
Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao, the male lord of the north, was wise and resourceful, and made great efforts for the cause of the people's reunification. His son is also outstanding, the eldest son Cao Ang has been intelligent since childhood and is both literate and martial, Cao Pi is good at concealing patience and uniting forces that can be united, Cao Zhang's strength is superior, he has won hundreds of battles, and Cao Zhi is a gentleman and a gentleman, and his writing is remarkable. Among the many sons, because of the unexpected death of Shizi Cao Ang, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi once had a dispute between Shizi.

Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

However, Cao Zhi made mistakes again and again, and eventually became farther and farther away from the position of the son of the world, so that he was no longer welcomed by Cao Cao Pi. Not only that, but in the "Wei Jin Xinyu" also recorded such an incident, Cao Zhi's wife Cui Shi was very angry when cao Cao saw her wearing gorgeous clothes, so she let her commit suicide, is this because Cao Cao hates Cao Zhi very much?

Speaking of Cao Zhi's wife Cui Shi, she is not a child of ordinary people, but from the Famous Cui Clan of Qinghe. In the Three Kingdoms, there is a pair of big hands that dominate the fate of the Three Kingdoms, this big hand is the family family, and the Cui family is part of the family family. The Shijia clan is a famous and prestigious family that has had the right to speak in the imperial court for generations, Yuan Shao's Yuan family is the Shijia clan, and the biggest title is "Four Dynasties and Three Dukes", so on the stage of the major princes competing for hegemony, Yuan Shao's power is the strongest, that is, he thinks that he has the support of the Shijia clan.

Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

Speaking of which, Cao Zhi's wife Cui Shi is not an ordinary woman, she is from the noble Qinghe Cui clan of the Gate Valve Clan.

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, the Qinghe Cui clan, the Langya Wang clan, the Lanling Xiao clan, and the Chen Junyuan clan were several gate valve clans, who had been officials in the dynasty for generations, so they had deep roots in the dynasty. Not to mention that it is not easy for ordinary officials to climb up with them, even after the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, it is not easy for the Tang Emperor to want to climb with them.

It can be seen from this that Cao Cao has a daughter-in-law like Cui Shi, and how much he supports the façade.

In addition, Cui Shi is also Cui Yan's niece. And Because Cui Yan was single-minded and outspoken, Cao Cao not only praised him: "The king has the style of Boyi, the straightness of ShiYu, the greedy man who admires the name and is clear, and the strong man who is still called strong." He was also enshrined as the deputy of the time and appointed to a heavy post as Shangshu.

In this way, even if Cui Shi no longer understands things, Cao Cao will look at Cui Yan's face and smile at her mistakes. But this is not the case.

So was Cui Really given to death because of his "gorgeous clothes"?

Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

I don't think things are so simple, and this has to be found in her husband Cao Zhi.

Cao Zhi was the third son of Cao Cao and Lady Bian, and when he was young, he accompanied Cao Cao in his conquests of the north and south, so the father and son had a deep affection. In addition, Cao Zhicai was very sensitive, and at the age of ten, he could recite classics such as the Book of Poetry and the Analects, and he was also involved in many hundreds of sons. Therefore, every time he faced Cao Cao's questions, he could answer them like a stream and export them into chapters.

His articles are even more splendid, Cao Cao believes that he is a person who can achieve great things, and places all his hopes on him, planning to one day establish him as the son of the world.

Let's take a look at how Cao Cao got Cui Yan.

Cui Yan was a famous soldier at that time, and was first recruited by the general Yuan Shao to serve as an official under his account.

Cui Yan saw that The soldiers under Yuan Shao were committing crimes, being arbitrary and brutal, and even digging up people's graves. Therefore, he advised Yuan Shao to learn from King Wen of Zhou's benevolent deeds and to administer benevolent government to the people. In order to enhance combat effectiveness, soldiers should be strictly treated.

Yuan Shao therefore attached great importance to Cui Yan and appointed him as a knight lieutenant, and heeded his advice.

Who knows, Yuan Shao died of illness soon after.

Yuan Shao's sons Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang have always been discordant, and this is an endless fight in the nest, so they all want to get Cui Yan's support. Cui Yan saw this, simply confessed to illness, and as a result, he was convicted and imprisoned in prison, and almost lost his life.

Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

After Cao Cao became stronger, the political idea of cooperating with the warrior clan was contrary to Cao Cao's own political ideals. Therefore, Cao Cao has been fighting with the Shi clan, such as executing Yang Xiu, killing Cao Zhi's wife Cui Shi and Cui Shi's uncle Cui Yan. In addition, Cao Cao has always believed that a luxurious life will consume people's fighting spirit, so he has always been diligent and thrifty. However, his daughter-in-law blatantly went against his own will and killed Cui Shi, which greatly achieved the effect of killing chickens and monkeys and expanding his prestige.

Why did Cao Cao see that Cao Zhi's wife was dressed gorgeously and force her to die, and what deep meaning was behind it

In addition, Cao Zhi lost the battle with Cao Pi's son and killed Cui Shi to warn Cao Zhi not to have the idea of non-division. At the same time, eliminating the Cui family together also greatly weakened Cao Zhi's strength, and by the way suppressed the power of the Corporal Clan, in one fell swoop.

However, Cao Cao spent his whole life fighting with the Shi clan, and as a result, Cao Pi chose to cooperate with the Shi clan in order to ascend to the throne, and all of Cao Cao's efforts were wasted.

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