
You can't start a life again, and you have to live well every day

author:Bright Net


There is a saying: "The luckiest thing in life is that after today, there will be tomorrow." But the most regrettable thing in life is that every one of them cannot be repeated today. ”

In many moments, it is always difficult for us to settle in the present moment. We are like monkeys breaking corn, chasing the day forward in panic, thinking that the faster we run, the sooner we can reach the happy end.

But as you get older, you will slowly find that every day in your life is the only day in your life that you can't repeat. No matter whether the life is good or bad, difficult or easy, every day we should go down to earth, and we should take it seriously.

People who are perfunctory, in the end, are themselves. Therefore, every day's meal should be well eaten, and sleep well. Don't worry, don't panic, what makes you better will always be the day you're living.


No one's life is smooth sailing. In ordinary days, we inevitably have to face many troubles and dissatisfactions, and even if there is no near-term worry, there may be long-term worries.

When you encounter the wind, you are the wind, and when you encounter the rain, you are the rain. We can't decide whether the weather is good or bad, but we can decide what kind of mentality and mood to use to treat each day.

When people are young, they always feel that the days are too long, and one day seems to be ten years. But when you get older, you will feel that the days are getting shorter, and ten years seem to be at the flick of a finger.

In this world, every day should not be squandered. If you work hard for a day, you will reap a day's harvest; if you work hard for a day, you will get a day's achievement. If you waste and waste, in the end time will only give you regrets and regrets that cannot be repaired for a lifetime.


In fact, every kind of day has its own different taste. The so-called taste of life, the bitterness of hard days may hide the optimistic taste of not giving up lightly, and the difficulties of difficult days may make you more powerful.

Each taste contains incomparably rich life experience and life experience, and only by patiently tasting it will make your life more full.

It is precisely because each day feels differently and experiences differently that our lives are so colorful and so different.

Don't choose comfort at the age when you should be fighting. Life gives you all kinds of tests, all kinds of tribulations, you can bear it, so that life is really full of vitality and strength.


You always have to believe that no matter how hard it is today, it will always pass; no matter how good it is today, it will pass. When you look back, you may feel this way, in fact, there is no good or bad life, the difference is nothing more than whether you have left a footprint and memory of growth.

There are no shortcuts in life, the road must be taken step by step, the mountains must be turned over one by one, and the slopes must be passed one by one. If you escape today's suffering, tomorrow you will suffer even greater suffering; if you skip today's difficulties, tomorrow you will face greater difficulties. Those days of facing difficulties may be the best nourishment for your growth.

I have seen such a passage: Take every dawn as the beginning of your life, and take every dusk as the summary of your life, so that we can all leave a little lovely footprint for ourselves and traces of spiritual enrichment.

Encourage your friends.

Source: Warm Woman (ID: wennuan-312) | Author: Li Siyuan | Anchor: Han Xiaoyu

Source: People's Daily WeChat public account

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