
The reason why the Golden Kingdom has been able to extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of this mountain has played a role

author:Point the way

What is "feng shui", from ancient times to the present to define feng shui countless people, but the earliest definition of feng shui in history is Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty, in his famous book "Burial Book" there is a cloud: "The burial, riding on the anger, the qi by the wind is scattered, the boundary water is stopped, the ancients gathered to make it not disperse, the practice is stopped, so it is called feng shui, the method of feng shui, the water is the upper, the tibetan wind is secondary." ”

It can be seen that the art of feng shui is also the "art of the earth", and the core is the choice of people's living or burial environment and the treatment of the law of cosmic change, so as to achieve the purpose of avoiding evil.

The reason why the Golden Kingdom has been able to extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of this mountain has played a role

Most of the ancient imperial tomb sites meet the two major standards of "Case Mountain" and "Chaoshan Mountain". Jinling Jiulong Mountain has both advantages, so the ancient Feng Shui Mr. believes that the reason why the Jin Kingdom can extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of Jiulong Mountain plays a role. However, according to the records of the literature, Jin Taizu finished Yan Aguda and Jin Taizong completed Yan Sheng in their early years and were buried in the land of Jurchen Longxing - Northeast Shangjing.

After Emperor Taizong's death, emperor's nephew Yan Qi succeeded to the throne as Emperor Xizong of Jin. According to the succession system of jurchens in the early years, his mother remarried to Yan Zonggan, the father of Yan Liang. Because of this special relationship, Wanyan And yanliang are brothers who grew up together. After Yan Qi ascended the throne, Yan Liang became evil and wanted to sit on the dragon chair and taste the taste of being an emperor.

In order to achieve this goal, Yan Liang supported Ali and other private parties. At the end of 1149, while Ali was on duty in the palace, Yan Liang secretly infiltrated the palace and conspired with a group of private parties to kill Yan Qi and seize imperial power. After taking away the throne of Jin Xizong, Yan Liang moved the capital to Yanjing, and later moved the capital to Fenjing. The relocation of the capital alone is not counted, and Yan Liang also took the coffin of his ancestors to "relocate" and made a huge "relocation and burial movement".

The reason why the Golden Kingdom has been able to extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of this mountain has played a role

After Yan Liang ascended the throne, he moved the tomb of his ancestors to Yanjing. It can be said that this is the only large-scale "relocation and burial movement" in China's feudal history. Perhaps feeling that the dragon vein of Daxing'anling was not enough to prosper Yan's national fortunes, Yan Liang personally went out of the palace to investigate the treasure land of feng shui, and finally set the mausoleum in Dafangshan, Beijing. After tossing all the coffins of his ancestors to the capital, Yan Liang also followed the example of the ancient emperors and went out hunting, offering the returned prey as sacrifices to his ancestors.

It is not that Yan Liang has a unique vision, as early as before Yan Liang moved the mausoleum, Jiulong Mountain was regarded as a water treasure land by the people of the time. Monks and Taoist monks have settled on Kowloon Mountain to build monasteries and Taoist temples here. The first monks to settle in Kowloon Hill were a group of monks who built a Dragon City Temple at the location of the "Dragon Head" of Kowloon Mountain. I don't know if it is because of feng shui, this temple has been full of incense since its construction, and the devotees who come to offer incense every year rub shoulders. It is precisely because of the incense of Longcheng Temple that Yan Liang took a look at this feng shui treasure.

Later, in order to occupy the feng shui bureau here, Yan Liang ordered the monks of Longcheng Temple to be expelled and demolished the monastery here. Subsequently, Yan Liang sent people to build a large mausoleum area and relocated the coffins of Jin Taizu and Jin Taizong to be buried here. Of course, the real purpose of Yan Liang is to rest here after death, so he used a lot of manpower and material resources to create a luxurious underground palace for himself.

What is intriguing is that Yan Liang risked the world to expel the feng shui treasure land stolen by the monks, but he was unable to live for a few days after his death. It was not the Han Emperor who excavated the tomb of Emperor Yan Liang, but the Jin Emperor of the same sect. After Yan Liang spent his life building the Dragon Tomb, but he did not have the opportunity to live in it, this regret is also rare in the vast sea of history.

The reason why the Golden Kingdom has been able to extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of this mountain has played a role

In 1161, Yan Liang was defeated in the war with the Song army, and was betrayed by his generals in the process of fleeing, and died under the sword.

When his body was returned to the capital, the Civil and Military Officials still buried him in The Nine Dragon Mountain with imperial rites. However, with the succession of Yan Yong, the grandson of Yan Aguta, the throne once again returned to the orthodox vein. Guan Yan Yong had just come to power, and all the glory and status of Yan Liang's life had been erased. First the imperial title was deposed, and he was demoted to the title of King of Hailing County, and then he was demoted to a Shuren.

Because Yan Liang's throne was obtained by rebellion, he was naturally not qualified to be buried in the imperial tomb for a long time. Completed Yan Yong listened to the advice of the Yan official, and completed Yan Liang dug up the tomb and abandoned the bones in the wilderness. A generation of emperors ended up in a tyrannical wilderness, and to this day no one can say where his bones were mass-buried.

Thinking back to that year, after the famous Jin general Mu Han led the Jin soldiers into the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Beijing, he launched a heinous sweep of the surrounding Northern Song Imperial Tombs, turning all the known Northern Song Imperial Tombs upside down. Eight imperial tombs, including Zhao Kuangyin's Yongchang Mausoleum and Zhao Guangyi's Yongxi Mausoleum, were stolen and excavated. What is even more cruel is that after the Jin people excavated the Northern Song Emperor's Mausoleum, they also pulled out all the bones inside and whipped the corpses, placing the Northern Song Emperors large and small together and allowing them to be exposed to the sun.

The reason why the Golden Kingdom has been able to extend the country for three hundred years is that the dragon vein of this mountain has played a role

When the time came to the Ming Dynasty, Colonel Zhu Yu turned the Jiulong Mountain upside down and concocted the theft of that year. In a sense, this really responds to the phrase "The Heavenly Reason Cycle is not happy", the Jin people stole the Song Tombs, and the Ming people stole the Jinling, which seems to be caused by cause and effect. However, compared with the Jin people's practice of pulling the Northern Song Emperor out and whipping the corpse, Zhu Youxiao at least did not do such a heinous act, so Zhu Youxiao was not condemned by history.

Up to now, many history lovers do not even know that Zhu Youxue has done the work of stealing jinling, and most of the tomb robbery works do not mention this matter.


【The Book of Burial", "History of Jin", "History of Song"]