
Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

author:Natural selection

Tianxue Miscellaneous Talk was founded by Tianxuan, a former teacher of the National Defense University, welcome to pay attention to ~

Behind the God of War Su Yu (85)

In the previous section, we mentioned that after the Red 7 Corps crossed the Minjiang River, it did not attract the Kuomintang troops who surrounded and suppressed the Central Soviet Region as envisaged by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, so Li De and Bogu immediately ordered the Red 7 Corps to change north to east, prepare to attack the town of Shuikou, which was still dozens of miles away, and attack fuzhou city with cameras.

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

On the side of the Red 7Th Army, the commander of the regiment, Xun Huaizhou, fell on his horse and was wounded while crossing the Minjiang River, and the heavy responsibility of military command fell on Su Yu, the chief of staff, and the important battle in front of him was the attack on Fuzhou by the Telegram of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, which made him feel deeply uneasy. Because at this time there were five difficulties in attacking Fuzhou City:

First, the fortifications in Fuzhou City are strong, while the Red 7 Army lacks heavy weapons and cannot attack at all.

Second, the Red 7Th Army knew nothing about the troop strength and fortification deployment of Fuzhou City, and could not "know oneself and know the other, and never lose a hundred battles." ”

Third, although the Red 7 Corps has carried out offensive operations before, it has won fewer and lost more, and the troops lack experience in attacking tough problems.

Fourth, due to the hype of the Red Army, it was difficult for the Red 7 Army to attack Fuzhou unexpectedly, and it was very difficult to attack the prepared enemy.

Fifth, the Red 7Th Army belongs to the Labor Division Expedition, and the Kuomintang Army belongs to the Labor Force, and under the condition that the Red 7 Army is not superior in numbers and weapons, the siege of the city will be a disaster.

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

In short, the Red 7Th Army did not understand the strength and fortifications of the Fuzhou garrison, and attacked the provincial capital city with thousands of poorly equipped people, with great blindness. Su Yu had never fought such a battle without preparation or certainty, and he did not agree to fight Fuzhou from the bottom of his heart. However, political commissar Le Shaohua demanded that the instructions of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission be resolutely implemented, and Su Yu, as chief of staff, had no choice but to implement the plans of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission. Before attacking Fuzhou, it was necessary to occupy the mouth of the water.

Shuikou is a necessary place for Fuzhou City to trace the center of the Minjiang River, known as the elite security of the Minjiang Garrison, the 11th Regiment of Security stationed in the town, the short and big belly of the Minjiang Garrison Commander Wang Jinxiu personally sat in command of everything, but when he heard that a large red army was preparing to attack Shuikou, this Ye Gonghaolong-style commander with a group of Ge ji dancer bodyguards and the like hurriedly fled down the river to Baisha, saw the commander flee, and the 11th Security Regiment also abandoned the city under the leadership of the regiment leader and fled.

By the way, this Minjiang garrison commander Wang Jinxiu was a graduate of huangpu 1, before his troops were completely annihilated by the Red Fourth Front in the Eyu-Anhui Su district, he escaped alone, because of his status as a graduate of Huangpu 1, he did not receive too much punishment, but also did not receive heavy use, on September 22, 1948, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general by the Nationalist government, in August 1949, he accompanied Cheng Qian, Chen Mingren led the Kuomintang army in Changsha uprising, his troops were reorganized into the 52nd Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Wang Jinxiu was appointed as the commander.

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

In February 1950, Wang Jinxiu was ordered to lead the 52nd Army to move to Youxian county and Chaling, and the military headquarters was located in Chengguan, Youxian County. After the troops arrived at the designated position, they carried out production and political education. In political education, Wang Jinxiu put forward the idea that "in the reorganization of the troops, it is necessary to change the practice of three points of military and seven points of politics, and we must attach importance to studying the "Art of War of Sun Tzu," which has been criticized. On May 30, Wang Jinxiu committed suicide with a gun at the age of 50.

