
Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

author:Sports around the clock

Beijing time, October 28: Just now, greater Paris officially announced. Kylian Mbappe will miss the next round against Lille due to problems with the player's physical condition due to the flu virus. This caused a lot of damage to Greater Paris, which had already been officially announced that the team's midfielder Verratti was missing four weeks of matches. Mbappe was also absent at this time, so in the next round against Lille, Paris had two main players absent.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

You know, Mbappe and Verratti are not the usual main players. The importance of the two of them is that one of them is the engine of the team's midfield, and the other is the player who has the most offensive tasks on the front line, and the importance of the two is self-evident. In the next round against Lille, the only thing Paris can rely on is to watch the state of Messi and Neymar. Due to verratti's injury, it is very difficult to play in the midfield of Paris, so Messi will definitely pull back in the next round. Boss May will be more involved in the team's midfield combing and pushing forward.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

With Mbappe absent from the frontcourt, the likes of Neymar and Di Maria are sure to shoulder the heavy lifting. And another player in the centre position, Icardi, because of the handling of household chores is not sure whether he will play against Lille, if he is also absent, then Paris is likely to adopt the 433 formation in the next game. The trident of Messi Neymar and Di Maria will strike at Lille. For Pochettino, the unexpected absences of Villatty and Mbappe are actually not conducive to his running formation. After Verratti's comeback some time ago, The attack of Greater Paris has been tested in the Champions League, they are becoming more and more fluid, and Pochettino is constantly debugging.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

But Verratti was injured and Mbappe missed the next round because of the flu, which in turn put Pochettino's run-in on on hold. So his formation will definitely be more conservative in the next round. Today's big Paris problem is actually very simple, either they run into a good lineup and the players develop a tacit understanding to soar. Either that the team never had a good chemistry, resulting in the overall performance of the team not as expected.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

At the same time, this match against Lille is also a revenge battle for Greater Paris, and it was Lille who ended the Paris streak last season. The league title was taken away by Lille, leaving Greater Paris to be ridiculed by other European media for a time. So paris must win this game, and for the team's number one superstar Messi, after joining Paris, he has not scored in 4 Ligue 1 games so far, and he must break the drought as soon as possible. In this match against Lille, Mbappe was not there, and Messi became the first fire output point in the team. He needs to be in good shape to break the goal drought and at the same time lead the team to victory.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

Even if two people are injured in this game, Paris still has to win, and Messi needs to prove himself. Not only that, Pochettino's performance in this period of time will be related to whether his coaching position is stable. It is only a matter of time before Ole Gunnar Solskjaer leaves the squad at United, with Conte taking over after the Devils' schedule. Barca's Coman has left class, and it is likely that he will be replaced by Harvey.

Official! The absence of another supergiant in Paris, Messi was hit hard, and the next round was all up to him

If Pochettino wants to stabilize his position, he can't keep the team's performance unstable like these two managers, he needs to show overwhelming strength. Expect the Paris game against Lille to give us a great performance, what do you think of that?

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