
AU: Suspension of membership of the Sudan and inability to participate in any AU activities

author:China News Network

According to the Russian satellite network, on the 27th local time, the African Union announced the suspension of Sudan's membership.

According to reports, the AU also said in the statement that "the AU Peace and Security Council has decided to order Sudan to immediately suspend its participation in any AU activities until the civilian transitional government is actually restored." ”

On the 25th local time, the situation in Sudan suddenly changed, the transitional government prime minister Hamduk was "house arrested", the government minister was arrested by the military, and the country entered a state of emergency. Military leader Bulhan then dissolved the Sovereign Council and the Transitional Government and relieved all governors. On the 27th, Hamduk returned home with his family.

Recently, Sudanese military leaders have called for a change of government, while civilian officials have accused the military of planning to seize power. Supporters of both sides recently held separate demonstrations in Khartoum.

Source: China News Network

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