
"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

author:Heal girl


In 1960, the fourth child of the Song family in the Beijing compound fell to the ground.

Her mother, who loved art, named her Song Dandan.

She also has two older sisters, Song Yingying and Song Qingqing, and a big brother, Song Beishan.

The eldest sister hated the name of the three sisters as "too petty bourgeois", so she secretly took the household registration book to change her name and changed Song Dandan to Song Changying.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

As a result, when I returned home and was caught by my mother, the eldest sister had to change her name back.

When Song Dandan's gender consciousness was budding, she was most eager to get the attention and love of her eldest brother Song Beishan.

This brother, who is 10 years older than himself, is the proud son of heaven.

He joined the party at the age of 17 and was sent to the Beijing Foreign Chinese College, where he became a diplomat after graduation.

He often joked with Song Dandan: "Dan Dan will grow up in the future, that is, the meat seller of 'Chang Fa De' in hutongkou." ”

At that time, Song Dandan, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, was thick and strong, tall and round, and indeed had some resemblance to the girl who sold meat in the butcher shop.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

At that time, Song Beishan would not have thought that he would become the vice governor of Shanxi Province in the future, and his fat little sister would be popular all over the country.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

In 1979, Song Dandan was still in her third year of high school, and The old man of the month gave her a red line.

This year, it is the boom period of the recovery of the college entrance examination, and many enthusiastic young people have returned to school to realize a college dream.

One of them, a veteran named Yuan Gang, was assigned to Song Dandan's class.

This handsome and handsome man, who was one meter tall and eighty-four, immediately hit Song Dandan's girlish heart.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Good fellow, God gave her another chance to capture the "heart".

That day, between classes, Song Dandan went to the toilet, and his feet slipped and he looked like he was about to roll downstairs.

As a result, Yuan Gang caught her from behind, and the two looked at each other affectionately, like an idol drama.

But Song Dandan is not satisfied with this, she still has to "do".


That afternoon, Song Dandan wrote a note and stuffed it into Yuan Gang.

The note read: "I hate you because you saved me, and I have to transfer because I can't learn anything!" ”

When Yuan Gang saw it, he immediately wrote a three-page reply letter and asked Song Dandan to meet in Beihai Park.

At this sight, I had to. Young men and women with hormones splashed fell in love in an instant.

After that, Song Dandan, who had returned to the "beautiful man", no longer had the heart to study, and his grades plummeted.

Just when Song Dandan was immersed in the fantasy of love, reality pushed her into the abyss.

The following year, after the end of the college entrance examination, Yuan Gang was successfully admitted to the law department of Peking University, while Song Dandan was left behind by Sun Shan.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

In order to follow in Yuan Gang's footsteps, Song Dandan decided to fight the college entrance examination again, aiming at the Communication University of China.

Unexpectedly, reality once again gave Song Dandan a painful blow.

At this time, Song Dandan was disheartened, but God quietly opened a window for her.

It was 1981, and Song Dandan's neighbor Zhang Qi took a newspaper and excitedly told Song Dandan: "Beijing Renyi is recruiting students!" I think you should be an actor, you learn too much like a teacher and a classmate. ”

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

However, Song Dandan's brow still did not stretch.

Because she is 21 years old, she does not know what Beijing Renyi does, and she has never seen the so-called drama.

But Zhang Qi told her that she didn't need to sing when acting in a drama, just talking.

Song Dandan said that he was the most skilled, so he did not know how to sign up.

This was the only way out for Song Dandan, otherwise she would have to sell soy sauce.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

In the examination room, Song Dandan was very "hardworking".

When others read poems, she read aloud the enrollment brochure of Beijing Renyi.

Someone else performed a dance, and she did broadcast gymnastics.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Ingenious and confident, it has attracted a series of praise from the recruiting teachers.

After three attempts, Song Dandan almost muted the fire.


At that time, the blue sky wild teacher who was in charge of the recruitment examination decided to make it difficult for Song Dandan.

So, I gave her a question: Mom was sick, call Dad.

