
Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

author:Yu Jing Nanyang

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

On May 19, in the wormwood industrial park in Shimen Township, Nanzhao County, the newly built office building of the wormwood industrial park e-commerce incubation center has been renovated and is ready to be put into use. Wormwood Culture Expo Center, Warehousing and Logistics Sorting Center, Wormwood Products Washing Technology R&D Center, Moxibustion Technology and Wormwood Products Marketing Center are under construction, the main body of wormwood Culture Expo Center has been completed; Nanyang Huakang Wormwood Products Co., Ltd. newly built wormwood industry 100,000 aseptic workshop 2 buildings, more than 8,000 square meters, wormwood products deep processing area, moxibustion cloth equipment production area, traditional wormwood products production area was completed and put into use, the area ranked first in the province Moxa products and moxibustion series products have become the only tourism products in China that cooperate with Kwun Tong in the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

The picture shows the workers in the processing workshop of Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd. processing and packaging mugwort products

"Little wormwood" transforms into "auspicious treasure". Li Yanqing, general manager of Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd., regards the wormwood that spreads over the mountains as a treasure, and began to collect and process wormwood on a large scale in 2014. He absorbs the advanced achievements of moxibustion applications at home and abroad, using modern science and technology, not only successfully developed traditional wormwood products such as moxa, moxa, moxa, moxa, etc., but also developed mugwort essential oil, mugwort tea, mugwort, wormwood skin care products and other mugwort products, involving medicinal, moxibustion, edible, daily industrial products and other 6 series, more than 100 mugwort products, wild wormwood doubled in value, to achieve a gorgeous turn from "grass" to "treasure".

In 2016, Li Yanqing invested 100 million yuan in the Nanzhao County Industrial Agglomeration Area to build an integrated production and marketing production workshop, produced and sold moxa, moxa, moxa and other series of products, and concluded a strategic cooperative relationship with an e-commerce enterprise in Shanghai, jointly participated in the establishment of Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd., settled in the county Huirong International E-commerce Industrial Park, and sold Ai series products to the whole country on Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce platforms, with more than 3,000 transactions per day.

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

The picture shows the workers in the processing workshop of Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd. in the production of mugwort stickers

"Our company self-raised 1.9 million yuan to build a wormwood cultural center in the county wormwood industrial park, focusing on product display, e-commerce operation, wormwood products e-commerce sales, video live streaming with goods, moxibustion experience, moxibustion service, reproducing the ancient human 'ice platform for fire' scene, showing the civilization of wormwood and fire, is a public welfare science and education venue for all sectors of society, but also the only wormwood culture expo hall in the country, as a platform to promote the healthy development of the Nanzhao wormwood industry." Li Yanqing, general manager of Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd., introduced it.

Wormwood is a valuable Chinese medicinal material, and the development of wormwood products can not only be used locally, but also solve employment nearby. On the one hand, Nanzhao County Wormwood Industrial Park develops technology-intensive industries, and on the other hand, it develops labor-intensive industries with large employment capacity, leaving jobs and value-added benefits to the masses. Nanyang Huakang Ai Products Co., Ltd. through the recruitment of talents and wisdom, and Guangzhou Jinan University Life Science Research Institute to cooperate with the development and production of mugwort products and moxibustion series products, currently joint research and development of more than 260 patented products in wormwood. The company has introduced 15 production lines, 360 employees in the industrial park, and a monthly income of about 5,000 yuan.

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

The picture shows the production workshop of Nanzhao County Shuxin Mugwort Products Co., Ltd., where the masses are processing and producing moxa products

As the main producer of Wanai- Nanzhao County wormwood planting area of 3600 acres, wild wormwood area of more than 50,000 acres, the annual output of more than 60,000 tons. There are 8 wormwood processing enterprises in the county, 18 moxibustion health care halls, wormwood processing enterprises with an annual production scale of 20,000 tons, an annual output value of 180 million yuan, research and development and production of moxa moxa, fabric home textile, wormwood food, wormwood daily washing, moxibustion appliances and other six categories of more than 120 kinds of products, products are sold to Shandong, Hunan, Guangdong, Beijing and other more than 10 provinces and cities.

