
Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

author:The Fall of the Fallen City

Agubai, born in a lowly place, was the son of a poor family in Central Asia, and was regarded as a sexual plaything of the nobility even at a young age, but in the chaotic world, with his sinister cunning and fierceness, he finally prospered and established his own Hongfu Khanate.

He led 50 cavalry into Xinjiang, invincible all the way, defeated the large and small khanates, and became the de facto ruler of Xinjiang, becoming the main opponent of Zuo Zongtang to recover Xinjiang.

However, when Agubai ascended the throne, he was condemned by everyone by the people because of his tragic experience as a teenager, his psychopathy, his wanton behavior, his fish and flesh of the people, and his cruelty and tyranny, and he was known as the "Butcher of Central Asia".

Therefore, when the righteous division led by Zuo Zongtang approached the bottom of the Tianshan Mountain, the news of Agubai's violent death suddenly came out, and as for the cause of his death, the Qing Dynasty, Britain, and Tsarist Russia had their own opinions, so that it became a historical mystery.

This is the story of Agubai.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="92" > from child prostitution to king of Hongfu</h1>

Born in 1820 in a village near Tashkent, Agubai was a physician and wizard who abandoned both of them shortly after Agubai's birth.

So Agubai lived with his remarried mother, but soon after his mother died of illness, Agubai became an orphan on the wandering street.

On this day, while Agubai was begging in the street, he was suddenly seen by a richly dressed nobleman, who was Muhammad Karim Kashika, the attendant of Madari Khan.

However, it is not a good thing to be noticed by Kashika, but because Agubai is beautiful, Kashika simply wants to use it as a tool to vent his desires, which is the so-called child prostitute.

In this way, although Agubai lived a carefree life, his mind and body also suffered great damage, and even cast his tyrannical character.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

In 1842, Madari Khan was defeated in the war, killed on the battlefield, and foreign tribes invaded the Khanate of Kokand, leaving the country in chaos.

Kashika, who was Madari's attendant, also wanted to compete for the Khan's throne, but unfortunately he soon failed and lost his life.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Agubai immediately switched to his hometown of Tashkent, Burknal Mohammed Kush, and shamelessly dedicated his beautiful sister to Kushbok, thus obtaining a position as an aide-de-camp under Kush.

Kush admired Agubai and appointed him the head of five hundred men, mainly responsible for suppressing the Kazakh uprising in Tashkent.

In this way, with his own ability and military achievements, Agubai also became the Burke of Akmagit, became the chief of the Khanate of Kokand, and received the honorific title of "Yahov Burk".

In the late Qing Dynasty in 1864, the Qing government's control over Xinjiang weakened, coupled with the invasion of British and Russian forces, Turpan, Kashgar, Kucha, Khotan and other places in Xinjiang successively established civil political power, established themselves as kings, rebelled against the government, and fought endlessly.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

In order to establish the so-called orthodox prestige, he appealed to the Khanate of Kokand for help, hoping to welcome back the so-called "Holy Descendant" Yamato Zhuo's great-grandson Busuluk as a puppet and symbol.

The Great Khan of kokand, Alimukur, readily agreed and ordered Agubai to lead 50 cavalry to escort Busuruk back to Kashgar.

At this time, Agubai had already had a different heart for the Kokand Khanate, and he had a ghost fetus and tried to expand his power in Xinjiang.

As soon as he arrived in Kashgar, Agubai first joined forces with Busuluk to seize the power of Sidike, and Sidike was not willing to fail, leading more than 7,000 fighters to try to counterattack and seize power, but was defeated by more than 100 cavalry of Agubai and absorbed the remnants of Sidiq.

With Kashgar as its base and a considerable number of soldiers, Agubai was invincible, and soon defeated several independent separatist forces, unified the Seven Cities of Huibu, and established the Zhedesar Khanate, known as the "Seven Cities Khanate", still with Agubai's puppet Busuluk as the Great Khan.

Immediately after that, Agubai captured Urumqi and other places, almost unifying the southern Xinjiang region.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

At this point, he felt that his destiny was destined and that he no longer needed the so-called puppets to consolidate his rule, so he announced the expulsion of Busuluk and renamed the Jedishar Khanate "Hongfu Khanate" and called himself "King of Hongfu".

At this point, Agubai reached the peak of his life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="91" > ruled by butchers</h1>

Relying on the elite troops of more than 50,000 people he controlled, coupled with the so-called system of all soldiers, Agubai gradually gained a foothold in Xinjiang by relying on his tyrannical rule.

