
The origin of the Chinese surname "Lu" clan!

author:Xi Yuxian

Ancestral origins

Lu Zi's name is Baby Jia, and he is the last grandson of the Jiang surname. The surname Lu is derived from the surname of Jiang, and is the grandson of Shennong. Infant A is the beginning of the Road surname. Its descendants are Lu, Lu, Lu, Lu, Jia, and Yu. Yi, Lie, Zhou, Luo, Chun, Drama, Yi, Xiangzhou, Bogan, Sui Ji, all of which are the kingdoms of Jiang.

The origin of the lu surname

Yandi Shennong, surnamed Jiang, is known as Shi Nian. It is for the Later Emperor Jun, the King of Yanjing. Her mother was the daughter of the Xiao clan, named Anden. Shi Zai Nu Deng. His father, The Shaodian clan, is known as Xiaodian (小典). He is the son of the Shōnen Chuo clan, also known as the Zhonghuang clan. Jiang Mu Andeng felt that the god was in the changyang, and the god was born in the stone room of the mountains, and the nine wells were born. Chu Shaodian was married to the Arishi clan and was known as Anden. Two sons were born, one was the Yellow Emperor's first attack shaodian clan, and the other was Shennong was for the Yan Emperor. Shennong married the daughter of the Chengsang clan and had thirteen sons. Later emperors included Yan Di Zhu, Yan Di Qingjia, Yan Di Lin, Yan Di Cheng, Yan Di Kui, Yan Di Ming, yan Di Ming as the son of Yan Di Kui, Ming Sheng Zhi, Yan Di Zhi Li, for the imperial value. Yan Di Li was born to live, Yan Di Ju, is for the emperor to come. Yan Diju's mother listened to the recitation, and was the daughter of the Chengsang clan. Yandi Jusheng festival stem. Yandi knot stem, the knot stem gives birth to the second son, the eldest son, the second son. Yan Dike had a son named Samlu, who was known as Yu Yu (曰榆罔) and Jukong Sang (居空桑). The government affairs took advantage of the people and fought, so the princes took it, so they divided the two secretaries. Destiny Yu Yu Yu Xiao Hao, to the West, Si Bai Gong. De could not be imperial, and The emperor was in chaos, and he lived in Zhuolu after emperor, and he was furious and swallowed the wáng relatives. The Yellow Emperor, then known as the Xiong clan, Shi Mao mào Shengde, the prince LiBinzhi. Sam Lu was terrified, set up in xiong, the Yellow Emperor then ji jì force, the pastoral god Emperor Feng, The disciples of Deng Bowen and the Xuan You clan turned to war, and the Xuan You clan was cursed. Therefore, the Marquis of the Fours, bin, sacrificed to Xiong, and Yanhui was the Yellow Emperor, so he sealed Lu Yulu, and the Chongyan Emperor was dedicated to Chen. Lu, Luye, Lu, is the later breeding in the north and east of the river, Shang and Zhou are chibai di. Di Li blamed, Gao fell to Kyushu Island. There are Kui, Di, Luo, Gao, Rong, Rong, Rong, Yuan Hu, Huo Xiè, Xiè, Wu, Bone, Yili Tu, and Yiqi. Hui Qi GaoChe twelve tribes, its reproduction also. Luzi infant Jia Shi, Wu Jiang Lu Yu, Jin Extinguished, followed by Lu Shi, Lu Shi, Lu Zhong, Lu Shi, Jia Shi, Yu Shi. - This clan is a country with the surname Jiang.

Xia Yu has the world, and Feng Yi is based on Shao Lieshan, which is for Motai.

At the beginning of the Shang Dynasty, the dissection of the branches was for the lone bamboo.

Zhou Xibo's prosperity is allowed to be old, and it is returned to the house. Before it arrived, Xi Boxue, the king of Wu rushed to cut down the Shang, the advice was not righteous, the abandonment of Zhou Zhilu North, zhiyang Shang, The Meaning of Bi Mozi Nanzhi (之, go. It means that Balmo's son was killed and left), and when shuyuan was caught, Sui Wei finally died for Boyi and Shuqi. ----------------- Jiang Yan was the wife of Emperor Zhao. Jiang Yan Zhou Xi Bo Ji Chang's first grandmother. Therefore, Bo Yi and Shu Qi avoided letting the King of Wu send the King of Shang. Bo Yi, Shu Qi and Jiang Yan are all blood relatives, that is, Hou Ji's mother's family. That is, matriarchal relatives.

