
Read The Texas | Qingyun: Building a Livable, Workable and Healthy City

author:Texas News Network

On May 9th, huifeng and chang, the sky is clear, zhang Ke, who lives in the street of Bohai Road, came to Beihai Park with his family to play. The breeze is gentle, the water of a pool of water is sparkling, and several cruise ships are swaying on the lake. "There are several good landscapes for leisure and relaxation without going far out of the house, and you can see the green and the water, which is really beautiful." Zhang Ke said.

Read The Texas | Qingyun: Building a Livable, Workable and Healthy City

Beihai Park in Qingyun County, surrounded by clear water

In recent years, Qingyun has focused on living "water" articles and building a livable city with flexible water charm. Planning to create the most beautiful ecological landscape corridor of "living water at the source, two rivers and four banks of green", to achieve green water and green mountains is the golden mountain and silver mountain; at the same time, accelerate the construction of urban greening, lighting, beautification projects, street garden scenes, trees, shrubs, lawns, flowers are clearly layered, the colors are staggered, forming a characteristic three-dimensional space greening, to create a livable living environment of "pushing the window to see the green, going out to see the scenery", the city not only has "appearance", but also has more "temperament".

Enjoy the green city with clear water and blue sky

In 2020, the sales volume of commercial housing in Qingyun County increased by 51% year-on-year, of which 30% were foreign buyers; according to Jingdong big data analysis, the average decoration cost of Qingyun commercial housing last year was as high as 136,000 yuan, and the average decoration cost of relocated houses was 56,000 yuan; during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Qingyun's population growth rate was 0.38%, ranking first in the city. "Behind these three sets of data, it reflects the enhancement of the purchasing power of Qingyun citizens and the improvement of the charm of the city." Liu Haijun, director of the Qingyun County Real Estate Management Center, said.

Why does a small county with a population of only 340,000 and a relatively weak economic foundation have such a big attraction? "We 'repair both inside and outside', grasping 'appearance' on the one hand, and 'quality' on the other, improving the quality and carrying capacity of the city, and constantly creating a livable and workable living circle." Wang Xiaodong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the Qingyun County CPC Committee, said.

Good ecology, not only to nourish the industry, but also to raise people. Qingyun insists on creating a good ecology, in order to improve air quality, implement the "Green Sword Action" of environmental protection, realize the clearance of small scattered polluting enterprises, carry out voluntary tree planting activities every year, and won the title of provincial "Forest City".

We have made every effort to build a production base of high-quality agricultural products in the whole region, and created a county brand of "Eat in Qingyun" that includes green agriculture and special cuisine, and highlighted the "Qingyun Business Card" on the tip of the tongue. From soil and water treatment to fertilizer and pesticide control, and then to agricultural product testing, a comprehensive safety control system has been established to ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses.

In terms of health and livability, the implementation of rain and sewage diversion and clear water around the city two major projects, the main rivers in the urban area to achieve water system flow and penetration, the construction of the river around the wetland system, to create "one lake with two rivers, clear water around the city" green pleasant scenery.

Qingyun continues to strengthen its soft power to attract popularity. In terms of civilization improvement, we have created a "small city big love" volunteer service brand, flexibly carried out various new era civilization practice activities, actively created provincial civilized cities, and continuously improved the civilized quality of citizens. In terms of education, we will build a "happy education town" and establish high-quality education system resources at the county level from kindergartens to universities. Introduce future education schools and carry out personalized learning and teaching activities. Qingyun No.1 Middle School was awarded the title of "2020 Shengyuan Middle School" by Tsinghua University, and its strong happy education atmosphere has attracted many students from surrounding counties and cities to study... A series of strength improvements have become the foundation for Qingyun's livable quality to rise step by step. Qingyun has gradually become a "depression" that attracts the surrounding population. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Qingyun net inflow of more than 30,000 people, who are either innovative and entrepreneurial, or live and work, adding new development vitality to Qingyun.