First, he made sharia law the supreme law of the Hongfu Khanate, and set up harsh religious courts throughout the country to try infidels and force them to convert to Islam.

Before the Agubai invasion, Yarkand was a thriving bazaar where people could freely trade every day, whether Han or local, and sold things for money, and could enjoy a meal in a restaurant or even drink alcohol.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

But under Agubai's rule, people could no longer enjoy a free life.

The market opened once a week, and the streets were full of Agubai military police, armed with leather whips, forcing people to go to worship, driving women away from the streets, and whipping people who drank alcohol and ate meat.

Secondly, he adopted a heavy tax policy, imposing high taxes and fees on the common people, including religious taxes, land taxes, wheatgrass taxes, miscellaneous taxes, quartermaster taxes, surcharges, police donations, and other kinds of harsh miscellaneous taxes, and even inheritance taxes, basically taking money from the pockets of the people at will.

If the people could not pay the taxes, his ubiquitous inquisition would seemingly fairly confiscate all the property in the people's homes.

In this way, many people's families were destroyed, and they were forced to flee to the mountains of the Tianshan Mountains or to the Gobi, and even fled back to the Central Plains.

Third, Agupa established the "Suyur Ale" system, which is a naked system of robbery.

Agubai divided his so-called khanate among his subordinates as their fiefdom and then expropriated property from them.

If the army is allowed to plunder the people, they can enter the village in broad daylight to burn and loot, and the amount of robbery is how much, and the more they rob, the higher the income, resulting in many villages with ten rooms and nine empty rooms, and corpses are all over the field.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

Fourth, for "Hetai people", the original meaning was Buddhists, but later became synonymous with Han Chinese, Agubai's policy is to kill all Hetai people.

At one point, Agubai sent an army to attack Kashgar Hancheng, and the minister of affairs Kui Yingjiu and other reinforcements did not arrive, so he led his wife and children to commit suicide, and after Agubai entered the city, he killed all the Han people who did not want to convert to Islam, which is the origin of his name of "butcher".

Fifth, where Agubai marched, the city was slaughtered at every turn, and 50,000 people in the Hotan area alone fell in a pool of blood.

On the way to the war, for his own tribes, he asked the villagers along the way to provide grain and grass food unconditionally, and was forced to do hard labor, and even kidnapped 600 young girls as a harem, and then brought dozens of concubines, all day long to find fun, absurd and shameless, and did all kinds of ugly things.

He was like a vampire, treating the people as playthings and making Xinjiang a hell on earth.

In addition, Agubai harmed the people at home, but actively betrayed the country externally.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

As the rulers who occupy half of Xinjiang, The British and Russians, who have long coveted China's Xinjiang region, have adopted a policy of infiltration against Agubai.

The Queen of England even wrote to Agupa herself, acknowledging the status of the Hongfu Khanate and giving him many British rifles and ordnance to help arm his army.

The price, of course, was for Agubai to cede many parts of Xinjiang to the British.

The same is true of Tsarist Russia, which negotiated trade with Agubai and gave generous tariff concessions, and gave a large amount of weapons and equipment to Agubai for use.

The condition was that Tsarist Russia would easily occupy the Ili region.

Under the background of collusion with Britain and Russia, Agubai did not pay attention to the Qing Dynasty, and the fish and flesh of the people became even more intense, causing the people in the Hongfu Khanate to boil over, and many uprisings broke out.

There is even a saying that "when you see kokand people, you will kill", and the Kokand people are the group represented by Agubai.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" > multiple lines of injustice will kill themselves</h1>

The result of allowing Agubai to act recklessly is that China's Xinjiang region has been continuously encroached upon by British and Russian imperialism, and Xinjiang has been the territory of the Qing Dynasty since ancient times, called the Ili Capital Protectorate in ancient times, and Xinjiang was given its name by the Qianlong Emperor.

At this time, although the Qing court was facing internal and external troubles, fortunately, the willingness of the state to defend the national territory was very strong, and zuo Zongtang, a generation of famous ministers, actively advocated that adhering to the spirit of "the ancestral territory can not be sized and people", decided to lead 80,000 troops into Xinjiang to fight Agubai.

Agubai claimed to be a soldier of all the people, with a number of up to one million, and experienced in hundreds of battles, strong combat effectiveness, and because of the large amount of assistance from Britain and Russia, the infantry used mostly Enfield M1853 front-loading rifled guns and Snyder-Enfield M1866 rear-loading rifled guns, with a total of more than 10,000 rifles, which was a first-class rifle at that time.

