
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

author:Flame Nezha
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
"It's not that Jay Chou can't afford to listen to it, but Heilun is more cost-effective!" "Hei Lun", who became popular by imitating Jay Chou, recently launched a national tour. He copied the image of Jay Chou and sang Jay Chou songs, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among fans!

Million-fan Internet celebrity "Heilun"

Helen is a singer and an imitator of Jay Chou.

His image is a bit similar to Jay Chou, and Jay Chou's golden sentence "Ouch, not bad!" He also learned well.

By posting a parody show video on self-media, he won the popularity of a group of fans, and was called "Congenital Chou Dong Holy Body" by netizens.

Up to now, he has also accumulated millions of followers, which can be regarded as a veritable Internet celebrity.

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled


Touring to make money

Due to the number of millions of fans and a certain degree of popularity, some brands have taken a fancy to the commercial value of Helen.

So starting in June 2024, the bar chain "Hibiki Livehouse" invited him as a guest to tour different cities.

Up to now, Helen has completed 5 performances in Foshan, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Taiyuan and Xi'an.

In the performance, his performances of "All the Way North", "Stranded", "Zhou Daxia" and other repertoire are all Jay Chou's works.

According to insiders, Helen's "appearance fee" is about tens of thousands of yuan.

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

Promotional posters

It's not a concert

Regarding whether to take advantage of Jay Chou's popularity to make money commercially, the organizer said: This is not a concert, but a fan meeting.

It is understood that Helen's performance does not charge tickets, but is sold in the form of bar booths.

Taking Foshan Station as an example, the usual 800 yuan of scattered platform, "Heilun Field" increased to 1,500 yuan, and the price doubled. Although there is no ticket, there is a minimum cost of 600 yuan in the bar.

Several of Helen's performances were so popular that the bar was sold out. According to rough estimates, the bar can earn about 200,000 yuan per game.

In Heilun's 5 tours, Hangzhou Station even set a low consumption standard of 6,000 yuan, which is 3 times the ticket price of 2,000 yuan for the genuine Jay Chou.

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

Suzhou station site

Fans say

So who participated in the event? Some of them are Helen's own fans to cheer, and some of them are Jay Chou's fans.

For example, Mr. Hu in Foshan, he has always been a fan of Jay Chou. But after watching Helen's performance, I feel that he imitates it in a similar way, and it is also very interesting. So when Foshan performed, he went to watch the scene.

"I missed Jay Chou's peak moment, and I can't miss Heilun's peak moment again." Mr. Hu said.

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

The scene of Taiyuan Station

Opposing voices

Unlike Mr. Hu, who likes both "Benzun Jay Chou" and "Copycat Jay Chou", many Jay fans expressed indignation at this kind of performance activity.

These fans believe that copycat performances damage Jay Chou's image. More importantly, the use of Jay Chou's image and works for commercial profit-making activities has been suspected of infringement!

Jay Chou's fans strongly demand that this kind of performance be banned!

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

The show is cancelled

After 5 performances, due to the social repercussions, Helen's performance plans for the next 5 cities were forced to be cancelled.

For a few controversial issues, the bar manager explained:

(1) Is the counterfeit ticket price higher than the genuine ticket price? The bar manager said that it was a table fee, and a table could seat several people.

(2) Is there a licensing issue for songs? The manager explained that the playlists for these performances were registered. However, there is no admission fee for such performances, so there is no need to obtain authorization.

(3) What is Helen's appearance fee? The bar manager explained that it was just a travel expense.

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

Helen at the show

Move to the front

Although the tour of the bar was forced to be terminated, Helen still fought online.

As an Internet celebrity with millions of fans, his live broadcast will still have a large number of fans to watch and give gifts.

After this incident, Helen was not discouraged. He said that he will continue to work hard, and when he creates 10 songs, he will hold his own concert!

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled


Netizens are hotly discussed

Regarding the performance of "Copycat Jay", netizens have different opinions.

Some people think it's self-entertaining and harmless. And Helen also has singing skills, and his efforts are obvious to all; Others argue that this is an infringement and is never advisable!

It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled
It's a farce! The high appearance fee of "Copycat Jay Chou" was questioned, and the follow-up performance was forced to be cancelled

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