
The citizens of Changzhi went into the vegetable garden to dig potatoes to get a good price

author:Changzhi Channel of Yellow River News Network

On September 13, the "Vegetable Garden Let Profit Huimin Potato Festival" jointly held by the suburban Xizhuang Village Committee and two enterprises was launched, and the 30,000 kilograms of ripe potatoes to be dug in the vegetable garden attracted many citizens. According to the staff of the vegetable garden, the potatoes grown in the park do not apply chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and are green and pollution-free vegetables. In the activity, the citizens can take the dug potatoes away at the lowest price, so that not only can they experience the agricultural work and enjoy the fruits of their labor, but also the potatoes are sold and the citizens are affordable.

The citizens of Changzhi went into the vegetable garden to dig potatoes to get a good price

Pictured: Changzhi citizens transport potatoes

The citizens of Changzhi went into the vegetable garden to dig potatoes to get a good price
The citizens of Changzhi went into the vegetable garden to dig potatoes to get a good price

Pictured: Citizens weighing the weight

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