
A drop of blood unravels the mystery of 20 years of murder

author:Taizhou Procuratorate

On the evening of July 25, 1999, Feng Moumou, a 29-year-old individual taxi driver, drove on the road as usual, waiting to pick up passengers at any time. In the middle of the night, 3 teenagers waved to stop his car and asked Feng to drag them to a village in the suburbs. Feng Moumou started the vehicle and drove towards the destination...

According to his habit of collecting the car on time at 2 a.m., these young people may be the last wave of guests that Feng Moumou pulled that day. However, on that day, his wife did not wait for her husband to return home, but waited for a shocking news - at 3:50 a.m. on July 26, 1999, the duty room of the suburban criminal investigation brigade of the Yangquan City Public Security Bureau in Shanxi Province received a report that a red Xiali taxi with an open door was found on the side of the road in the suburban Changling Village, and the inside and body of the car were covered with blood. On the west side of the vehicle lay a man covered in blood and without vital signs. The man who was brutally killed was none other than the taxi driver Feng Moumou.

This was the murder of the taxi driver in the sensational "July 26, 1999".

Due to the technical means at that time, the murder case has not been solved. In the past 20 years, criminal investigation technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, providing more possibilities for the detection of homicide backlogs. In January this year, in the process of strengthening the detection of the backlog of murder cases, the municipal public security organs used DNA comparison technology to carry out cross-time and space precision strikes, re-sorted the physical evidence of the "1999.7.26" robbery and murder case, and obtained major clues from a blood sample collected at the scene of the crime at that time, thus unveiling the mystery of the murder case that had been sealed for 20 years.

The circumstances of investigation are limited, and the murder case is unsolved

A drop of blood unravels the mystery of 20 years of murder

Opening the thick file, bloodstained photographs recorded the scene of the murder. These pictures are also deeply imprinted in the mind of Wang Bin, deputy captain of the criminal investigation brigade of the suburban public security sub-bureau. As one of the police officers participating in the investigation work at that time, Wang Bin was deeply impressed by this robbery and murder case.

According to the scene investigation records 20 years ago, at 3:45 a.m., the Municipal Public Security Bureau 110 received an alarm, and the criminal investigators arrived at the scene of the crime at 5:50 a.m. At that time, a red Charley taxi was parked on the side of the road from north to south, with a large amount of blood in the car. The engine of the vehicle is still in operation, the headlights and left turn signals of the vehicle are turned on, the meter billing in the car is displayed as 50.9 yuan, and the mileage is displayed as 3.3 kilometers. The victim was lying on his back on the ground, his white vest stained red with blood, and he had a 7.2 cm knife wound on his left chest, which stabbed the center of the lung and killed him with a knife.

After on-site investigation and search, the police found a large number of blood stains and knives used in the taxi at the scene, two broken nylon ropes were found in the back seat of the car and on the side of the highway, and a discarded rebar was found in the river channel 20 meters from the scene of the crime. Soon, the police of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also rushed to the scene to participate in the investigation. During the investigation of the center site, the forensic technicians found that there were 3 kinds of footprints at the scene, and among the large blood stains, the police found that there were dripping blood stains. Subsequently, the police used police dogs to help trace the blood stains, and found that the blood stains continued to the side of the road in Daxizhuang Village. The police judged that one of the suspects should have been injured.

During that time, taxi robbery cases were high-incidence cases throughout the country, and there were many such cases in Yangquan. Many drivers carry some tools for self-defense, and Feng Moumou is no exception. The police found that he had an axe hidden under his seat, but he did not have time to pull it out at the time of the incident.

According to the evidence collected at the scene, the "7.26 robbery and murder case" special case team led by the Municipal Public Security Bureau analyzed the scene and believed that this was a robbery and murder case for the purpose of encroaching on property, and judging by the footprints and blood stains at the scene, it should be two or more people ganging up to commit the crime.

Based on the characteristics of this case, the police basically ruled out the possibility of local people committing crimes. The police continued to expand the scope of investigation and issued a notice of assistance to the public security organs of surrounding counties and districts, but they have not obtained valuable clues. In that era when there were no mobile phones, networks, and underdeveloped public cameras, the police could only handle cases in the most primitive way by visiting and groping. At the same time, the forensic technicians took a blood sample that did not belong to the victim among the dripping blood stains found at the scene of the crime, and immediately analyzed and tested the test materials. However, the testing technique at that time was limited to blood group system comparison, and the blood sample could only provide clues that "one of the suspects' blood type was AB", and could not provide more effective information.