Liu Yongguo, vice chairman of the Nanyang Municipal CPPCC Committee and secretary of the Nanzhao County CPC Committee, said: "We have set up a special class for the development of the wormwood industry, established a joint party branch of the wormwood industry, initiated the establishment of the wormwood industry association, in accordance with the work idea of 'grasping the middle and promoting the two ends' (grasping the deep processing, promoting the cultivation of wormwood and the sales of wormwood products), integrating resources, scientific planning, standardized management, adhering to the road of large-scale, market-oriented and brand-oriented development, and the wormwood industry has become the most distinctive sunrise industry and the most dynamic rich people's industry in the local area." We give full play to the main role of the wormwood industry association, actively organize the second China Wormwood Culture Festival, further promote moxibustion into Wanjia and the whole people's moxibustion experience activities, build a three-level moxibustion service network in counties and villages, promote wormwood culture, disseminate wormwood knowledge, and strive to create the 'Hometown of Moxibustion' brand. ”

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

The picture shows the technicians of Nanzhao County Shuxin Ai Products Company training employees to use the new equipment correctly in the sterile production workshop

Nanzhao County is the birthplace of human civilization in the Central Plains. Five or six hundred thousand years ago, the xinghuashan ape people in Nanzhao County broke through the flood and established the Central Plains, and multiplied and lived in the territory of the county. Ancient humans took ice from the grooves on the stone cliffs, used the principle of the spherical convex lens of ice blocks to concentrate light, and lifted ice to ignite the moxa for fire, which is "ice platform for fire".

In 2019, Zhang Shiyuan, a well-known scholar and ancient history expert of the Central Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association, went to nanzhao County to investigate the site of the ancient human empty cave and found the human "ice platform for fire" site in the empty cave of Zhuzhuang Village in Xiaodian Township. The site of Xiaokong Mountain in Nanzhao County became the source point of wormwood "ice platform fire". On June 24, 2020, Nanzhao County held the first China Nanzhao Wormwood Cultural Festival and the unveiling ceremony of the source point of "Ice Platform Fire". On April 14, 2021, Nanzhao County held the first "Healthy China • Wormwood Transmission" ceremony, through which the transmission of wormwood improved the popularity and influence of Nanzhao wormwood and accelerated the pace of wormwood industry construction.

"Ice platform fire" traces the use of wormwood by humans back 30,000 years. According to expert research, Nanzhao County is the source of human cognition and the use of wormwood, which is located in the transition zone between the north and the south, with a long frost-free period and sufficient light, which is the best climate zone for the growth of wormwood, creating the unique quality of wormwood, excellent medicinal properties, fleece rate, essential oil content and other indicators. In recent years, Nanzhao County is committed to making the wormwood industry bigger and stronger, doing deep and refined wormwood culture, doing a good job of wormwood brand, and striving to create a town of wormwood culture.

Nanzhao: "Little Wormwood" transforms into "Auspicious Treasure"

The picture shows the newly purchased wormwood deep processing equipment of Nanzhao County Shuxin Wormwood Products Company, and the company's technical personnel debugged the equipment in the sterile workshop

Nanzhao County has always regarded the cultivation of wormwood industry and the elongation of the industrial chain as an important starting point for helping rural revitalization, vigorously developed the wormwood industry, guided wormwood processing enterprises to carry out school-enterprise cooperation with Nanyang Polytechnic Institute, Nanyang Normal College, Nanyang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, Nanyang Zhangzhongjingguo Medical College and other higher colleges, introduced and cultivated wormwood deep processing enterprises, created a well-known wormwood brand in the province, and driven more than 10,000 people in the county to engage in wormwood industry, driving the masses to increase their income and become rich. Nanzhao County Wormwood Industrial Park has introduced Henan Zhongjingyuan Aiye Co., Ltd., Taizhou Earthquake Soil Health Technology Co., Ltd., Jingke Guo herbal medicine industry Co., Ltd. 3 Ai enterprises settled in the industrial park. (Zhao Xianzhi, Liao Tao, Li Ziying)


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