Says: "Tai, after Emperor Yan, surnamed Jiang, Feng Tai, Zhou abandoned the foreign family." Abandonment is the aftermath.

The ancestral origin of the Skoulu surname

Little Sima Clan Three Emperors Honki: Shennong Na Ben Shui Clan Water Listening concubine. For concubines. Sheng Di Kui, Kui Sheng Di Cheng, Chengsheng Di Ming, Ming Sheng Di Zhi, Zhi Sheng Di Ji, Ji Sheng Emperor Wai, Wai Sheng Di Ke, Ke Sheng Emperor Yu Yi. Eight generations, five hundred and thirty years. It was followed by Zhou, Fu, Gan, Xu, Xi, Lu, Qi, Ji, Yi, Xiang, Shen, and Lü. After the surname Of Ginger. and for the princes. Or divide the four mountains. When zhou, Fu Hou and Shen Bo were Wang Xianxiang. Qi and Xu were listed as princes. Dominate the center. Gai Sheng Deze is vast, so his Zuo Yin flourishes and prospers for a long time.

Emperor Fu Mi Imperial Chronicle: Shennong clan, Jiang surname also. The mother is a concubine, and there is a daughter of the Qiao clan, a famous female Deng. Swimming in Huayang, there is a divine dragon first feeling female ascended to Shangyang, born Yan Emperor. The head of the human ox, longer than Jiang Shui, has holy virtue; with fire to carry wood, located in the south, the lord of xia, so called the Yan Emperor. All of them died in Chen, reigning for one hundred and twenty years. To Yugang, Van VIII, five hundred and thirty years.

Conceptual cognition: It is Shennong who is Shennong, and Shennong is its descendant. The clan is also the name of the country and the surname of the descendants. It should be understood that the Shennong clan is the shennong kingdom, and the descendants of the Shennong clan are synonymous with the Shennong clan as their descendants, that is, the Shennong clan. You can't confuse The Yan Emperor Shennong, the descendants of the Yan Emperor Shennong are also the Yan Emperor, the fact is that the Yan Emperor has N lifetimes, not the eighth generation called by the Xiao Sima Clan. Little Sima Shi made a small mistake. Corpse Zi said: Shennong seventy worlds have the world. Lü Xiaoyan said: Shennong seventy times have the world. Confucius said: Shennong seventy has the world.

Shan Hai Jing Hai Jing Hai Nei Jing: Wife of Emperor Yan, Son of Chi Shui Ting [Zhen Yu] Born Yan Ju.

Shi Shi Ji Gu Luo: King Wen of Zhou increased the second string. Shaogong, Shaoshangye, Dicheng, Dilin, Diming, Dixuan, Dixuan, Di lai, DiYu, and Digang have all been on the Eight Emperors of the Shennong clan. Five hundred and ten years.

Scott said that the name is a little bit, and the ancestor of the Lu surname is Yandi Yuyi.

The origin of the Chinese surname "Lu" clan!

Lu's totem interpretation

The direction and path of thought and action: thinking. Sheng. way out. way. Number of roads. road.

Lu surname ancestor: Yandi Yuyi

The surname Lu is the ancestor of the family name: Infant A

Ancestral land: The ancient city of Nangu in present-day Licheng County, Shanxi Province.

Counties: Yuyang County, Shangdang County, Xiangcheng County, Chenliu County, Henan County, Neihuang County, Yingchuan County.

Hall Number: Truncated Pu Tang

The Lu surname ranked 190th in the Song Dynasty, and the current 165th place in the 100 surnames. The total population of the country is about 950,000. Twenty-six pieces of music are extant today.

The origin of the Chinese surname "Lu" clan!

