
Jay Chou's imitator "Hei Lun" wants to hold a concert, and the ticket price is up to 6,000 yuan, which is 2 times higher than the deity

author:Joy Clock

Recently, a Jay Chou imitator "Hei Lun" entered the public eye, because he was going to hold a concert, and he was still singing Jay Chou's song "Stranded".

Jay Chou's imitator "Hei Lun" wants to hold a concert, and the ticket price is up to 6,000 yuan, which is 2 times higher than the deity


For this person, I heard about it for the first time, so I went to look through his personal homepage, which is really fierce, with 1.114 million fans and a total of 278 works, singing either "Stranded" or "Stranded", people call Hei Lun a copycat version of Jay Chou.

Jay Chou's imitator "Hei Lun" wants to hold a concert, and the ticket price is up to 6,000 yuan, which is 2 times higher than the deity


But to be honest, it's not like it at all, the expression of the movement is not exaggerated than Jay Chou.

Jay Chou's imitator "Hei Lun" wants to hold a concert, and the ticket price is up to 6,000 yuan, which is 2 times higher than the deity


It's just that I don't understand, with such a high ticket price, isn't it good to go to the main concert? Why do you choose to see Helen, it doesn't matter if the ticket price is cheap, just go to join in the fun, but it's not very cost-effective if it's so expensive.

In response to this incident, some netizens said: "I heard that the first row is 60 yuan, and the last row is 6,000 yuan, because the farther it is, the more it looks." ”

Jay Chou's imitator "Hei Lun" wants to hold a concert, and the ticket price is up to 6,000 yuan, which is 2 times higher than the deity

It's just that he sang Jay Chou's songs in the name of holding a concert, which is already commercial to make money, and he has not been authorized by Jay Chou, which is infringement.

In case people sue, I don't know if he will be able to compensate Jay Chou after this concert.

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