
It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

author:A day of entertainment

In June 2022, the sudden cancellation of Deyun Club's performance was like a hammer, shattering Guo Degang's carefully constructed cross talk empire. As soon as the news came out, the entire literary circle was shaken.

Guo Degang, who used to be dominant, is like a trapped beast at the moment, and he is at a loss for a while in the face of the influx of doubts and accusations. His slightly tired eyes revealed confusion and uneasiness about the future.

Looking back, Guo Degang once relied on his own strength to build Deyun Club into a cultural industry giant with an adult income of up to 600 million yuan. Starting from a small theater to becoming a first-line performing arts company, the rise of Deyun Club is legendary.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Guo Degang interprets the art of cross talk in his own unique way, attracting countless audiences. However, behind the success, controversy followed. Guo Degang's road to innovation is full of thorns.

He integrates traditional cross talk with modern elements, and while retaining the charm of cross talk, he adds more content close to contemporary life. Although this innovation has won the love of young audiences, it has also attracted criticism from cross talk purists.

They believe that Guo Degang's performance is too secular and deviates from the essence of cross talk. In the face of doubts, Guo Degang once firmly said: "We are inheriting traditional culture in another way.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

However, with the commercial success of Deyun Club, Guo Degang seems to be gradually lost in the whirlpool of fame and fortune. The young man who used to be desperate for art is now accused of being a "traitor" to the art of cross talk.

It's poignant, but it seems to contain a certain inevitability. The content of Deyun Club's performances has gradually sparked controversy. Some viewers have reported that some of the jokes are suspected of being vulgar, kitsch, and even discriminatory.

This is contrary to Guo Degang's early emphasis on the concept of "cross talk should pay attention to artistry and reliability". Does Guo Degang, who adhered to tradition and pursued art, still exist? Standing at the pinnacle of his career, did Guo Degang ever think that one day he would become the kind of person he hated the most? The young man who once aspired to inherit traditional culture is now accused of deviating from tradition and chasing commercial interests.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

This change not only surprised the outside world, but also plunged Guo Degang himself into a deep contradiction. The cancellation of the performance in 2022 undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Deyun Club and Guo Degang.

This turmoil not only affected the commercial interests of Deyun Club, but also dealt a serious blow to Guo Degang's public image. In the face of this crisis, Guo Degang chose to remain silent, but the confusion and helplessness in his eyes were captured by a keen audience.

Today's Guo Degang stands at the crossroads of life and career. He needs to re-examine his artistic pursuits, balancing tradition and innovation, art and commerce.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

This turmoil may be an opportunity for him to regain his original intention. After all, cross talk is not only an art, but also carries the mission of inheriting traditional culture. It remains to be seen whether Guo Degang can reposition himself in this crisis and find the young man who is dedicated to art.

Under the haze of the turmoil in Deyun Club, the rift in the relationship between Guo Degang and his lover Yu Qian resurfaced. Once upon a time, this pair of masters and apprentices, known as "golden partners", have now become rivals.

This once enviable master-apprentice relationship eventually turned into an embarrassing tragedy. In 2010, Guo Degang's drunken gaffe became the fuse for the rupture of the master-apprentice relationship.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

At that time, Guo Degang not only did not have morality after drinking, but insulted Yu Qian, and even threatened to "unload the mill and kill the donkey". This incident is like a sharp knife, completely severing the friendship that the two have built up over the years.

Yu Qian's expression at that time was both shocked and deeply disappointed, as if overnight, the image of the master in his heart collapsed. However, who would have thought that the former golden duo would have worked together to create countless glories? Back in 2006, Guo Degang took Yu Qian to participate in the National Cross Talk Competition, and the two cooperated tacitly, passed all the way, and finally won the runner-up.

On the stage at that time, it was Guo Degang's iconic "teasing" and Yu Qian's unique "teasing", and the two worked together and won bursts of applause and cheers from the audience. Off the stage, they are even more like father and son, Guo Degang carefully cultivated Qian, and taught him the cross talk skills he had accumulated over the years.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

In that era, Guo Degang once said affectionately: "Without Yu Qian, there would be no Guo Degang today." This sentence not only expresses his appreciation for Qian, but also reflects the deep affection between them.

With the support of Guo Degang, Yu Qian has grown from an unknown junior to a pillar of Deyun Club. The tacit cooperation between the two on the stage has become the most dazzling signboard of Deyun Club.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and it seems that since the National Cross Talk Competition, the relationship between the master and apprentice has quietly changed. Guo Degang began to monopolize power, while Yu Qian was gradually marginalized.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

What was once intimacy has turned into a reluctant cooperation on stage. The undercurrent surging in the audience finally broke out on that drunken night. After the drunken incident, the relationship between Guo Degang and Yu Qian took a sharp turn for the worse.