Blue Sky Wild, who played his father, was very cunning, and Song Dandan even made two phone calls, and he said that he did not answer.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Until the third time finally connected, Song Dandan generally snot a handful of tears said the line, and when he was finished, he also came a sentence: "Dad, you are fast... Come on, bring me two bottles of yogurt when you come! ”

This sentence directly made the audience laugh and bend over.

The stone in Song Dandan's heart finally landed: Beijing Renyi could not run.

But one of the recruiting teachers poured a basin of cold water on her: "Song Dandan is too fat to be on stage." ”

Song Dandan stomped his feet in a hurry: "Isn't there still half a year's probationary time?" I'm sure I'll lose weight, and if I can't lose weight, you'll be able to fire me again."

This force did not accept defeat and pulled her again.

In this way, Song Dandan, who had no foundation, broke into the school gate of Beijing Renyi.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

When she got to school, the first thing she did was lose weight.

Every day of high-intensity training, she did not even dare to eat a full meal.

In half a year, Song Dandan lost a full 30 pounds and became a water spirit girl with a melon face and a pointed chin.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

But at this time, Song Dandan never thought of being an elegant artist.

What she wanted was a kiss, a home, and Yuan Gang's life.

With such a simple wish, God wanted to let Song Dandan go through twists and turns.


In 1983, Song Dandan decided to stay in Beijing Renyi and work as a drama actor.

In one rehearsal after another, Song Dandan often played the female daughter of the palace, and did not have a single line.

But Song Dandan did not mind, she commuted to work on time every day, with a fixed salary, and was very happy.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Song Dandan thought he would be so stable, but Yuan Gang's decision broke everything.

This year, Yuan Gang graduated from Peking University and wanted to go abroad.

When Song Dandan learned about it, he collapsed on the spot.

You know, in those years, Song Dandan's brothers and sisters went abroad one after another.

She had had enough of that longing for a long time.

She longed for Yuan Gang to be crippled, even if he was fractured, so she could guard him every day.

But she was destined not to be able to keep Yuan Gang, and her feelings for 5 years were shattered in an instant.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Years later, Song Dandan wrote in his autobiography: "He never saw our fate as being together, and he never wanted to walk the path of life with me." ”

At that time, she looked at the back of Yuan Gang who went to the ocean, and the tears flowed to her mouth, all of which were the taste of youth.

This year, Yingda, who received a bachelor's degree in science and science, decided to go to the Central Academy of Drama to study directing, but was turned away because of his high myopia.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

At that time, Song Dandan could not have imagined that this man was the disaster of his life.

This year, Song Dandan was 23 years old.

Yuan Gang is gone, the love is gone, and she can only concentrate on her career.

This one, indeed, made a little famous.


In 1984, Song Dandan won the first prize of the Ministry of Culture with "Red and White Happy Event", with a prize of 1,000 yuan.

At that time, Song Dandan's salary was only 23 yuan, which was equivalent to her salary for three or four years.

She clutched the heavy 1,000 yuan, and she was happy.

But soon, she couldn't laugh.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

The day after the award, she happily went to work and found that her crew colleagues were all unusual.

Everyone went on an outing together, and the snacks were not hers; after the performance was over, the logistics staff deliberately skipped her.

Another colleague whispered: "Song Dandan's award was won by patting the horse." ”

The old colleague was even more blunt: "I have not saved 1,000 yuan in my life, you are a small hairy child, why do you earn 1,000 yuan in a play." ”

At that moment, Song Dandan finally understood a word called jealousy.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Of course, Song Dandan is not a good bully, she put down a harsh word: "You have to get used to it, I will win more awards in the future." ”

In a word.

This year, Song Dandan also did a big thing.

At that time, she was still immersed in the sadness of lost love, and a man appeared in her life with deep affection.

Song Dandan was like grabbing a driftwood and plunging headlong into the other party's sea of love.

Three months later, the two were licensed to marry.

But this marriage still failed to redeem Song Dandan.

A year later, the marriage fell apart.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

On the day of the divorce, the ex-husband and Song Dandan said: "If you have a name in the future, on any occasion or under any circumstances, never mention my name." ”

Sure enough, more than twenty years later, Song Dandan's marriage has become an unsolved mystery.