Ancestor of the Lu surname

Lu Wenshu

The character Changjun, a native of the Western Han Dynasty. Born into poverty, he once herded sheep, took Ze Zhongpu, cut off books to teach himself, and passed through the "Spring and Autumn" scriptures. At the beginning of the county prison history, later filial piety, the official to the court lieutenant played Cao Tuan, Linhuai Taishou. He wrote to Emperor Xuan, advocating shangde's suspended sentence and opposing the imposition of severe punishment. He believed that the governance of the country should avoid the loss of qin, the provincial legal system, and lenient punishment. If the prison is harsh, the world is uneasy. He died later.


A native of Heping prefecture, West Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu was then the Taishou of Right Beiping. In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty, he accompanied the general Huo Tou to go ill to attack the Xiongnu and made meritorious contributions, and he was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Pi. In the fifth year of the South Vietnamese rebellion, Yuan Ding was appointed as a wei lieutenant as the general of Fu Bo, and led an army with the general Yang Shu of louchuan to destroy South Vietnam. After that, he lost his position and became a strong crossbow lieutenant. In 102 BC, he was ordered to garrison Tun Shu in Yansai and died shortly thereafter.

Road to the country

Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty. In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty, the Xiongnu Uwei Shan Yu ordered his noble subjects to envoy Han, and died of illness shortly after arriving in Han. Emperor Wu sent him to pay 2,000 stone seals to send him back to the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu, believing that Han had killed his emissaries, detained Lu Chongguo to the Xiongnu. In the same year, Han ordered Guo Chang to prepare Hu for the General Tun Shuo Fang. Lu Chong lived in the Xiongnu for six years and did not surrender. In the fourth year of the first han dynasty, the Xiongnu and The Marquis Shan yu took the throne, when the Han broke through Dawan, the Xiongnu feared the Han attack, so they sent Lu Chongguo and other Envoys who did not surrender to the Han to return to Han.

Lu Siling

Northern Wei Yang Ping Qingyuan people, character Ji Jun. Brother Lu Gongqing. At the beginning, he joined the army of Sikong the King of Guangyang, and liyang Pingtaishou and Southern Jizhou stabbed history. He attacked Gao Tang City at night and defeated Ge Rong's rebel army. Ge Rong died, and Si Ling returned to the town plain. Official to the Right Guanglu Doctor.

Road view

Northern Wei Yang Ping Qingyuan people. Lu Gongqing from uncle. Started as Dr. Shushu. Emperor Xiaowen taihe Zhong, Li Shangshulang, And Hongjun Zhongzheng. It was created as Wei Commandery of Qi Prefecture and Taishou of Pingyuan County.

Lu Xiong

Northern Wei Yang Ping Qingyuan people, character Zhongluo. Lu Jing slightly brother. Take military merit as a matter of giving. Emperor Xiaowen called him a good Shang Shu Lang cai. As a servant of Li Chongyan, he was still used as a military officer, and the official was General Fubo and The Lieutenant of Fengche.

Lu Sigong

Tang Jingzhao Sanyuan ren, character Yi fan. The first name of the swordsman, Ren Shen Wuling, Xuanzong with his performance as the world's most, but the heir Han Lu Gong, because of the current name. Successively moved to Weinan Ling, Shuofang Jiedu stayed behind, Shangshu of the Inspection and Correctional Department, and Jiangxi Observation Envoy, and was known for his good governance and wealth. In the eighth year of the Daizong calendar, Lingnan Geshu was in turmoil, and he was also the envoy of Lingnan Festival, Pingzhi. Because of the slaughter of merchants, they did not have their wealth and millions of private property, which was hated by the emperor. Dezong Li, the prime minister of yin bribery Yang Yan, began to record the previous merits, and even worshiped the military department Shangshu and Dongdu to stay behind.

The road follows

Tang Yang Pingren, character South style. Lu Cun. Cite the Scriptures. Li Qianzuo supplemented the gap and served as a bachelor. Jing Zongli, BaiZhongshu Sheren, Hanlin Bachelor. Whoever gives thanks to the system with gold will reject it. In the second year of Emperor Wenzong's reign, Zhongshu Shilang and Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi supervised the revision of the history of the country. In the seventh year, the "Records of Emperor Xianzong" and "Records of Muzong" revised by the historians on the table. Later, he was made an envoy of the Zhen Navy, a sick pawn, and a zhenzhen. There are "Pinghuai West Chronicle" and so on.