Disputes and conflicts in public are constantly staged, and what was once a tacit partner has turned into a-for-tat opponent. Guo Degang said in an interview: "No place is suitable for cross talk, and this is not suitable for me."

This sentence is understood by many people as a sarcasm of Qian. Yu Qian, on the other hand, chose to remain silent, but the disappointment and injury in his eyes were captured by a keen audience. Today's Guo Degang, do you still remember the self who will be humble and look down on treasures? The person who once said that "without Yu Qian, there would be no Guo Degang today", now pushes his closest partner to the opposite.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Isn't this a form of self-betrayal? From intimacy to enmity, the change in the relationship between Guo Degang and Yu Qian is not only a personal grudge, but also a reflection of the power struggle and interest conflicts within Deyun Club.

The former master-apprentice friendship was eventually defeated by the intrigue in Vanity Fair. This master-apprentice grudge has become one of the biggest regrets in Guo Degang's life. It not only affected the development of Deyun Club, but also dealt a serious blow to Guo Degang's public image.

Many people began to question whether Guo Degang, who once valued love and righteousness, has been changed by success and fame? Now, whenever Guo Degang stands on the stage, will he remember the days when he fought side by side with Yu Qian? The tacit cooperation that has touched countless audiences can now only become memories.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

This story of master-apprentice rebellion may be a microcosm of Guo Degang's life, witnessing his transformation from an art seeker to a commercial success, and also reflecting his inner contradictions and struggles.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle and controversy, we can't help but ask, did the 16-year-old Guo Degang foresee his future achievements and difficulties? What kind of transformation has happened between the young man with the dream of cross talk and Guo Degang today? In 1995, the young Guo Degang returned to Beijing alone with his love for cross talk.

At that time, he only had 100 yuan in his pocket, and it cost 15 yuan to rent a room in Beijing. The hardships of life can be imagined, but Guo Degang's eyes are flashing with his dedication to the art of cross talk.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

In order to survive, he had to sell blood to make ends meet. At that time, Guo Degang's thin figure revealed tenacity and determination, as if he was paving the way for his dreams with his own flesh and blood.

Even in such a difficult situation, Guo Degang still did not give up his cross talk dream. He began to perform in small theaters, and although the audience was small, he persisted.

Every night, he would show up on stage on time, even if there was only one audience member in the audience. At that time, Guo Degang's eyes were full of love and dedication to the art of cross talk, and he often had a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was declaring war on fate.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Recalling that time, Guo Degang once sighed: "It was really difficult at that time, but I never thought of giving up. This dedication became the cornerstone of his future success.

In that era of material scarcity, Guo Degang used his own persistence to interpret what is called "the spirit of an artist". When he was 16 years old, Guo Degang worshipped cross talk master Hou Baolin as his teacher.

Hou Baolin's teachings became his life's motto: "Cross talk is to learn to sing, and you must practice basic skills." The young Guo Degang kept his teacher's words in mind and worked hard day and night to study the art of cross talk.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

His focused eyes and diligent figure seem to tell the world the original intention of a cross talk artist. In that era, Guo Degang's love for cross talk was pure and fiery.

He often studied cross talk jokes and pondered his acting skills. Even when life was difficult, he never thought of giving up. At that time, Guo Degang's eyes flashed with a desire for art, and his face was full of hope for the future.

From the dilemma of selling blood to make a living, to the glory of Deyun Club's annual income of 600 million, Guo Degang used his life to interpret what it means to be a "late bloomer". However, can the boy who was desperate for the sake of art still find a shadow in Guo Degang today? Today's Guo Degang has become a "big name" in the cross talk industry.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

But under the halo of success, can we still see the figure who is struggling in the small theater? The teenager who once said that "cross talk is my life" has been annihilated by commercial interests? Guo Degang's success is undoubtedly inspirational.

But his transformation also makes people sigh. From a difficult start to fame and fortune, Guo Degang's experience is legendary. However, did he also lose some of his most precious things in the process? Does that young man who purely loves cross talk still exist in Guo Degang now? This difficult start experience not only witnessed Guo Degang's growth, but also recorded the original intention of a cross talk artist.