Create a business environment of "near and far"

On February 10, Anhui Wuhu Conch Profile Co., Ltd. sent a "thank-you letter" to Qingyun County, which highly recognized and evaluated the business environment of Qingyun County.

It is understood that the Dezhou Conch Building Materials annual output of 200,000 square meters of high-end system doors and windows project was successfully put into operation in Qingyun in August 2020, and the project took only 87 days from start-up to inspection, project approval, construction and commissioning, creating a new record in the construction history of conch projects and giving enterprises the opportunity to open up the northern market. Anhui Conch Group is one of the largest building materials enterprise groups in China, ranking 367th in the world's top 500 list in 2020 and among the top 100 Chinese enterprises.

The settlement of conch profiles is only a microcosm of Qingyun County's first-class business environment. In recent years, Qingyun County has taken the optimization of the business environment as the starting point, and has continued to create an investment depression of "near and far" to attract more outstanding talents to celebrate innovation and entrepreneurship.

Qingyun County has set up the "No. 1 Reform Project" Leading Group Office to comprehensively solve the problem of business environment. Deepen the reform of "one window acceptance and one good job", take "three minus one excellent" as the starting point, promote the reengineering of the government service process, change the approval method from "series" to "parallel", and take the lead in implementing the new mode of parallel approval of construction permits, quality supervision and registration, safety measures filing, real estate development and operation right certificates, civil air defense quality supervision and registration, and file transfer contract declaration procedures in the city. Establish an agency assistant office to provide personalized agency assistant services for 201 examination and approval matters and related matters.

Through process reengineering, the county has reduced more than 240 approval materials, reduced the approval time limit by more than 60%, innovated the whole life cycle of "one thing at a time", the reform of construction projects, the reform of one industry and one certificate, and the growth rate of market players in 2020 ranked first in the city, and won the Reform and Innovation Award of the National Digital Government Service Expo. Innovate the administrative examination and approval model, fully implement the tax reduction and fee reduction policy, establish a mechanism for optimizing the business environment special observer feedback problems, and build a comprehensive supervision network.

Promote the legalization of reform matters such as simplified administration and decentralization, government-business relations, and grass-roots governance, protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and the masses, standardize government market boundaries, innovate grass-roots social governance, build the rule of law business environment into one of the strongest core competitiveness of the county, and sharpen and precipitate Qingyun's distinctive urban temperament. The good business environment has further enhanced the city's popularity and influence, and has been awarded the "Top 100 Counties with National Investment Potential" for three consecutive years, and Qingyun has gradually become an investment depression for enterprises at home and abroad.

The data shows that since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", Qingyun's market entities have reached 30,561, an increase of 15,605 over the 14,956 at the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", with a growth rate of 104.3%, and as many as 51 key projects in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have been attracted. "The strong linkage of the industry shows the charm of Qingyun's livable and workable city, and the effective integration of the upstream and downstream of the industry conforms to the concept of industrial agglomeration and development, and forms a new model of dynamic and sustainable upward development between industry, city and people." Lu Deshan, deputy secretary of the Qingyun County CPC Committee and county magistrate, said.

Do the "medicine, medicine, health, health" article

Read The Texas | Qingyun: Building a Livable, Workable and Healthy City

On May 9th, Shandong Tzu Chi Hospital (Qingyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) was inaugurated and the cross-strait (Dezhou) High-quality Development Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Care and Health Industry was held in Qingyun County. Photo by reporter Guo Qingping

On May 9th, Shandong Tzu Chi Hospital (Qingyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) was inaugurated and the cross-strait (Dezhou) High-quality Development Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Care and Health Industry was held in Qingyun County. At the meeting, 9 projects such as Internet Hospital, Xingzhitang Free Clinic, Angelica Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Cooperation Project, and Health Care Complex were signed on the spot, with a total investment of 1.49 billion yuan, adding new impetus to the development of qingyun county's medical and health industry.

