
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

author:Konoh E-Renko

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Recently, the Taiwan media suddenly broke the news that "Guo Zongkun insisted that he was 'no affair' hoping to save his marriage, and Ke Beat His Face with Softness" news.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

It turned out that on May 20, Guo Zongkun and Ke Yirou's divorce lawsuit was still continuing. Guo Zongkun wanted to pass the second trial to clarify the fact that he had never committed domestic violence, paid monthly alimony, and had no affair, and also asked Ke Yirou for a reunion in court.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In this regard, Ke Yirou stressed that it is impossible to compound.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

It is not to blame Ke for being so strong with a soft attitude, but Guo Zongkun's clarification has always been very pale.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

If you often watch Taiwanese variety shows, you should be no stranger to Ke Yirou, she is not only a regular guest of "Kangxi Lai", but also a program host and an actor.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Ke Yirou's entry into the circle was a complete accident, she only left information because she was favored by someone from a modeling agency while hanging out on the road.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Then the people in the company felt that she was like Xu Huaiyu and recommended her to participate in the well-known unit of "Super Sunday", "Super Star Face".

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Because of this show, she was photographed by Xu Huaiyu's boss and signed a contract to debut.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Because of his sweet appearance, hot body, rapid popularity after his debut, and the opening of a fruit stall at home since childhood, he is known as "fruit sister".

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Even her albums are related to fruits.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

She can be seen in dramas such as "Lavender", "100% Gold", "New Love" and so on.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In 2008, she broke up with her Two-Year-Old American boyfriend J Jun, who was involved in marriage, and many people wondered who she was going to be next.

To everyone's surprise, when her career was on the rise, she actually married Guo Zongkun, a small owner of a Japanese food store.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Before Guo Zongkun, Ke Yirou was surrounded by many sons and sons, and she was not uncommon to throw thousands of gifts, but Guo Zongkun's pursuit of Ke Yirou's technique brought a simple romance.

Guo Zongkun is a fan of Ke Yirou, and the two met on a food show hosted by Ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

The two had known each other for five or six years before falling in love.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

According to the two friends, Guo Zongkun privately collected all the photos and related news of Ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In his own restaurant, he left a "throne" for Ke Yirou, just to cook for her face to face, so he silently cooked for the goddess for five years.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In the end, his simple and authentic pursuit method made Ke Yirou very moved. She believes that rather than marrying into a rich family, she needs a person who tolerates her, understands her, and allows her to still be herself after marriage.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Whether it is appearance or wealth, the two are not on the same level, and the door-to-door pair is not counted. Because Guo Zongkun did not match Ke Yirou, this marriage was also called "Beauty and the Beast" by the Taiwan media. Even so, Ke Yirou still felt very sweet about marriage.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

She also gave birth to three children and became the main economic pillar of the family through notices and online sales and advertisements.

Guo Zongkun also set up a good husband at the beginning, and when he came to power, he talked about the way of marriage, and many people lamented that Ke Yirou had a unique vision.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

However, the marriage of the two people also had some minor disputes, such as Ke Yirou's request to be more perfect, feeling that Guo Zongkun was overweight and had been controlling his diet, which made Guo Zongkun feel very painful.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After Ke Yirou became pregnant, she was blessed with a good body, and was also rebuffed by Guo Zongkun on this grounds.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Because Ke Yirou makes a lot of money and likes to invest, Guo Zongkun is greatly dissatisfied, especially Ke Yirou secretly bought another 36 million houses, which has become a point of contradiction between the two people in the future.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Guo Zongkun did not know that when Ke Yirou bought a house, the two people also deliberately appeared on the show.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Guo Zongkun once revealed in the show that his emotions will get out of control when he is angry.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Even with some small frictions, Ke Yirou still felt that he loved someone and lived very happily with Guo Zongkun.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

And what really led to the big problem in the marriage was Guo Zongkun's cheating incident.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In the second year after marriage, Guo Zongkun was photographed by the media and went on 2 dates with the same big-breasted sister within 7 days.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After the matter was exposed, Guo Zongkun immediately clarified that the big chest sister was actually a regular customer in his own store, and he only invited the big chest sister to watch a movie because of the staff gathering that day.

At the same time, he also cried and clarified to Ke Yirou, who finally forgave ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After the second derailment, Ke Yirou's voice was exposed, and it turned out that after the first derailment, Ke Yirou had clearly warned Guo Zongkun that she did not like her husband to go out alone with women.

