
She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

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In the entertainment industry, people are familiar with actresses such as "Mou Girl" and "Star Girl"... And those actresses who have filmed Jay Chou's MV or performed with Jay Chou also have a title, called "J Girl", such as Gui Lunmeng, who played the heroine in Jay Chou's film directorial debut "The Secret That Cannot Be Said",

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Chen Yirong, who debuted popular with Jay Chou's "Tornado" MV...

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Among them, there is also a J girl from Japan. She is suzuki apricot who played Natsuki Motegi in "Head Character D".

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Isn't it quite pure and lovely? But with the passage of time, the former sister has become like this, can you still recognize it?

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Can't help but sigh: time is a pig-killing knife. At the same time, it is really curious, what has happened to Suzuki apricot over the years? What about such a big change in her appearance and temperament?

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Apricot Suzuki was born in 1987 in Tokyo, Japan. Less than 9 years old, he debuted as a child star, although he entered the industry at a young age, but Suzuki apricot quickly showed his strong acting skills, at the age of 10 starred in the romance film "Blue Bird", played the role of Machimura Shiori, won the 15th Japanese Drama Academy Awards Best Newcomer Award, can be called "genius beautiful girl".

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

In 2001, he starred in "Miyuki" in "Kaneda's Juvenile Incident Book", which is also a classic image.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

In 2002, at the age of 15, Suzuki had the opportunity to work with Takeshi Kaneshiro. In the science fiction film "Return to the Samurai", she starred as a young girl from the future, Misato. Jin Chengwu commented that her acting skills "often move people to tears". With this film, Suzuki won the Best Newcomer Award at the 26th Japan Academy Awards.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

In 2004, Suzuki Starred with Yu Aoi in the youth film "Flowers and Alice" by famous director Shunji Iwai. In the film, "Alice" played by Yu Aoi is outgoing and proactive, and the young girl "Hana" played by Suzuki Apricot is shy and introverted. Two youthful girls fall in love with the same boy, Miyamoto.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Does this story sound like another version of "July and Anson"? Yu Aoi won the Best Actress at the 13th Japan Film Awards for this film, and Apricot Suzuki also gained super popularity, opening up her popularity in Asia.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

And the film that really let Chinese audiences know Suzuki Apricot is the film "Head Text D" in which Jay Chou participated. In the film, Suzuki Xing plays Natsuki, who actively pursues Takumi (Jay Chou).

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her
She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

After that, Suzuki Xingxing no longer has a representative work, and she herself is actively trying to transform. In 2011's "Contempt", she changed her long-standing long straight hair style and transformed into a pole dancer, sexy and decadent. In order to seek a breakthrough, she also had large-scale performances in the play, but the audience did not buy it.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her
She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

After that, suzuki apricot's "pure" image is gone. In the film "Wolf", she was completely reduced to "Big Mama",

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Some viewers didn't even recognize her at all.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

In fact, the later Suzuki apricot is not without a chance. In 2015, the big river drama "Flower Burning" found her. The drama featured Masayoshi Inoue as the female lead, and the geisha Chenlu, who was invited to play by Suzuki Apricot, is said to be very important, originally invited Ryoko Hiromi to play, but because Ryoko Hiromi was 5 months pregnant at the time and quit the role, suzuki apricot was chosen.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

Dahe drama is based on historical figures or times as the theme, and the plot is verified, which belongs to a more rigorous drama. Being able to star in the Big River Drama is a recognition of the actor's acting skills, so it is also an honor for the actor. Suzuki Apricot naturally attaches great importance to this opportunity. It's just a pity that the ratings of "Flower Burning" are very low, and Suzuki Apricot has not been able to turn over successfully.

She was once known as a pure jade woman, and was praised by Jay Chou, but now she is blessed to become a big aunt who can't recognize her

The transformation was not successful, the figure was out of shape, and Suzuki apricot was no longer famous. Recently, Suzuki Apricot has not appeared in a new work, and it has slowly faded out of the audience's sight. From a genius child star to no one, the gap between this is not small. In fact, Suzuki Apricot is only 30 years old this year, and she is still very young in the film and television circle, and she can still make a difference, but I don't know if she will return to film and television dramas?


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