
The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

author:Note man
The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

Content source: October 30, 2020, Dark Horse Club - Wealth Creation Acceleration Conference.

Guest: Chen Chen, CEO of

Note: As a partner, Noteman has been reviewed and authorized by the speaker and the organizer.

Advanced Note Takers | Yaxin

Responsible Editor | Jun Mo smiled and reviewed | Hu Yang on duty Editor | Jun Mo laughed


How do marketing teams build through models?

What is the role of AI in marketing?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >, industry and Internet combination</h1>

I talk about marketing thinking today, mainly around how to combine industry and the Internet.

First, clear your mind. We are in the era of data and the Internet, we must first clean up our own thinking logic system, reconstruct new thinking, new strategy.

Second, find the entrance to the transformation and upgrading of the industrial Internet and clarify the entry point. Applications, services, products, markets, must be clearly planned, where are your channels? Where is your private domain traffic? Where are the sales tools? Where is the operating system? Where is the executive team?

In short, find the place where the new Long March begins, and find your entrance before the comprehensive layout.

Third, clearly present the business model. If the business model is not clearly in place, even the best marketing plan cannot succeed. Chinese is the world's most marketing, but also the most know how to fool, but the industrial Internet can not be a little false.

Because data is really placed on the cloud, the value of all business is based on these real data, products and services are not in place, the business model is not established, and marketing does not work.

Fourth, be prepared with money. Without the original funding to start a business, I recommend not starting a business.

When we first started our business, it was very hard, lecturing during the day, writing code at night, making plans in the early hours of the morning... And now, relying on a small amount of income to drive large platform-level entrepreneurship is no longer possible, because there is competition is open, opponents have funds, run faster than you, live longer than you, you have no chance.

We choose HR services as the entrance, through HR SaaS (software as a service) services to everyone, and gradually establish private domain traffic, which can help everyone connect services and supply and demand, and then in turn through the HR system, and then connect every employee.

While enjoying professional HR services, we can purchase employee benefits, employee care, purchase office supplies, and sell products on the platform. In the eyes of suppliers, we are Pinduoduo in the enterprise-level field.

Finally, find your team. At the beginning, we were all one-person marketers, and sales bosses accounted for 80% of many enterprises.

However, the disadvantage of a person is that you must be a variety of experts: product experts, marketing experts, technical experts, service experts, combining beauty and talent in order to do a good job in marketing, but such a boss itself is the bottleneck of enterprise development.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Second, why do private domain traffic operations? </h1>

1. Talent artificial intelligence evaluation model

When we build a team, we pay special attention to the overall planning. What the organization looks like, what is the quality model of each node, and we must always take stock of the talent blueprint.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

Figure: Optimize the capability structure of marketers

Through the system analysis, you can see the talent analysis chart above, and only the intersecting parts are qualified teams. The upper part of the separation is vacant, resulting in poor quality of the work. The lower part of the separation is redundant, leading to inefficiency. When the intersecting parts are less than 80%, the entire organization is neither efficient nor qualitative.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

Figure: Optimizing the capability structure of business units

The above figure reflects a mature organization in the business adjustment after the formation of a comparison chart, less than 50% of the pass rate, the need for a large number of optimization and adjustment of talents, can not do these, business strategy do not adjust, otherwise it may cause the company to collapse rapidly.

Here's an analytics program for human resources called "holographic assessment," which pulls out the qualification system for every marketer and lets everyone match them one by one.

The success or failure of a company depends entirely on the team. There is very limited number of things that a person can do, and many people ignore the focus of the team marketing system because the focus is not on the VP of Marketing, partners, agencies, sales managers.

The success or failure of a marketing team often depends on the terminal salesperson who has the most direct contact with customers, and most companies put this role in the lowest position in marketing, which is actually the wrong approach, because it is they who are in the most contact with customers, so you have to spend a lot of energy to study what kind of people are suitable for your terminal marketer. Successful organizations tend to rank higher than managers in marketing management positions and earn more than managers.

For the recruitment standards of marketers, you don't know or even how to identify, many people look excellent, there is no performance in the company, but some people who look ordinary, sign the order.

Because it is your mistake in judgment, the quality of the sales staff under the iceberg is invisible and intangible, and it needs a very professional evaluation tool to evaluate.

In addition to individual ability and quality, sales performance will also be affected by the leadership style of the superior, the decision-making process of the organization, the geographical environment, the development trend of the industry, the competitive environment, etc., as well as unexpected events, such as the new crown and so on. There are thousands of factors that determine this person's performance, and no one can tell you exactly whether he is suitable for selling your product in your business unit, and we may have to rely on the AI identification tool of the job function.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

Similarly, a holographic evaluation of new recruits is conducted to match the model, which is based on the best marketing representatives in the enterprise as a benchmark, finds gaps, on the one hand, eliminates, trains, and improves on the one hand.

Updated quarterly to best meet your needs. Selling ZTE and Huawei products are not the same, a state-owned enterprise, a private enterprise, selling the same thing, but the influencing factors are different.

2. "You, me, him" marketing rules

Here, I plug in our "you me him" marketing approach.

