecdotes are all finished, thank you for watching!

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