Here, it is 4 years since Song Dandan became popular and counted down.


In 1985, Song Dandan received his first TV series: "Looking for the World To Come Back".

In it, she plays Song Xiaoli, a working student who is rolling around and misbehaving.

Song Dandan read the script and found that this role lacked a growth background.

Therefore, she took the initiative to change the script, adding a touch of tragedy to the characters.

In the end, this drama allowed Song Dandan to win the Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actress.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

At this time, Song Dandan was already famous in Beijing.

The bowl of rice that God gave her, she served more and more steadily.

The following year, a film adaptation of Lao She's novel of the same name, "Crescent Moon", won Song Dandan an international award.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

After winning the award three times and four times, even the Blue Sky Wild Teacher who was not optimistic about her at the beginning was shocked.

At that time, Zhao Bao had just gone to Beijing Renyi to watch the debriefing performance.

Seeing Song Dandan on the stage, it was simply amazing: "She is the only genius among the actors I have ever seen." ”

At that time, Song Dandan's career was booming, and at the same time, love also followed.

In 1987, Yingda returned from the United States divorced, and before mourning for his mother, he wanted to seek development in China.

At that time, it coincided with the rehearsal of the new drama "Arsonist" by Beijing Renyi, and it was necessary to intern as a director, and Yingda stayed.

Unexpectedly, he collided with Song Dandan, who was playing soy sauce in the play.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

One is a returnee elite, and the other is pure and lovely. One after the other, the two secretly held hands.

Under the roots of the Imperial City, Yingda took Song Dandan and made a promise for a lifetime.

Two years later, Song Dandan and Yingda received their permits at the Dongcheng District Subdistrict Office.

This decision laid the groundwork for the future dog blood drama.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

In the sweetness of the newlywed, an Easter egg smashed into Song Dandan again.

At the Spring Festival Gala that year, seven language programs were killed, and the director was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Therefore, he hurriedly called Zhao Lianjia and asked him to come to the rescue.

Zhao Lianjia wrote the script of "Lazy Man Blind Date" three times five divided by two.

But in the selection of actresses, it is difficult. Soon, someone recommended Song Dandan.

But Song Dandan refused as soon as she heard it, because she felt that the role was too pretentious and afraid of ruining her own image.

As a result, the director scolded her: "Do you know how many people want to go to the Spring Festival Gala?" ”

So, Song Dandan twisted and pinched onto the stage.

Unexpectedly, the sentence "My name is Wei Shufen, female, 29 years old, still unmarried" pushed her to the peak of her life.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

After that, Song Dandan was even more out of control.


In 1990, the unknown Huang Hong wrote a script for "Supernatural Guerrilla" and planned to star with his wife Duan Xiaojie.

Just when he was about to take this script to the competition, he suddenly added a baby role.

This role, unsurprisingly, fell on Song Dandan.

At that time, Song Dandan was already pregnant with Liujia, which coincided with the pregnant mother in the play.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

At the New Year's Day party that year, this sketch burst out of the sky, painting Huang Hong and Song Dandan's career with a strong stroke.

Up to this point, the status of Song Dandan's sketch queen cannot be shaken.

This year, Yingda officially became the director of Beijing Renyi and began to explore British comedy.

This unprecedented path is destined to be full of thorns.

What makes Yingda even more distressed is that the contradiction between marriage and Song Dandan is reborn.

At that time, Yingda's ten fingers did not stick to the spring water of the yang, and Song Dandan was tired of his career in one hand and a baby in the other.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

As soon as Song Dandan complained, the two of them were going to quarrel.

At that time, the people of the whole country wanted to laugh when they saw Song Dandan, but they did not think that when they got off the stage, she was drowned out by the trivialities of marriage like ordinary women.

In those years, Song Dandan and Huang Hong successively cooperated in "Little Nanny and Little Carpenter", "Hand in Hand", "Wedding", "Yang Song Love" and many other sketches, and won the prize and won the soft hand.

