
A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand

author:Xiaoxiang Morning News

Recently, a video of a woman in Guangdong's right hand being stuck by 9 rings, causing her fingers to swell and suppurate, went viral on the Internet. It is reported that the 9 rings of the woman's right hand were removed on the operating table for 30 minutes by fire and medical cooperation. Netizens have left messages, "Wearing 9 rings, can't understand."

According to Zhongshan Fire News, at 15:30 on October 23, the Guzhen Fire Rescue Station received a call for help, saying that a woman's ring card hand could not be taken out, and the Guzhen Fire Rescue Station immediately rushed to the scene.

A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand

After examination by medical staff, it was learned that the woman was wearing 9 rings (4 index fingers, 3 middle fingers and 2 ring fingers) on her right hand. Due to the long time of being stuck and the blood flowing, the woman's knuckles have developed severe puffiness. Among them, the ring on the index finger has been completely embedded in the flesh, and the phenomenon of pus appears, and after a long time, the finger is likely to die, and the situation is very critical!

A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand
A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand

Fire rescue workers immediately put on surgical gowns and went to the operating room to "operate" on the woman. Due to the deepness of the ring card, fire rescue personnel used tools such as insulating scissors and pointed pliers to carefully cut the rings one by one, and after up to 30 minutes of intense rescue, all 9 rings were finally successfully removed.

A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand
A woman in Guangdong wore 9 rings on her right hand to swell into turnips, fire and medical care for half an hour to take it off, netizens: can not understand

This matter has also caused heated discussion on the Internet, some netizens bluntly said, "can not understand", there are also netizens ridicule, "good money, is a bit of a waste of hands" "why not wear both sides of the hand full", some netizens also expressed concern, "what do you want, suppuration to take it off."

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Wang Kaihui synthesized Zhongshan fire protection and netizen comments

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