Road forgiveness

Tang Jingzhao Sanyuan people, font Ren. Kyoko Lu. In the eighth year of the Daizong Calendar, he was appointed as a member of the Inspection School Engineering Department, Wai Lang, and from his father to the rebellion of Brother Shu Huang of Lingnan. In the middle of Emperor Dezong's construction, he awarded the history of Huaizhou with military merit, and was thirty years old. For a long time, turn jingzhao shaoyin. In the eleventh year of Zhenyuan, he was a young prisoner of the Shaofu. In the first year of Emperor Shunzong's reign, he stabbed the history of Daozhou and paid homage to the Yongguan Jingjing. In the third year of Xian Zongyuan and the right Jin Wu Wei General, he was envoy to the Jiedushi of Yufang. For seven years, he was appointed as the Prince Zhan Shi. Nine years, sitting on the history of the Jizhou Assassination. The guests of the Prince of Qian, with the right scattered riding often serve shi. Forty years, the scribes were famous secretaries of state, and many of them traveled.

Lu Changheng

The character is zhengzheng, a native of Kaifeng Xiangfu (present-day Henan). The first soldier. He was the deputy envoy of Jianghuai Shipping and Shaanxi Transit, and the prefectures of Zhiguang, Tan, Qing, Yingzhou, Kaifeng and Chengdu. Hui Zongli should write a letter on the use of troops in the west, from the west of Shaanxi, the people's strength is disabled, and people are not happy. Sit in prison and live in Yingzhou. From Chuzhou to Kaifeng Province. He also sat down and wrote to the party, and entered the Yuanyou Party, a pawn. Xuanhe Zhong, given the Bachelor of Dragon Tuge.

Lu Zhen

Song Yongzhou Qiyang people, migrated to Tanzhou Xiangtan, the characters are hair. Emperor Taizong chunhua entered the priesthood for three years. He was awarded the Dali Commentary, and the General Judgment of Yingzhou and Xuzhou was granted. Summoned to the History Museum, returned to Zhibin Prefecture, defended the city and retreated from the enemy, and praised the edict. Entered the Dali Temple, changed to Tai Chang Cheng . Zhenzong Jingdezhong was the envoy of the Inspector of Fujian, and the Russian judge Dengwen Drum Academy. He will revise the "History of the Two Dynasties" and be a reviser. Da Zhongxiang Fu Chu, made the Khitan and compiled the "Records of the Ride" to dedicate. Promote the knowledge of the system, and the same practitioners live in the notes. The words are gentle and beautiful, especially the long poems. and Ju Wenhan, whose writing is particularly strong, and who is in charge of the ministry. Wrote the "Chronicle of the Nine Kingdoms", the book was not completed and died, and Later Zhang Tangying supplemented and synthesized. There is a collection of essays.


Word Xuan Uncle, Lu Bo Dazi. Sexually loyal and simple, good at poetry. Ming Changzhong, for the left three divisions of the Sizheng, the upper letter of the words and deeds of the will, moved to the right to pick up the remains. The Lugou River decided to propose a method of diversion and governance. Many times outspoken and advised, the monarch is difficult to tolerate. He was appointed as a left-behind judge in Nanjing. He successively supervised the imperial history and served the imperial history, dismissed the official for judging Ji Duan's false case, and became the deputy envoy of the Taiding Army. In addition to the History of Jingzhou, the Twelve Precepts were established to educate the people. On the Shaanxi Road, he was dismissed from his post according to the deputy envoy of the picket officer. After the removal of the Mengzhou defense envoy. At the beginning of zhenyou, the Yuan army broke the city and threw Qin water to die. Successive officials dare to advise, have the style of a direct subject; the articles are novel, the poems are warm and exquisite, and he is the author of "The Collection of Empty Boat Residents".