The case was resolved to an impasse.

The "master" of the blood sample of the bottleneck of scientific and technological breakthrough appeared

A drop of blood unravels the mystery of 20 years of murder

For 20 years, the case-handling personnel have always kept this case in mind, although the leadership has changed several times, but the investigation team on this murder has not been withdrawn, the police's tracking of this case, the pursuit of suspects has not been interrupted, especially the test comparison of the blood samples that do not belong to the victims at the scene has never been relaxed. In later tests, investigators would compare suspect clues as long as they found them. Especially after the DNA library was built, the police re-entered this precious test material into the library for comparison. However, repeated tests, repeated comparisons, but there is still no clue to the suspect.

In 2019, since the province launched the special operation of homicides, Jin Runxi, vice mayor and director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, has attached great importance to it and required public security organs at all levels in the city to immediately start the battle to solve the backlog of homicide cases, gather the wisdom of the whole police, and use the strength of the whole police to solve the backlog of homicide cases in our city one by one. The "1999.7.26" taxi driver murder case was once again included in the target case sequence by the suburban public security sub-bureau, which set up a special work class led by the criminal investigation brigade to comprehensively sort out the backlog of homicides since 1985, find the case file, analyze the case facts, and use new technology and new technology to analyze and compare the traces of the unsolved murder case by one, physical evidence, and biological materials. Finally, in January 2020, the 20-year-old unsolved murder case finally had a major breakthrough - when the suspect's blood sample was tested, it was much narrower than two families in Henan Province. The police dug deeper and found that one of the suspects was likely to be a man from the Xi family in Xun County, Henan Province.

Subsequently, the police immediately went to Xun County, Henan Province, to carry out a visit and investigation, and finally determined that Xi Mouqi, a man born in 1981, was suspected of committing a major crime. Through a large number of visits and big data monitoring, the police found that Xi Mouqi's activity trajectory was in Xiamen City, Fujian Province. Therefore, on January 2, the police continued to track in two ways, one staying in Xun County to continue to visit and investigate, and the other group rushed to Xiamen, Fujian Province, to carry out arrests.

Zhao Zhiyang, deputy head of the criminal investigation brigade of the suburban branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, participated in the arrest of the case throughout the process. He clearly remembered that when he arrived in Xiamen, it was more than 11:00 a.m., and he and the arresting police did not care about eating, and immediately rushed to the local police station to investigate. The police judged the suspect's trajectory through surveillance video and found that Xi Mouqi was active in the area of Xinyang Street in Haicang District, Xiamen. From the video, it can be seen that the suspect often wears a camouflage overalls and wears a red armband on his arm, and later learned through the local police that Xi Mouqi is engaged in urban management work and has married and had children in the local area.

Subsequently, the police went to the suspect's activity site to continue to track the investigation, understand the suspect's trajectory, and wait for the opportunity to obtain more powerful clues. Zhao Zhiyang recalled: "At that time, we needed to further obtain the suspect's DNA for comparison, but we were afraid of hitting the grass and startling the snake. In the process of investigation and tracking, it was found that the suspect had a habit of smoking, so he quietly followed behind him and secretly picked it up when he threw away the cigarette butt. After that, the police handling the case sent this hard-won inspection material to the Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau for inspection, and the results made everyone excited - the inspection material matched the blood stains at the scene, and the 38-year-old Xi Mouqi was the suspect that the municipal police had been looking for for more than 20 years.

Travel thousands of miles to arrest suspects and fall into justice

A drop of blood unravels the mystery of 20 years of murder

After the identity of the suspect was determined, the police began to formulate an arrest plan.

During the investigation, the police found that the village where the criminal suspect was located was a commercial street, with a large number of foreigners and a complicated situation of residents. In order to further grasp the suspect's place of residence and details, the police handling the case stayed in the range of their activities for many days, investigated and judged, found an electric car driven by the suspect in a residential building, and finally found the rental house where the suspect lived.

As more evidence of the suspect was locked, the members of the arrest team deliberated and decided to arrest the suspect on the afternoon of January 8. However, an unexpected situation caused the police to change the arrest plan. Zhao Zhiyang said: "At the beginning, we wanted to arrest him on the way from work, but when the suspect appeared in our field of vision, we saw that he was also leading a little boy who was about three or four years old. We analyzed that he should have just picked up the child and was ready to go home from school. In order not to adversely affect the child, we decided to change the timing of the arrest to the next morning after he had delivered the child. ”

At 7:25 a.m. on January 9, Xi Mouqi led the child out as usual. At 7:40, when Xi Mouqi sent the child to the kindergarten to prepare to return, the arrest team police who had already crouched at the entrance of the kindergarten rushed up and successfully arrested Xi Mouqi.

