
Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision


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Editor: Xiao Yi

"Peach Blossom Dock will be my last job in life!" This is what Song Dandan said.

When it comes to Song Dandan's name, it can really be described as a household name.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

She is the "Xia Dongmei" in "Family with Children", and she is also the "White Cloud" who loves vanity on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Now she has become the affectionate "patriarch" in "Peach Blossom Dock".

Song Dandan's figure seems to accompany us forever, but recently, she revealed her true health status in the show.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

What did Song Dandan say? What is her current physical condition?

The body is not as good as before

"I realize my body is starting to lose its strength!" This is what Song Dandan said when he participated in the show recently.

Song Dandan used to be a frequent guest on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and left many wonderful performances, but as he grew older, Song Dandan gradually withdrew from the stage and devoted himself to variety shows.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

From "Wonderful Story" to "Longing for Life", and then to "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom Dock", although he was out of the stage, Song Dandan still showed the humorous and natural side to the audience, and became the kind and loving "Dan Ma" in the show.

In May this year, the latest season of "Peach Blossom Dock" was broadcast, and although Song Dandan was 64 years old, she still chose to be a resident guest on the show in order to bring laughter to the audience.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Just as the audience lamented that Song Dandan was well-maintained and physically tough, Song Dandan revealed his true health status in the show.

Song Dandan said that as she grew older, she often felt tired and weak, and at the same time, her body's memory was slowly declining.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

The gradual decline in physical function also gave her the idea of quitting the showbiz, and Song Dandan even bluntly said that ""Peach Blossom Dock" will be the last job in my life!

Song Dandan's words made countless viewers cry out for distress, and they also deeply regretted her decision to quit the showbiz, and when we look back on the past, we will find that Song Dandan's decision has traces to follow.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

As early as 2020, Song Dandan, who was 60 years old at the time, officially retired from Beijing Renyi due to poor health, and now, it is not surprising that she has announced that she will take "Peach Blossom Dock" as the end of her acting career.

However, compared with the warm and loving "Dan Ma" in the show, I believe what everyone misses more is her brilliant acting experience.

The source of this paragraph comes from "60-year-old Song Dandan officially retired!" "White clouds and black soil" become a permanent classic》

Song Dandan's early experience

When we look back on Song Dandan's past, we find that her career in art is very accidental!

In 1960, Song Dandan was born in a courtyard house in Beijing, his father Song Fan was a cadre of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles at that time, and his mother was a middle school art teacher.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Song Dandan is the eldest in the family, and there is an older brother and two sisters above, born in such a family, Song Dandan has been favored by the whole family since she was a child, which also makes her personality very warm and cheerful.

Because of his outstanding appearance and unflinching personality, Song Dandan was often pursued by many boys during his study, and the young and ignorant Song Dandan soon had his first love.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

This love also changed the trajectory of Song Dandan's life!

Originally, Song Dandan's grades were very good, and it was more than enough to be admitted to a good university, but because of the hot fight with his first love, Song Dandan also delayed his studies.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Finally in 1981, Song Dandan took the college entrance examination, but unexpectedly fell off the list, she instantly fell into confusion when she had no school, and a newspaper handed by a friend pointed out the way forward for Song Dandan.

The newspaper published the enrollment information of Beijing Renyi, and Song Dandan heard that there is no need to sing and dance in dramas, just use your mouth to speak, which made Song Dandan very excited.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

In this way, Song Dandan stepped into the door of Beijing Renyi by chance, although Song Dandan had not received any professional training before, but the teachers still discovered her talent for acting.

After that, Song Dandan successfully passed the selection and officially became a drama actor, and it turned out that the teachers' decision was correct.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

After entering the theater, Song Dandan has starred in many works such as "Red and White Weddings" and "God's Darling", and won many performance awards.

These works made Song Dandan famous in the entertainment industry, and also made her stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The source of this paragraph comes from Zibo Popular Network "Old photos of Song Dandan and her good-looking mother collide with her face, and her parents are literary and artistic workers"

A glittering acting experience

In 1989, Song Dandan brought "Blind Date for Lazy Men" to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and with the sentence "My name is Wei Shufen, female, 29 years old, still unmarried", she became popular all over the country overnight.

The audience's strong praise also made Song Dandan focus his work on the sketch stage.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

In 1990, Song Dandan partnered with Huang Hong again and staged a play "Superborn Guerrilla", through the wonderful interpretation of this work, Song Dandan's performance once again won the audience's recognition.

But if you want to say that the most familiar to the audience, it is the "White Cloud and Black Soil" series with Zhao Benshan, Song Dandan played the rural lady who loves vanity vividly with her excellent performance.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

So far, Song Dandan has also become a well-deserved "sketch queen", however, her acting career has been smooth sailing, but the road to love is extremely bumpy.

In 1986, Song Dandan and his first lover Yuan Gang entered the marriage hall, but the relationship between the two was no match for the firewood, rice, oil and salt in life, and in the end, the marriage between the two ended regrettably after only one year.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Later, Song Dandan, who was deeply hurt, met director Yingda at the theater, and the two became closer and closer through gradual contact.

In 1989, the two officially became husband and wife, Song Dandan also gave birth to his son Batu, and with the help of Song Dandan, Yingda also directed the first sitcom "I Love My Home" in the mainland.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Song Dandan also played the heroine "Peace" in it, and the success of this work also gave Yingda a foothold in the entertainment industry, however, this also became a rupture point in the relationship between the two.

With the continuous improvement of fame, Yingda began to stay home all night, and the relationship between the two began to gradually fade, and finally in 1997, Song Dandan announced that the two were divorced.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Soon after divorcing Yingda, Song Dandan quickly married a businessman named "Zhao Yuji", and they showed a friendly attitude towards the children they had with their predecessors.

After three marriages, Song Dandan's mood has also changed greatly, and each emotional experience has made her more determined to face life.

Song Dandan no longer avoids! admits that her physical condition is not as good as before, otherwise she would not have made such a decision

Now, as she grows older, Song Dandan's physical condition has also begun to decline, and she chooses to spend time with her family, which is also a major reason why she announced her retirement from the entertainment industry.

Although the audience is deeply reluctant to Song Dandan's departure, we hope that the old artist can have a happy old age. #长文创作激励计划#

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Song Dandan - personal life

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