Lu Zhenfei

Ming Guangping Province QuZhou people, the word see white, the number Haoyue. Apocalypse five years into the army. Zhijingyang County. Refused to build the Wei Zhongxian Ancestral Hall. Chongzhen enlicated the imperial history for four years, impeached the first assistant Zhou Yanru, and was severely reprimanded. And chen ten major drawbacks of current affairs. For eight years, Yan appointed assistant ministers, Wen Tiren, who inspected the school according to the Inspection Division. In the sixteenth year, he was slightly moved to the Governor of Caoyun and the Inspector of Huaiyang. When Hongguang was shining, Ma Shiying wanted to use Tian Yang and strike Zhenfei. King Tang was established in Min, and was a scholar of Shangshu and Wenyuange University. The Qing soldiers entered Xianxia Pass, the Tang king went to Tingzhou, and Zhenfei chased after him. Later, at the summons of King Gui, he died on the way.

Road welcome

Ming Shandong Wen Shangren, the word Binyang. Zhengde three years into the soldier. He was appointed as the chief of the Nanjing Military Department. Master Wang Shouren. The three provinces of Xiangyang, Songjiang and Huai'an are known as the first. Tired officers and soldiers department Shangshu. The above beggars are resigned. Died at the age of eighty.

Road trial

Tang People. Yizong Xiantongzhong was a Xuzhou official. Ten years later, Pang Xun's army conquered Xuzhou and killed Cui Yanzeng. At the beginning of the trial, Yan Zeng knew ren, so he bribed the guards and hid his body. When the later officers attacked Xu, they led the dead soldiers to open the Southern White Gate to respond, because pang Xun was broken. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, he was tired of the history of Lanzhou Assassination. Promoted to Right General Yulin. In the first year of Zhonghe, in addition to the history of the Hangzhou Thorn, he traveled to Jiaxing, and Wen Zhoubao had entered Hangzhou and returned in fear. At the end of the middle and the end, he lived in Ezhou. In four years, because of the assassination of Shi Cui Shao, he recruited three thousand soldiers into the stronghold. In the second year of Guangqi, he was attacked by Zhou Tong, the commander of An Lu, and fled.

Lu Shuyuan

Southern Dynasty Song Danyang Jiankang people, named Huinan. He was elected to the harem of Emperor Wen of Song. Born Liu Jun, Emperor Xiaowu, Bai Shuyuan. The elderly are not favored, and they go out with their sons. Xiao Wu ascended the throne, honored as the empress dowager, quite Yu political affairs, disciples and super-ascended to prominent positions. In the beginning, Emperor Liu Yuming lost his birth mother as a teenager and was adopted by him. Emperor Ming ascended the throne with the honorific title of Empress Dowager Chongxian.

Road light

Emperor Shun of Han. Perseverance. After three kingdoms, until the fifth year of Emperor Taikang of the Jin Dynasty, he went to the cactus peak of Mount Hua to cultivate, which was able to cure diseases and drive away evil spirits, and then ascended to heaven. See "Shaanxi Tongzhi Shi Dao" quoted in "Jia Zhi".


Tang Wei Prefecture Guanshi people, the character Changyuan. Lu Yan nephew. Less talented, sitting on the rock and drowning. In the first year of Emperor Zhaozong's Gwanghwa, he first ascended to the throne. Emperor Tianyou of sorrow for two years, for the left to pick up the remains. Hezhong Jiedu made Zhu Youqian the secretary of the government. At first, he was honored by Youqian. Later, because of Ling's arrogance, he also wrote "Children's Poems" to ridicule, and sank into the Yellow River for Youqian.

Road Taiyi

Tang Jingzhao Sanyuan people. In the fifteenth year, through "Lao Tzu" and "Spring and Autumn". With yin to supplement the Taimiao Temple, Li Wei, Yi, and Qi Three Prefectures Si Gong joined the army. At the beginning of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the official Taiyuan Ling. Ranked full, died on the way home.

The origin of the Chinese surname "Lu" clan!

Lu Bin

Song Jinyang people, character quality husband. Emperor Gaozong Shaoxingzhong, for Guangxi to raise the sentence, sentenced to prison and released, people obeyed his deeds. Shi Zhaozhou's tax refund was too heavy, and the people were very bitter. Cao Shuai did not say a word, and he was allowed to reduce the number of beggars and levies slightly along the way. After going to office, the people did not give up. Officer to the Punishment Department Waiter.