After the suspect was arrested, the Xiamen police and the Yangquan police conducted a surprise interrogation of him, but the progress was not smooth. Xi Mouqi not only did not confess the facts of the crime, but also flatly denied that he had ever been to Yangquan. The police did not give up, and xi Mouqi was moved by Xi Mouqi to understand the reason, in the face of a large number of traces of physical evidence, Xi Mouqi finally no longer denied, and confessed the identity information of the second criminal suspect - his classmate in the same village, Zhang Moulian, a small name of the three-lame man.

The police of the arrest group immediately contacted the police who stayed in Xun County to find clues about Zhang Moulian in the local area, and quickly obtained important clues that Zhang Moulian was working in Shijingshan, Beijing. The police decided to go to Beijing immediately to arrest them. At this time, Zhang Moulian in Beijing had learned of Xi Mouqi's arrest and was already on his way back from Beijing to his hometown in Xun County.

From Beijing to Xun County, the most convenient means of transportation is the twice-a-day bus. But which car is Zhang Mou sitting on? What time will you arrive at your destination? What should I do if I get off the bus halfway through? In response to this emergency, the police immediately carried out in-depth research and judgment, and searched for relevant information in many aspects. At this time, Zhao Zhiyang stumbled upon a business card of the driver of the Beijing-Xunxian bus on the Internet, and with the mentality of trying it out, the police called the bus driver and asked about the relevant information of the bus on the grounds of "taking the courier". According to the feedback from the driver, the bus will get off the highway from the Neihuang Expressway at about 12 o'clock that night, so the police crouched in advance and prepared to arrest.

However, the unexpected situation has emerged again.

The truth of the murder was finally punished

A drop of blood unravels the mystery of 20 years of murder

In the early morning of January 11, the weather was foggy, causing the highway to divert the highway at the high-speed entrance, and the suspect may have taken a bus that did not arrive on time. The police judged that the bus is likely to change to ordinary roads. Therefore, the police decided to attack head-on and intercept the bus on the road. That night, the fog was difficult to travel, the visibility was extremely low, the police divided into several roads to encircle and intercept, and finally at 2 a.m. in Nanle County, Puyang City, Henan Province, found a bus parked on the side of the road, and caught the second criminal suspect Zhang Moulian, who had absconded for more than 20 years.

On the way back to the Hebi City Public Security Bureau, the public security police conducted a surprise interrogation of Zhang Moulian. Zhang Moulian truthfully confessed the criminal facts of the robbery of the taxi that year, and confessed the relevant information of the third suspect, Zhang Mouxiang. At about 11:00 a.m. on the same day, the special police who stayed in Xiamen, with the cooperation of the Xiamen police, successfully arrested the third criminal suspect, Zhang Mouxiang, near the Changgeng Hospital in Haicang District.

With the arrest of the last criminal suspect, the "7.26" robbery and murder case lasted for 20 years, and finally successfully solved, and the criminal experience was restored.

According to the criminal suspect's confession, in 1999, Zhang Mouxiang, Xi Mouqi and Zhang Moulian came to Yangquan together to work at a construction site. On the day of the crime, the three men each brought a knife, a rope and a rebar and planned to hijack a taxi back to their hometown. When the vehicle drove near Changling Village, the criminal suspect Zhang Moulian asked Feng moumou to pull over and stop on the grounds that he wanted to untie his hands. When the vehicle stopped, the criminal suspect Xi Mouqi, who was sitting in the back seat, strangled Feng Mouqi's neck with a rope prepared in advance, zhang Mouxiang, a criminal suspect sitting in the co-pilot, stabbed the driver Feng Mouxiang with a knife, and the criminal suspect Zhang Moulian beat Feng Mou with rebar. In the course of the fight, Feng mou resisted with a knife and slashed the arm of the suspect Xi Mouqi, thus leaving the key evidence to solve the case. To this day, Xi Mouqi's arm can still see the scars of the injury at that time.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. At present, the three criminal suspects have been arrested by the procuratorate, and what awaits them will be the punishment of the law.

(This article is transferred from Yangquan Public Security WeChat public account)