In order to eliminate the influence, Guo Zongkun also went to "Kangxi Lai" to explain the "misunderstanding" and promised that he would keep a distance from other women for the sake of Ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After this incident, Ke Yirou and Guo Zongkun entered the honeymoon period.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Unexpectedly, in October 2017, Guo Zongkun was once again exposed to suspected of cheating on M, a short-haired female employee of his own Japanese food store, and repeatedly took her abroad to play.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Not only that, Guo Zongkun chased after Ke Yirou's love wine "Three Thousand Cherry Blossoms", and the pattern of the bottle was also changed from Ke Yirou to M employee and another girl.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After the matter was exposed, Ke Yirou directly fried the hair, and at first Guo Zongkun denied it, saying that he was just a person who came back.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

But in the face of facts, he changed his mouth to say that going abroad with female employees is just for work, and if he really cheats, there is no need to go abroad to open a house, just need to be in Taiwan.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Unexpectedly, soon the Taiwan media hit Guo Zongkun's face, and the media directly exposed the video of Guo Zongkun dating M employees when Guo Zongkun was in Taiwan in October, and the two did foot massages together and celebrated their birthday together.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Not only that, Guo Zongkun also stayed in the M employee's home, staying for a total of three nights in two weeks.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After the video was exposed, Guo Zongkun found various excuses, "moving things", "lying and sleeping on the top floor", "he was just crying on the stairs on the top of the building", and resolutely refused to admit to cheating.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?
Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

The face is that the top floor of the female employee's next-door neighbor is blocked and cannot go up at all.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In the face of this evidence, Ke Yirou completely collapsed and finally decided to divorce.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

When Ke Yirou sued for divorce, he also broke the news that Guo Zongkun would commit domestic violence. At the same time, Taiwan media also broke the news that Guo Zongkun did not pay the child's alimony and the falsification of academic qualifications.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

After Ke Yirou sued for divorce, Guo Zongkun held a press conference, at which she kept crying. He said that he had never done anything to be sorry for Ke Yirou, and the only mistake was that he did not avoid suspicion.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

He bitterly said that for the sake of his children, he would never divorce.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

At the same time, he also revealed that a year before the divorce, he and Ke Yirou had signed a property division agreement.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

The trigger for signing this agreement was the house that Ke Yirou bought behind his back. Moreover, when Ke Yirou renovated the house, he directly changed the four rooms into three rooms, directly excluding him and completely ignoring his feelings.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

In the end, he also cried and said that he did not blame Ke Yirou, he also had something wrong, and only hoped that the family could be reunited.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

However, his statement was quickly punched in the face by Ke Yirou, who said that the house of more than 30 million yuan, Guo Zongkun's account was only 60,000 when the payment was made, so she signed a property separation letter with Guo Zongkun at the suggestion of her mother.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

At the same time, Ke Yirou stressed that children can see Guo Zongkun every two weeks.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

At the same time, Guo Zongkun actually lives very close to her, and Guo Zongkun's restaurant is also near the child's kindergarten, and the child simply cannot feel the difference brought by the divorce of his parents to his life.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Ke Yirou also broke the news, and Guo Zongkun also let the child use as an intermediary to coordinate the relationship with Ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

But for divorce, Ke Yirou said to stick to the end.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

During the divorce lawsuit, Ke Yirou's work was not pulled down. With the help of her friends, she started the work of a network anchor, and in just a few months, the number of Ke Yirou network fans reached 560,000, and many well-known manufacturers came to ask for cooperation with her.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Live broadcasting and selling goods made her tens of millions of Taiwan dollars.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Not only that, she had invested well before, and the three houses under her name had also doubled several times.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Even Zeng Guocheng, the two's mutual friends, lamented that if they were Guo Zongkun, I would not divorce, after all, Ke Yirou was so good. But as a friend, he would not persuade him.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

Ke Yirou's petition to the court for divorce was approved, and the man had to compensate the woman for NT$400,000, while Guo Zongkun was quite dissatisfied with the verdict and appealed. At the same time, he also stressed on Facebook that he had no affair from beginning to end, hoping to reunite with Ke Yirou.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

He attributed the marriage change to misunderstandings and Ke Yirou's unwillingness to maintain the marriage.

Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

At the second instance trial on May 20, Guo Zongkun still put forward compound appeals, and Ke Yirou still disagreed. From beginning to end, Guo Zongkun explained the inconsistencies and was always punched in the face by reality, completely unable to prove his so-called innocence.

Two times cheating and domestic violence, now a pair of misunderstandings want to get forgiveness? I really don't know where Guo Zongkun's face comes from?

I sincerely hope that Ke Yirou can get rid of the scumbag and find the happiness that really belongs to him as soon as possible.

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Twice cheated and domestic violence, and now he actually has a face to ask for a compound?

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