
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

author:Tingzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Text: Qianyu

Editor|Tingzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

Last night's entertainment industry was really "noisy with gongs and drums, and firecrackers rang out".

Film and television stars from all walks of life have tried their best to compete for beauty.

Just to attend the Magnolia Awards Ceremony.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

As one of the three major awards for Chinese film and television, the Magnolia Award belongs to the "battleground" of the film and television industry.

Whenever the grand ceremony is held, there will always be a "bloody war".

Last night's magnolia, without exception, is still "surging".

Some people shed tears on the spot, and some people "failed to ascend".

The traffic and topic degree are directly full, and it is very lively.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

But in this entertainment feast.

The most interesting thing is the "laurel" competition for various awards.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

01 Zhou Xun's second seal caused controversy and was questioned as "unworthy"

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Last night's Magnolia, the crew of "Flowers" shined and won the first 5 awards after the broadcast.

Especially Hu Ge, who defeated Fan Wei, Ding Yongdai and other old drama bones, and won the "Best Actor" in one fell swoop.

Just when everyone thought that "Flowers" was going to win the double crown of "Queen, Emperor".

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Zhou Xun broke out of the encirclement with "Imperfect Victim", defeated Tang Yan, and won the "Best Actress".

Zhou Xun that night wore Chanel's spring and summer haute couture.

The gold-wire glasses in her ears make her whole person elegant and calm.

When he took the stage to accept the award, Zhou Xun couldn't hide his smile and said generously:

"Magnolia is the highest award, as an actor, I still want to win it."
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

9 years ago, Zhou Xun became Magnolia's "queen" with Dai Jiulian in "Red Sorghum".

9 years later, with lawyer Lin Kan, Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Best Actress again.

Suddenly, Zhou Xun's entry of "After the Second Seal" quickly rushed to the hot search list.

"After the second seal" should have been her great honor.

It's a pity that when Zhou Xun was interviewed backstage, he responded to "The Biography of Ruyi".

cast a shadow over her "behind-the-eye" laurels.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

After the award, a reporter asked her:

"Zhou Xun, what do you think of the problem of "The Legend of Ruyi" being ridiculed by the group some time ago?

Zhou Xun responded:

"This is what this is in this era, in this space, everyone can do whatever they want, just be happy."
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and as soon as these words came out, netizens instantly fried the pot and automatically divided into two factions.

Some netizens believe that Zhou Xun has a high attitude and does not admit that his acting skills have shortcomings.

's acting skills in "The Legend of Ruyi" are embarrassing and exaggerated, and Lin Kan played in "Imperfect Victim" is also mediocre.

On the contrary, it is Miss Wang played by Tang Yan in "Flowers", who is delicate and bright, and her acting skills are very outstanding.

After the Magnolia this time, Zhou Xun was "not worthy" and should be awarded to Tang Yan.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Another part of netizens believes that Zhou Xun is the first "Three Golden Queens".

has debuted for many years, and has created countless classic roles, and his acting skills are beyond doubt.

She plays Lin Kan, with delicate crying scenes and precise lines, which undoubtedly reveals the professional quality and skills of the old drama bones.

The Magnolia "Best Actress" award this time is well-deserved.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

The two camps, not giving in to each other, are fighting each other on the Internet.

In fact, everyone has their own "Best Actress" in their hearts.

The crown of "Magnolia Afterview" is the result of the organizer's deliberations on a variety of factors.

We laymen, just "join in the fun" and look at the skin.

Why bother making a fuss, you can't make a fuss.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Just when Zhou Xun was caught in the whirlpool of "talent is not worthy", Haiqing, who presented her with the award, was also hotly discussed by netizens.

02 Haiqing laughed at herself as a "Magnolia resentful woman", and her speech with high emotional intelligence received a lot of praise

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

In this year's Magnolia, Haiqing did not participate in the "award battle".

Instead, he appeared as a unit judge.

I saw that Haiqing was wearing a bright green bandeau dress.

stepped on a pair of light white high heels, joined hands with Wu Yue, and walked over.

It's just that Haiqing, who is incomprehensible, calls herself "Magnolia Resentful Woman" as soon as she opens her mouth.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Why does Haiqing call herself a "Magnolia Resentful Woman"?

The origin of this title has to start from the previous Magnolia "After-the-Scenes Dispute".

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

At the 16th Magnolia Festival, Haiqing was nominated for "Best Actress" for the first time with "Snail House".

Haiqing, who was fledgling at the beginning of the year, met the old artist Bai Han.

The "After-Sight" crown was won by Bai Han, and Haiqing regretted defeat.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

In 2013, Haiqing was nominated for Magnolia again with "Mei Xiaohu" in "Heart Technique".

But she met Song Dandan this time. Although "Mei Xiaohu" performed very well, it was still slightly inferior.

Therefore, Song Dandan won the "after-view" of this magnolia.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Subsequently, Haiqing was silent for 4 years.

In the 23rd Magnolia competition, with his proud work "Little Farewell".

Nominated three times for the Magnolia "Best Actress" award.