After the Red 7Th Army captured the town of Shuikou, it was reorganized, first in accordance with the provisional central instructions: From now on, the Red 7th Army will act under the banner of "the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Anti-Japanese Advance Detachment To the North", and the leaders will appear in the name of the famous Fang Zhimin and Luo Binghui. In fact, the leadership of the Red 7 Corps remained unchanged, and the Red 7 Corps had 3 divisions under its jurisdiction, namely the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions.

Hu Tiantao, commander of the 1st Division, and Li Shiyuan, political commissar;

Commander of the 2nd Division, Wang Yisan, political commissar Li Shiqing;

Wang Yongrui, commander of the 3rd Division, and Qian Qisi, political commissar.

In Shuikou Town, Su Yu began to seriously understand the situation in Fuzhou and study the battle plan.

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

Fuzhou was founded in 202 BC, only more than 100 miles from the mouth of the sea, the Minjiang River runs straight through the city, in the Northern Song Dynasty, there is Fuzhou Taishou Zhang Boyu to encourage the people to plant banyan trees, the whole city is full of shade, so Fuzhou is also known as Rongcheng. There is a West Lake in Fuzhou City, which is slightly smaller than the West Lake in Hangzhou, so it is also named "Little West Lake", which is famous for the poem "Smoke and rain are better than eye-catching, and about Xi Shi is not married" by the famous Poet xin of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Because of the strategic importance of Fuzhou, successive generations of defenders have reinforced fuzhou's fortifications, especially in the Ming Dynasty against the Wukou, the city defense was greatly strengthened, but how strong the fuzhou city defense was, because Xun Huaizhou and Su Yu and others had not been there, so there was no intuitive impression. However, there was a piece of news that made Su Yu settle his mind slightly, that is, the underground party in Fuzhou would cooperate with the Red 7 Army to attack the city.

Su Yu's plan was for the Red 7th Army to attack the city in 4 ways, of which 3 were auxiliary attacks, and the main corps took the opportunity to attack from Xindian Avenue to the Baiheting area, and the time of attack was placed at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. When the various attacking forces reached the outskirts of Fuzhou City, Su Yu, who was on the front line, strongly recommended abandoning the siege. Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? He was disturbed by three details:

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

(1) The tall walls of Fuzhou City were beyond their imagination, and the Red 7 Legion, which lacked heavy weapons, could not destroy the walls at all.

(2) The city of Fuzhou was brightly lit up at night, which made Su Yu very sure that the Kuomintang garrison had long been on the defensive, and the Red 7 Army was unable to conceal its combat intentions.

(3) There is no movement in Fuzhou City, which indicates that the underground party organization in the city must have been destroyed and cannot cooperate with the Red 7 Army in attacking the city. The fact is that the underground party in Fuzhou City has long been suppressed by Wang Jingjiu's 87th Division.

Looking at the tall Fuzhou City, Su Yu inhaled a cold breath, although he knew that the strong attack on Fuzhou City would inevitably suffer a big loss, but what was embarrassing was that Su Yu was only the chief of staff of the Red 7 Army, not in the decision-making level of the Red 7 Army, he only had the right to suggest, not the right to decide, how to persuade the leaders of the Legion to adopt his opinions? Su Yu repeatedly considered and particularly stressed that the order of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission was that the Red Seventh Army should "attack Fuzhou with cameras," and that there was no such opportunity to "attack" now, and even if it paid a great price to attack the city, it would not be able to solve the enemy in the city.

However, Le Shaohua, the political commissar of the Red 7 Army, was himself a leftist, and Li De and Bogu demanded that he resolutely implement the instructions of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, while zeng Hongyi, a representative of the Central Committee, sided with Le Shaohua, and although Xun Huaizhou agreed to Su Yu's proposal, it was to no avail, and Su Yu had to attack the city according to the predetermined plan.

Our army is ready to attack, so why did Su Yu suggest abandoning the attack? Only three details disturbed him

At 23:00 on the evening of August 7, 1934, the battle that made the officers and men of the Red 7Th Army begin to be unforgettable.

(Heavenly Selection Miscellaneous Original: This article uses some literary techniques on the basis of historical facts, to be continued)

Tianxuan is the author's pen name, who has engaged in teaching and research at the National Defense University, and has studied history and philosophy

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