It tells us that behind success there are often unimaginable hardships. But at the same time, it also reminds us not to forget our original dreams in the pursuit of success.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

The rise of Deyun Club can be called a legend in the Chinese cross talk industry. Starting from a small theater to a cultural industry giant with an annual income of 600 million yuan, Guo Degang interprets what "success" is in his own way.

However, this rise has not been easy, with challenges, controversies and twists. The development history of Deyun Club can be traced back to Guo Degang's return to Beijing in 1995.

At that time, Guo Degang was alone and only had 100 yuan in hand. He began to perform in small theaters, and although the audience was small, he persisted. At that time, Guo Degang's eyes flashed with his love for the art of cross talk, and even in the face of difficulties, he never thought of giving up.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

With the passage of time, Guo Degang's talent has gradually been recognized. He began to have his own fans, and the reputation of Deyun Club gradually began. However, the road to success is never easy.

In the process of the development of Deyun Club, Guo Degang faced doubts and challenges from all sides. The traditional cross talk community scoffed at his innovation, believing that his performance was too vulgar; And some young viewers feel that his cross talk is too conservative and not fashionable enough.

In the face of these voices, Guo Degang chose to insist on himself. He skillfully integrated traditional cross talk with modern elements to create a unique "Deyun Club Style". Although this innovation has been controversial, it has also won a large number of fans for Deyun Club.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Guo Degang once said: "We are inheriting traditional culture in another way. This sentence is not only his belief, but also has become the guiding principle for the development of Deyun Club. While Deyun Club is thriving, the relationship between Guo Degang and his lover Yu Qian has also reached its peak.

In 2006, Guo Degang took Yu Qian to participate in the National Cross Talk Competition, and the two worked together on the stage and created countless classic jokes. The audience likes Guo Degang's wit and humor, and they also love Yu Qian's gentleness.

This golden pair is a beautiful pair for a while. However, success seems to have blinded Guo Degang. As the commercial value of Deyun Club continued to rise, Guo Degang began to become arbitrary and arbitrary, and gradually deviated from his original intention.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

He began to focus more on commercial interests than on the art of cross talk itself. The content of Deyun Club's performances has gradually sparked controversy, and some viewers have reported that some jokes are suspected of being vulgar, kitsch, and even discriminatory.

By 2022, Deyun Club has grown into a cultural industry giant with an annual income of up to 600 million yuan. But at the same time, there is more and more controversy. The young man who used to be desperate for art is now accused of being a "traitor" to the art of cross talk.

Does the commercial success of Deyun Club mean the decline of art? While pursuing commercial interests, has Guo Degang forgotten his original dream? In June 2022, the sudden cancellation of Deyun Club's performance cast a shadow on the development of Deyun Club.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

This incident not only affected the commercial interests of Deyun Club, but also dealt a serious blow to Guo Degang's public image. In the face of this crisis, Guo Degang chose to remain silent, but the confusion and helplessness in his eyes were captured by a keen audience.

The rise of Deyun Club is not only Guo Degang's personal success history, but also a microcosm of China's cross talk industry. It witnesses the transformation and development of the traditional art of cross talk in the new era, and also reflects the contradictions and conflicts between business and art.

Guo Degang's experience tells us that success is valuable, but the original intention is even more precious. How to maintain a pure love for art while pursuing commercial success is perhaps a question that every artist needs to think about.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Guo Degang and Yu Qian's mentorship and apprenticeship have touched countless people. The origin of this relationship can be traced back to the early days of Guo Degang's career, when he was struggling for the development of Deyun Club.

Guo Degang keenly discovered Yu Qian's talent and spared no effort to cultivate this young cross talk actor. Under the careful guidance of Guo Degang, Yu Qian gradually grew from an unknown junior character to a pillar of Deyun Club.

The year 2006 was an important turning point in the relationship between Guo Degang and Yu Qian. This year, Guo Degang took Yu Qian to participate in the National Cross Talk Competition. This competition has become a touchstone for the relationship between the two.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

On the field, Guo Degang and Yu Qian cooperated tacitly, passed all the way, and finally won the runner-up. Although they didn't win the championship, this experience won a lot of attention for the two and brought more opportunities for Deyun Club.

After the game, Guo Degang saw Yu Qian's potential and began to train him more. He gave Yu Qian more opportunities to play on the stage, and the relationship between the two became more and more mature.

Guo Degang once said affectionately: "Without Yu Qian, there would be no Guo Degang today." This sentence not only expresses his appreciation for Qian, but also reflects the deep affection between them.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

However, with the rapid development and commercial success of Deyun Club, the relationship between the master and apprentice seems to have quietly changed. Guo Degang began to monopolize power, while Yu Qian was gradually marginalized.