There are also a large number of cavalry, using muskets and waist knives, and the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

In the face of Agubai's Western artillery, if it is a traditional weapon, it is bound to be difficult to win, Zuo Zongtang, as a famous courtier in the late Qing Dynasty, experienced many major wars in his life.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

From the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to the suppression of the Twist Army, he fought countless battles, and like Li Hongzhang's Huai Army, he also tempered out a elite unit of his own, known as the "Chu Army", and had rich experience in military affairs.

At the same time, he was also a famous foreign minister, and he had studied Western industry and military weapons.

So Zuo Zongtang made scientific arrangements, from Beijing to Xinjiang, along the way he set up a reliable grain supply station, and because Li Hongzhang did not approve of entering Xinjiang and refused to provide weapons and equipment from the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and other places, Zuo Zongtang set up a machine manufacturing bureau in Shaanxi, Gansu and other places, specializing in the production of Western-style guns against Agubai.

After scientific planning, the army led by Zuo Zongtang reached Xinjiang smoothly along the way, and the rebellion along the way was easily quelled, which stabilized the situation of the Qing Dynasty in Shaanxi, Gansu and other places.

When he arrived in Xinjiang, because he had heard earlier that Agubai's army was brave and good at war, and "had the potential to swallow the sky and the south", Zuo Zongtang originally thought that it would be a hard battle, so he carefully formulated the strategy of "first north and then south, slow advance and rapid battle".

Zuo Zongtang ordered his subordinates to lead the army sleeplessly, day and night, when suddenly the soldiers came to the city and crossed the Tianshan Mountain.

Only then did it turn out that Agubai's so-called million-strong army was actually vulnerable.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

First of all, the people of the Hongfu Khanate, which were all soldiers of the million-strong army, but the people had been humiliated by Agubai for a long time, and the survivors had long hated Agubai to the bone, and everyone was cursed, so when Zuo Zongtang's master of kings arrived, how could they resist?

One by one, they all looked forward to the heavenly soldiers, laid down their weapons, and naturally dispersed.

Moreover, there were only a few tens of thousands of people who were truly loyal to Agubai and had combat experience, and the training was not sufficient, and among these soldiers, the Kokand people were nine out of ten, that is, Agubai was nepotistic, but these people did not have excellent command skills.

There will be a nest of bears, so when the Qing army comes, it is basically a collapse.

What is even more suspicious is that when the Qing army hit the door, Agubai suddenly claimed to be dead.

The death of Agubai is also a great mystery in history.

The first claim comes from the British newspaper The Times, which claimed that Agubai suddenly fell ill and died violently.

However, the strange thing is that when the Qing army was suppressing the territory, Agubai was still stubbornly resisting, trapping the beast, and there was no news of his illness, which obviously had the possibility of beautifying Agubai's death.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

The second theory comes from Tsarist Russia, which is more direct, claiming to have received information that because of the gradual defeat and retreat of Agubai's army and the rebellion of the people, he was tyrannical to his subordinates, and his subordinates could not bear it and killed him.

Although Tsarist Russia also has interests with Agubai, it does not shy away from the fact that Agubai is brutal, and it is certainly possible.

The third theory comes from Zuo Zongtang, which has a high degree of credibility, because it is from the fold he presented to the emperor, saying that Agu Bai saw that the trend had gone, so he drank a cup of poisoned wine himself in order to die with dignity.

The words dedicated to the imperial court should be relatively close to the truth, but in the end there is no one who is sure of it.

After Agubai's death, his so-called Hongfu Khanate naturally fell apart, and Zuo Zongtang quickly recovered most of southern Xinjiang.

At this time, the remaining Ili was still occupied by the Tsarist Russia, so Zuo Zongtang carried the coffin out of the expedition, vowing to completely recover Xinjiang, and when the Tsarist Russia heard about it, it knew that the Qing government was coming for real, so it blackmailed a large amount of money and then withdrew.

Agubai, how evil is the "Butcher of Central Asia"? From child prostitution to the rule of the butcher, the king of Hongfu, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves

"The general has not yet returned the edge, and the sons of Hu Xiang are full of heavenly mountains." The newly planted willows are three thousand miles, attracting the spring wind to cross the jade pass", which is to praise Zuo Zongtang's great contribution to safeguarding national unity.

Thanks to Zuo Gong, the recovery of Xinjiang, the history of Biao Bing, let people be grateful.

A generation of famous generals left in history, a generation of tyrants left a legacy of ten thousand years, this is the life situation of Zuo Zongtang and Agu Bai, respectively.

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