But such a Song Dandan is painful.

It was 1993, and it was late at night after Song Dandan had finished recording the Spring Festival Gala, and when he returned home, he found that his son Batuu was very hot.

She went to the hospital with Batuu in a hurry, and the doctor on duty found that it was Song Dandan, and couldn't help but smile.

Song Dandan was in a hurry, but the doctor said, "How did you get that open tooth, tell me, I will show you." ”

It wasn't until Song Dandan told him, "My teeth are stained black," that the doctor on duty prescribed Batuu medicine.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

At that moment, Song Dandan's heart was full of grievances and anger.

It was also from that moment that she decided to give up the Spring Festival Gala and transform.

At that time, Song Dandan, immersed in his career, was completely unaware of the impending crisis.


That year, "I Love My Home" made Indah survive.

For a time, Indah became the father of sitcoms, and no one has surpassed it so far.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

The success of Yingda has made him and Song Dandan a model couple in the entertainment industry.

But it didn't take long for the scandal between Yingda and Liang Huan to spread throughout beijing.

This Liang Huan is the younger sister of the writer Liang Zuo, with a mediocre appearance, but she is a talented woman from Peking University.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

The brain has ink, the conversation is humorous, and it instantly captures Yingda's heart.

Song Dandan could not swallow this breath and filed for divorce on the spot.

But Yingda did not let go of his mouth, so he dragged Song Dandan.

At that time, this dog blood plot made the Ying family, the Song family and the Liang family very embarrassed.

The Liang family even let it go, if Liang Huan was obsessed, he would break off the relationship.

But Liang Huan seemed to be poisoned, and even if public opinion was lined with bullets, it could not stop her.

Song Dandan, who was in a desperate situation, in loneliness and hardship, the red apricot came out of the wall.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

This triangle storm has been a riot for three years.

In 1997, Indah finally agreed to divorce Song Dandan, on the premise that Batu would stay in the Ying family.

The magic thing is that in such a commotion, Yingda's father Yingruo collapsed in anger, was admitted to the hospital, and never came out again.

On the other side, Yingda, the front foot divorced, and the back foot married Liang Huan.

Batuu and Liang Huan are bound to be incompatible. Helplessly, Yingda could only give custody to Song Dandan.

After that, Song Dandan took Batu and threw himself into the arms of Zhao Yuanji, and Yingda never saw each other again.

With Song Dandan in the third spring, the career has entered another climax.

In 1999, Song Dandan and Zhao Benshan's "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" became a hit on the screen, and "White Cloud And Black Earth" became another classic of Song Dandan.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Later, "Family with Children" made Song Dandan even more popular for ten years.

On the other side, Yingda and Liang Huan lived a life of wide heart and fat body.

I thought that this former couple, one and two wide, were all right.

As a result, the scolding battle between the two did not stop.


In 2007, Song Dandan published an autobiography of "The Depths of Happiness", telling the past of Heyingda.

As a result, Yingda, who was stabbed, denounced Song Dandan for having a mental illness.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Later, Yingda took her youngest son to the show and sold the loving father's personality.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Song Dandan, who seized the opportunity, was even more anti-general, accusing Indah of ignoring Batuu.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

The paradox of fate is that Song Dandan, who has acted in comedy all his life, is still played by life.

Today, Song Dandan, who is over 60 years old, has retired from Beijing Renyi.

Wei Shufen, Heping, Baiyun Black Earth, Liu Mei... It will eventually become a thing of the past.

In the 27th year since "I Love My Home" aired, 11 actors have passed away.

The grudge between Song Dandan and Yingda also turned into that word of thanks.

"Beijing Circle Celebrity" Song Dandan's entertainment circle ups and downs

Someone asked, Song Dandan and Liang Huan, who is happier?

After Liang Huan married Yingda, she married her husband and godson, and was a pure literary woman.

And Song Dandan snuggled in Zhao Yuanji's arms and became a small woman.

It can only be said that both Song Dandan and Liang Huan asked for benevolence.

After all, this matter of feelings is the honey of A and the arsenic of B.

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