
Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

All year round, Chinese cabbage is very cheap, but the number is the most delicious, of course, it is the winter cabbage, now is just the best time for Chinese cabbage, fresh and crisp, whether stewed or fried are very good, every year in winter, my family eats the most dishes is Chinese cabbage, a week almost every day in eating, do stew cabbage is indispensable, do stuffing cabbage is the most tender, do stir-fried cabbage the most delicious rice, a vinegar slip cabbage let people eat and want to eat.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

The main taste of vinegar slippery cabbage is sour, so if you want to make vinegar slippery cabbage delicious, when to put vinegar is very important, if you put it incorrectly, it will directly affect the taste of the dish. It is estimated that when many people make vinegar cabbage, they find that the taste they make has no other taste except sour, and the vinegar cabbage made in the restaurant is not only sour, but also fragrant, so that the more you eat, the more fragrant.

Vinegar slip cabbage is also exquisite to do, not when fried to add vinegar so simple, but vinegar to put the right timing, today I come to share with you the correct method of vinegar slip cabbage, cabbage crisp and delicious, delicious rice.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

I will make this dish or because I consulted the chef uncle, before I was not very good at making, the good cabbage is either sour teeth, or afraid of acid do not dare to put more, in short, how difficult to make the vinegar slip cabbage is how difficult to eat.

After consulting my uncle, I found that when he made vinegar slip cabbage, the vinegar was divided into two times, not once, the original vinegar slip cabbage was so exquisite, no wonder it was difficult to eat, if you also do not do well vinegar slip cabbage, you may wish to try the following method, so as to ensure that you eat delicious.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

Steps to make vinegar slip cabbage:

Cabbage gang and cabbage leaves ripen at different times, so when handling cabbage, separate cabbage gang and cabbage leaves.

After the cabbage is broken into pieces, rinsed, and then the cabbage leaves are torn off, torn into slightly larger slices, and then the cabbage is sliced into thin slices, and the oblique knife cutting is the best, so that the fried cabbage helps to eat more flavorful, otherwise it is not delicious.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

Cabbage put aside to control the water, and then prepare the auxiliary materials, do vinegar slip cabbage garlic is essential, peel the garlic and chop it into minced garlic, dried pepper cut into sections, do not mind eating ginger friends, and then prepare some ginger minced, if you mind, you can slice the ginger, with its good vinegar slip cabbage taste is fragrant, pay attention not to eat when eating.

Take a small bowl, add two spoonfuls of soy sauce, two spoonfuls of aged vinegar, a little sugar, a little pepper, an appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence, a small amount of starch, stir with chopsticks to set aside, the juice is adjusted in advance, and the taste will not be uneven when frying.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

Stir-fried cabbage can put lard, you can also put more vegetable oil, if the oil is too little, the taste is worse, after the oil is poured into the pot, heat to 50% heat, the garlic, ginger, dried pepper into the pot to fry the incense, and then pour the cabbage into it.

Stir-fry until the cabbage is a little beaten, pour a little aged vinegar on the side of the pot, and when heated at high temperature, the vinegar flavor will evaporate some, leaving the aroma, and quickly stir-fry for a while.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

Then pour the cabbage leaves into the pot, constantly stir-fry, fry until the cabbage leaves are also beaten, pour in the sauce, stir-fry evenly, so that the vinegar slip cabbage is ready, eat sour and crisp and delicious, if you want to be more flavorful, you can cover the lid and simmer for a while, but after stewing, the cabbage is not crisp enough, everyone can do it according to their own taste.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, do you understand how to put vinegar? The answer is divided into two times, the first time when the cabbage is fried until it is beaten, some vinegar is poured from the side of the pot, and the second time when the cabbage leaves are fried until it is beaten, and then the vinegar in the sauce is poured.

Make vinegar slip cabbage, when to put vinegar is very important, share the correct method, cabbage sour crisp delicious

After two times of vinegar, the vinegar slip cabbage is not only sour, but also fragrant, very delicious. You can also make a taste of it, share it here, like me, please pay attention to me!

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