The signing of this contract involves Internet medical treatment, traditional Chinese medicine training, smart pharmacy, intelligent diagnosis, Chinese herbal medicine planting and cultural tourism and health care. Among them, the smart mobile pharmacy project with an investment of 100 million yuan and the Internet hospital construction project with an investment of 10 million yuan will promote the construction of Qingyun informatization medical care and realize functions such as remote consultation and prescription sharing of medical institutions; the health care complex project with an investment of 1 billion yuan will create a unique "happiness education and health care characteristic town" in the country.

Attracting Tzu Chi Hospital to settle down, health care projects have been signed, and many TCM experts and scholars have gathered, why is Qingyun so attractive? "We continue to optimize the business environment, build a suitable ecological environment, and build a ramming base for the continuous extension, growth and agglomeration of the health care industry chain." Zhang Jianjie, deputy secretary of the Qingyun County CPC Committee, said.

Read The Texas | Qingyun: Building a Livable, Workable and Healthy City

Shandong Tzu Chi Hospital (Qingyun County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine) was opened for business. Photo by reporter Guo Qingping

Medical care and health is a green industry and a sunrise industry. In recent years, Qingyun has listed medical care and health as one of the three key development industries in the county, and has made every effort to build a health care highland around the Bohai Sea from the layout of the whole industrial chain of Chinese herbal medicine planting, processing to medical services and healthy pension. A number of large projects and good projects such as Watson Pastoral Health Leisure Tourism, Health Care Center Complex and Health Care Center Hospital have landed.

The cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine is the foundation of the medical and health industry. In promoting the innovative development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, Qingyun relies on the national dendrobium town, gives full play to the advantages of the dendrobium officinale "medicine and food homology" industry, implements the planting and cultivation project of high-quality Chinese medicinal materials, and gradually builds the dendrobium industrial park into a national-level chinese medicinal material industry science and technology demonstration park and a standardized demonstration base for Chinese herbal medicines that integrates the planting, processing, sales, sightseeing and medicinal food of medicinal materials. In addition, the county has planned a Chinese herbal medicine industrial belt south and west of the urban area, and planted Chinese medicinal materials such as burdock, banlan root, honeysuckle, dendrobium and so on on a large scale. At present, the county has planted more than 5,000 acres of Chinese medicinal materials and has been approved as a national demonstration base for traditional Chinese medicine health tourism.

High-end medical services are a necessary condition for the rise of the medical and health industry. Qingyun took the deepening of the reform of the medical and health system as the starting point, and made every effort to improve the level of medical services at the county level, and the county people's hospital was successfully promoted to a tertiary hospital. The county has established a medical association with Shandong Provincial Hospital Group, Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Aviation General Hospital, Tianjin Cancer Hospital, etc., invited experts from traditional Chinese and Western medicine to come to Qingzhou for consultation, and attracted more than 10 famous Chinese medicine experts to set up studios in Qingyun.

Health and wellness is the ideal for the development of the medical and health industry. In recent years, Qingyun has made the health pension industry focusing on the combination of medical and nursing care, forming a multi-level health pension service format and service model wisdom, diversification of investment subjects, professionalization of service teams, standardization of service processes, and high-end service brands. Taking the construction project of the medical and nursing complex of the Chinese Medicine Hospital as the leader, we will comprehensively promote the development of the Yee Hong Wisdom Elderly Care Service Center and the Shouwo Dendrobium Town Wellness Residence Project, and create a high-end healthy pension complex.

"The medical and health industry is the dominant industry and leading industry in Qingyun County, and it is necessary to seize the opportunity of the development of the medical and health industry, do a good job in combining 'medicine' and 'nursing', rely on the construction of Tzu Chi Hospital to promote the development of the medical and health industry, and make every effort to build a highland for health care around the Bohai Sea." Wang Xiaodong said.

Produced by Texas Daily New Media

Reporter | Qu Dapeng Correspondent | Wang Fancun, Ma Junliang, wang Jieling

Editor| Li Rong