After this year's view, Haiqing was originally "inevitable".

It's a pity. met Yin Tao, who was "open".

Yin Tao relied on the mighty and domineering "Luo Yuzhu" and won the 23rd "Queen".

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

It's time for the 26th Magnolia.

This time, she lost to Yan Ni and did not win the Magnolia "Queen" crown.

It is precisely because Haiqing has nominated Magnolia 4 times and accompanied him 4 times.

This "tragic" experience made netizens jokingly call her "Magnolia Resentful Woman." ”

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Facing the ridicule of netizens, Haiqing smiled generously and laughed at himself:

"Everyone on the Internet says that I am a gnolia resentful woman, I think it is better to be a resentful woman than to be a judge, at least the resentful woman is not entangled."

"I don't have anything to complain about, because acting is endless, there are always people who are better than you, and we have to be on par with the best."

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Haiqing's high emotional intelligence speech not only allowed her to alleviate the embarrassment caused by the "Magnolia resentful woman".

At the same time, he also reaped a lot of goodwill for himself.

At that time, many netizens left messages:

"As an actor, Haiqing's attitude towards work is admirable."
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Although this Magnolia Award made Zhou Xun and Haiqing feel embarrassed.

However, it made Song Dandan's goddaughter Jiang Yan, "fame and fortune" the biggest winner.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

03 Jiang Yan won the "Best Supporting Actress", gaining fame and fortune

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner
"Everyone is not optimistic about you, but you are the most competitive."

This sentence is the most appropriate to describe Jiang Yan.

At first, Jiang Yan was not a popular winner of this year's Magnolia Awards.

Compared with Song Jia and Ni Hongjie, who were shortlisted with her, Jiang Yan is more like a little transparent.

But it was this little transparent that won Magnolia's "Best Supporting Actress" in one fell swoop.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

This time, Jiang Yan's nominated role is Yao Yuling in "South to North".

"South to North" is an emotional group drama of the era.

Yao Yuling, played by Jiang Yan, has a somewhat vain personality, which is not a likable character.

is such a "money worshipping girl", Jiang Yan performed another style with her own excavation of the role.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Yao Yuling's character is characterized by beauty, and she is also very good at using her beauty.

When she ran into Niu Dali in the car.

The corners of his mouth are smiling, his eyes are like silk, and his every move is amorous.

With her excellent acting skills, Jiang Yan portrayed Yao Yuling's charm into three points.

Therefore, she won the Best Supporting Actress in Magnolia this time, which can be said to be "well deserved".

However, it was this road that made Jiang Yan walk for 20 years.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Jiang Yan was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province.

In 2005, he stepped into the showbiz as a sketch actor.

After entering the showbiz, he has been in a state of "running the show".

In 2012, during the filming of "The Marriage of Lao Mi's Family", she became Song Dandan's "goddaughter".

As soon as this incident came out, she endured a lot of pressure from the outside world.

Many people questioned her and recognized Song Dandan as a "little mother" in order to enjoy the shade with her back against the big tree.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

In the face of such doubts, Jiang Yan did not make a defense.

just concentrated on precipitating himself, seriously honing his acting skills, and maintaining his dedication to his acting career.

In order to achieve the point of "the unity of human drama", Jiang Yan did not hesitate to experience the living environment of the characters in the play.

Even if she is so serious, Jiang Yan once faced no drama to film.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

Faced with the precarious status quo, Jiang Yan did not give up.

More actively participate in the experience activities of various characters, and dig deep into the inner world of each character.

Perhaps it is this awe of performing arts that Jiang Yan ushered in the broad stage of "South to North".

let her fully show her acting talent, and walked into the hearts of the audience with sincere emotions and superb acting skills.

On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

From small transparent to Magnolia "Best Supporting Actress".

The hardships along the way were not easy, which made Jiang Yan choke up and cry several times on the stage of receiving the award.

Fortunately, gold always shines, and Jiang Yan, who has been unknown for 20 years, finally blooms with brilliance.

Looking forward to the coming days, Jiang Yan can move towards a broader stage.


On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner

The annual film and television festival has come to an end.

For celebrities, the Magnolia Award is not just an award, but represents that the audience recognizes their unremitting efforts on the road of acting.

At this moment, the trophy is no longer insignificant, more like a manifestation of self-worth.

As Tang Yan said:

"The nomination is an affirmation, on this occasion today, everyone here is an excellent actor, and no matter who wins the award, it is worth celebrating."
On the night of Magnolia, Hai Qing became a resentful woman, and Zhou Xun was questioned, but Song Dandan's goddaughter was the winner


1. Born for the play, the first person to win the Grand Slam of the Three Golden Queens. Phoenix Finance. [2024-01-31].

2. Zhou Xun: When I was 40 years old, I wanted people to say that I was a good actor. Sina Entertainment. [2023-01-03].

3. Hai Qingcheng is the image ambassador of Chinese and American films, and the bandeau long skirt shows the fragrant shoulders. Sina Entertainment. [2024-03-21].

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