
Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

author:Leezai said entertainment

After Song Dandan verbally announced in the program "Peach Blossom Dock" that he would completely withdraw from the entertainment industry and live his own retirement life.

On June 28, some netizens traveled in Aranya and met Song Dandan's family by chance.

Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

At that time, Song Dandan was wearing a black casual suit, wearing a black hat, and deliberately brought sunglasses in order to travel in a low-key manner, more than half a hundred years old, but his body has always been very strong. Walking is also neat, without dragging mud and water!

Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

Along the way, Song Dandan and her husband were close to each other, and there was a feeling that the years were quiet!

Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

In addition, the picture of Batu and his daughter-in-law traveling with the child and the nanny was also captured by netizens, although Batu's eyes have been staring at the child in the picture, it can be seen that even if the nanny is watching from the side, he is still worried about the safety of the child.

The child grew up very tall at the age of two, and many netizens said that the side face looked a bit like Song Dandan.

Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

In the photo, it can be seen that the child is surrounded by many people, everyone is walking in shoes, but the child is walking on the ground barefoot, it is estimated that he is naughty, and wants to take off his shoes and get in touch with nature!

Song Dandan Aranya vacation: Sweet feeding husband, two-year-old grandson is becoming more and more like grandma

In addition, there is also a very heartwarming scene about Song Dandan and her wife, some netizens photographed the two eating in a restaurant, Song Dandan intimately handed the food she had made to her wife Zhao Yuji's mouth and fed it, it is really full of love, who doesn't envy this kind of love when you see it!



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