
Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

author:Xinghai said entertainment

Faye Wong, everyone should know that it is a diva-level figure, and when it comes to Guan Shuyi, many young people may not know who she is now, but I think that at that time, Guan Shuyi was also an iconic figure in the Hong Kong pop music scene.

Yesterday, Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong in the pop music scene, ushered in her 54th birthday, and netizens who liked her songs sent their wishes, hoping that she could get better and better after quitting the entertainment industry this year.

Guan Shuyi was a singer who debuted at the same time as Faye Wong, and her fame at that time was no less than that of Faye Wong, but just when her future was bright, she suddenly became a single mother, and since then her fate has been completely changed.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > give birth unmarried</h1>

In fact, when Guan Shuyi officially became a singer, she also worked as a costume designer for two years, and that year she lost the rookie singing competition, and her heart was inevitably lost.

But after two years as a costume designer, she still couldn't let go of the musical dream in her heart, so she plucked up the courage to participate in a singing competition in Japan, and that time she was lucky to become the winner of the competition.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

With the title of champion, she returned to Hong Kong to develop, and spent three years polishing her first solo album "Winter Love", at the same time, she also won the "Most Popular Newcomer Award" of "Jingge Golden Song".

At this time, Guan Shuyi finally came true, stepped into the entertainment circle, became a singer, in the next few years, she released more than a dozen albums, and held many concerts, becoming a popular singer with Faye Wong.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

In addition, she also tried to develop into the film and television industry, from wong Kar-wai's "Spring Break" to Andy Lau and Guan Zhilin's "Ninety-Two Shrine Heroes' Crazy Mood Longsword" and so on, at this time, Guan Shuyi can be described as famous.

In 2002, just when Guan Shuyi was at the height of the limelight, she was suddenly exposed by the media to the news that she had a child out of wedlock, and she was 36 years old that year, which was undoubtedly the most fatal blow to Guan Shuyi, who has always shown a pure image.

Perhaps for her own image, Guan Shuyi has always refused to admit some rumors.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the child's biological father is exposed</h1>

In 2005, after three years, Guan Shuyi finally plucked up the courage to face the outside world's doubts about her, she admitted the fact that she was a single mother, and at this moment, Guan Shuyi's pure image completely collapsed.

However, for the child's biological father, Guan Shuyi did not mention anything, and since then the outside world has speculated that the child is Zeng Zhiwei,and Guan Shuyi has not responded to this.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

It was not until 2012, after the child was 12 years old, that Guan Shuyi opened a rumor and denied the rumor that Zeng Zhiwei was the father of the child, but she was still reluctant to disclose the child's biological father to the outside world.

But not long after, Guan Shuyi announced the mystery of the child's life to the outside world, it turned out that Zeng Zhiwei had been lying innocently for 12 years, and the child's biological father was a Buddhist disciple in Bhutan.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

In addition, she also complained that this living Buddha of Bhutan had never given her son a phone call in 12 years, and had always ignored her son, perhaps it was the other party's desperation that forced her to expose his identity as the father of the child.

Such a powerful news really brushed up the three views of everyone, because in everyone's impression, monks have always been six pure people, do not kill, do not eat meat, do not drink, as for marrying women and having children, it is even more unreasonable.

However, Guan Shuyi did something with this living Buddha of Bhutan, and more importantly, the two were still unmarried and had children, which inevitably made people feel difficult to accept, and Guan Shuyi also ruined her great future because of this incident.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > quit the entertainment industry</h1>

In fact, after Guan Shuyi gave birth to a child, she also tried to restore her singing career, but the reality was cruel, and at the same time as her career was stagnant, she was completely deadlocked with the company, which also made it difficult for her to continue to mix in the entertainment industry.

Without a career, this is undoubtedly a sunny thunderbolt for a single mother, coupled with her love life is a mess, so during that time, the outside world is almost full of negative news about Guan Shuyi's poor spirits.

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

In the end, under the double blow of love and career, Guan Shuyi also gradually retired from the entertainment industry, and it was not until April this year that she officially announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry, and also declared:

"I've seen the ugliest side and haven't gotten the respect I deserve."

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

After seeing the news of her announcement of her withdrawal, netizens also felt sorry for her, no matter how to say that she was also a singer in the Hong Kong music scene in the 90s, but the glory of the past has become a cloud of the past.

Now that her news is coming out again, almost all of it is news of living on the streets, living a miserable life, and even being exposed to having no money to live in a hotel, such a fate is really lamentable, is it because she had a child with a monk?

Guan Shuyi, who was once on a par with Faye Wong, a 36-year-old child born with a living Buddha in Bhutan, ushered in the 54th birthday of the 54th and the father of the unmarried child was exposed to quit the entertainment circle

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

The so-called mistake into a thousand ancient hatred, perhaps this is it, originally the future is very good, but fell in love with the wrong person, did the wrong thing, and finally ended up so far.

Having children alone, raising children alone, facing gossip and gossip alone, all of which she had to bear alone, and even the living Buddha she was here did not know whether she would be condemned by her conscience.

Finally, I wish Guan Shuyi a happy birthday! Although she no longer has the glory she once had, her singing voice will always be a representative of the classic.

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