The once close master and apprentice began to be estranged. The tacit cooperation on the stage still exists, but the relationship off the stage is gradually drifting apart. In 2010, a drunken incident became the straw that broke the camel's back.

At that time, Guo Degang lost his temper after drinking, not only insulted Yu Qian, but even threatened to "unload the mill and kill the donkey". This incident is like a sharp knife, completely severing the friendship that the two have built up over the years.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Yu Qian's expression at that time was both shocked and deeply disappointed, as if overnight, the image of the master in his heart collapsed. Since then, the relationship between Guo Degang and Yu Qian has never returned to the past.

Disputes and conflicts in public are constantly staged, and what was once a tacit partner has turned into a-for-tat opponent. Some of Guo Degang's remarks in the interview were understood by many people as sarcasm for Qian.

Yu Qian, on the other hand, chose to remain silent, but the disappointment and injury in his eyes were captured by a keen audience. The change in this master-apprentice relationship is not only a personal grudge, but also a reflection of the power struggle and interest conflicts within Deyun Club.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

The once intimate relationship was eventually defeated by the intrigue in Vanity Fair. Did Guo Degang ever think that he would eventually become the "bad master" who hurt his apprentices? The man who once promised to support the apprentice has now become a stumbling block on the path of the apprentice's growth.

Looking at this master-apprentice relationship now, I can't help but sigh. The story of Guo Degang and Yu Qian may be a microcosm of Deyun Club's development process, witnessing its transformation from a small theater to a giant in the cultural industry, and also reflecting the price behind commercial success.

This once touching master-apprentice relationship eventually turned into a tragedy that makes people sigh. In the face of controversy and doubts, Guo Degang seems to be in a dilemma. On the one hand, he hopes to inherit the traditional art of cross talk; On the other hand, he had to think about commercial interests.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

This contradiction has become the biggest problem that plagues Guo Degang. Guo Degang once said: "Cross talk is to learn to sing, and you must practice your basic skills." This sentence originated from the teachings of his master Hou Baolin, and it was also a belief that Guo Degang adhered to.

However, driven by commercial interests, can his performances still adhere to this principle? Has the performance of Deyun Club deviated from the essence of traditional cross talk? These problems not only plagued Guo Degang, but also triggered extensive discussions in the industry and the audience.

Starting from a small theater to a cultural industry giant with an annual income of 600 million yuan, the development of Deyun Club is undoubtedly successful. Guo Degang skillfully integrates traditional cross talk with modern elements to create a unique "Deyun Club style".

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Although this innovation has attracted a large number of young audiences, it has also attracted criticism from the traditional cross talk community. Some people believe that Guo Degang's performance is too secular and deviates from the essence of cross talk.

After the cancellation of Deyun Club's performance in June 2022, Guo Degang fell silent. This incident has undoubtedly had a huge impact on Deyun Club and the entire cross talk industry.

Some believe that this is the price that Guo Degang paid for his hubris; Some people also believe that this is just a temporary setback, and Guo Degang will eventually make a comeback. In any case, this incident forced Guo Degang to rethink his artistic direction.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

Guo Degang is faced with an important choice: whether to continue on the path of commercialization, or return to the essence of traditional cross talk? Do you insist on your own innovation, or do you compromise with tradition? This choice is not only related to Guo Degang's personal development, but also to the future of Deyun Club, and may even affect the direction of the entire cross talk industry.

Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has he become the most hated look? Does the young man who used to be desperate for art still exist in Guo Degang now? These questions may only be answered by Guo Degang himself.

But there is no doubt that his choice will affect many. At this critical juncture, Guo Degang needs to re-examine his artistic pursuits, balancing tradition and innovation, art and commerce.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

He once said, "We are passing on traditional culture in another way." Now, he needs to prove that this phrase is not just a beautiful slogan, but a practical artistic idea.

The future of Deyun Club is not only about Guo Degang personally, but also about the development of the entire cross talk industry. In the rapidly changing modern society, how to rejuvenate traditional art is a challenge that every artist needs to face.

Guo Degang's choice may provide some inspiration for the entire industry. In any case, we hope that Guo Degang can find a way to balance tradition and modernity, so that the traditional art of cross talk can continue to be revitalized in the new era.

It turns out! Guo Degang, who is over half a hundred years old, has lived the way he hates the most

After all, cross talk is not only Guo Degang's dream, but also the expectation of countless audiences. At this critical turning point, every step of Guo Degang's choice will affect the future direction of China's cross talk.

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