
One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

author:Basketball encyclopedia

In the ever-changing basketball arena, often a ball can determine the direction of a game, and even determine the career of a player. Throughout the history of basketball, there are many players whose careers have changed because of one goal, some of them have exploded with self-confidence, and some of them have since collapsed. So let's take stock of the players today!

1. Wang Shipeng killed Slovenia

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

At the 2006 World Championships in Japan, China's match against Slovenia, Wang Shipeng threw a career-changing goal. With 5.8 seconds left in the fourth quarter, Slovenia attacked and looked set to victory with a two-point advantage. But the next situation surprised everyone, Wang Shipeng threw a three-pointer outside the three-point line to kill Slovenia. This ball is one of the greatest balls in the history of the Chinese men's basketball team, and it also greatly increases Wang Shipeng's self-confidence, and he has played more and more well since then, and even won the CBA Finals MVP a few years later.

2, Ray Allen's amazing three points saved James

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

It was a well-known three-pointer that happened in the 2013 NBA Finals, and it was Ray Allen's equalizing three-pointer that gave the Heat the final championship. This three-pointer not only caused the Spurs to lose the championship, but also brought James a second championship trophy of his career. James, who has been criticized for holding the group, has gradually improved his wind evaluation, and if James had not won the Finals that year, his historical status would certainly not be as good as it is now.

3. Kobe Bryant fights until the Achilles tendon is broken

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

On April 13, 2013, during the Lakers' game against the Warriors, Bryant fell to the ground injured during a breakthrough and was later diagnosed with a ruptured Achilles tendon. It was the last highlight of Bryant's career, when Bryant averaged 27.3 points per game at the age of 34 and was clearly still at the tail end. However, Kobe Bryant did everything to send the Lakers into the playoffs, which also overdrawn his career life. It was this goal that made Bryant play time and data sharply reduced, and kobe chose to retire three years later.

4. Nick Anderson's free throws don't fall into the shadows

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

In the 1995 NBA Finals, Nick Anderson missed consecutive free throws at key moments of the game, giving the Magic a win to the Bulls. In the end, the Magic also missed the NBA championship that year, and that penalty also became the biggest shadow of Nick's career. After the 1995 Finals, Nick never hit more than 70 percent of his free throws this season, and twice below 50 percent. And Nick's average has never averaged 15.3 points per game, knowing that he once averaged 19.9 points per game. Those few free throws caused a rising star to fall.

5. Carter buckled the French center

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

At the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Carter staged a scene that violated the laws of physics, and he jumped high to buckle a 2.13-meter-tall French center Freddy. This earth-shattering dunk is still talked about today, and this goal has also changed Ferredi's career. Ferredi, who was selected by the Knicks with the 15th pick in 1999, should have been able to start his NBA career, but after being blocked by Carter, countless public opinions made it impossible for Freddy to continue playing in the NBA. Freddy has since been active in the Spanish league, but he is a little bit off with the NBA, the highest stage in basketball.

One ball to the top! 1 goal to change the fate of the top 5 players in his career: Ray Allen against the sky 3 points to save James

Sometimes just one goal can change a lot of things and determine the direction of a player's career. But whether the outcome is good or bad, when we stand on the pitch, we should fight for victory and try to take our fate into our own hands.

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