"You" are customers, what are the characteristics of customers? Who signs the bill, who makes the decision, what kind of organization, what kind of process, how much the budget is put in, their ideas, needs, etc.;

"I" is our product, our program, our team, our service, our brand and our overall comprehensive capability, which is to be very clear about ourselves;

"He" is your competitor. Strengths and weaknesses, development strategies, teams, service differences, etc., to know each other.

Generally speaking, the PK mode is that there is only one opponent in the end, and if you get the opponent, you win.

Just talked about a case, in fact, to tell you that our methodology is that all details, props, role assignments, must have strategies and methods. Attention to detail, perseverance, fighting until the last moment, until the project is fully delivered, rather than signing and receiving, is a long-term marketing doctrine.

3. Model building and use

What kind of individual or team is your iron army? The answer is in your hands.

The general model outside is not suitable for you, even if it is only the marketing manager, or the style of the president is different, it will affect the different qualities of people to achieve different performance. You have to find and refine this model in the team, it will be very rough at the beginning, and it will take two years of polishing to take shape.

After maturity, this model can be taken to the second year of high school in middle school, to help them choose the future career, in fact, our previous generations are "post-adaptation", rather than in advance career planning, the next step we will refine this system, hoping to help the enterprise in the long run, but also to help every talent.

Meituan,, Ctrip, Renrui, Yuanda, etc. are all building their own models in this way, and completing the recruitment and optimization of talents through daydao AI interviews.

After the model is built, performance feedback becomes the starting point of the cycle to optimize the model. According to this system, performance appraisal is carried out, and benchmarking is constantly used for evaluation and updating.

AI robots are smarter than people: first assess, after the basic qualities meet the requirements, then conduct an exam and complete the audition; after the AI interview is completed, conduct a live video interview until the completion of the entire recruitment process. Then upload your ID card, resume, academic certificate on the mobile phone, and the system conducts online cross-verification and background check to complete the entry.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

The above figure is the path for us to create an efficient marketing organization, forming a closed loop from strategic layout, organizational construction, job setting, talent recruitment, performance appraisal, value distribution, etc.

At each stage, the single product market, the multi-product market and the international product market promote various strategic management and assessment tools such as KPI, PBC, BSC (three assessment methods) to build an intelligent management platform.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

4. Differentiated performance management strategy

How do you identify the people with the best performance?

The best performer is not necessarily the highest sales, but the most efficient, or the fastest growing, is the real best performance.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

The picture above is our model, this model has four dimensions, we have systematically made a product.

Per capita efficiency analysis, identify key talents, match salaries, cascades, and the entire career development, and finally have a performance improvement plan.

But it is not mandatory elimination, employees can not make money here naturally go, some people are particularly capable, but especially suitable for other industries, we are dynamic by the machine to eliminate people, by the machine to recruit people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, people and AI interconnection</h1>

1. Reposition marketing roles

The strategic layout includes the organizational system, employee model, as well as sales tools, marketing tools and system support tools. In terms of details, a small amount of care determines whether you can get support.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

Sales staff is to manage this machine, a sales before the service of 100 companies to the limit, now manage tens of millions of no problem, so we more than 20 customer success managers, manage more than 400,000 companies, this is how to do.

AI intelligence has become the basic quality of marketing leaders. Give good guidance to employees, robots are operating systems, online office, processes, programs, models, data, methodologies are all on it.

This machine is more than any one leader, the complete knowledge base. But this knowledge base is not the more the better, but the more refined the better. The customer's knowledge system is displayed on the salesman's mobile phone, and it can be done in 10 steps.

After the arrival of 5G, every product detail is displayed in the form of a video, and the language identifies the customer's question and jumps out of the video answer. Because the machine must be more professional, more meticulous, and more "patient" than the salesman.

2. Excellent leader vs. robot

We must fully authorize, set up the process, do not do it yourself, the three major operators and many banks have process nodes are authorized, relying on the system to control, and the robot is stronger than you.

Machines can complete the timely care of employees, including performance orientation, but also have a complex set of calculation formulas. Record what your boss wants into a 5-minute video and put it in the knowledge base to share information.

Online career design and training system, with a job qualification model, the back design is very simple, big data decision-making and key analysis, induction, calculation, matching and exchange, such a calculation method, no one can surpass the computer.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

The computer is a complex system, and building a model can quickly open the market. Also connect some platform companies, such as BAT (Baidu, Ali, Tencent), maybe small companies like us, many employees of enterprises are using our products. We also see today that there is a green plant, many enterprises need green plants, after connecting, as long as the price is cheap, all parts of the country can be delivered to the ground, we connect on the line.

From the perspective of marketing or human resources, there are many positions that can be completed by machines, and the advantage is that it is an organic whole, not a single aspect, and can comprehensively consider many factors such as marketing, products and performance.

3.AI layout

In this day and age, many methods and experiences are handed over to machines, dealing with mobile phones, and fool-like operations.

Our overall marketing strategy, goals, indicator decomposition, parameter setting, key initiatives, building employees, handing over to the system, setting indicators, forming models. Although Licai Network is mainly doing HR, we have done a lot of things other than HR.

The success or failure of the organization depends on the combination of team one, industry and the Internet, why do private domain traffic operations? Third, people and AI are interconnected

The company was established in 2014 and launched the PaaS (Platform as a Service) platform, in addition to the core product day HR, it has also launched many products, such as OA (office automation), CRM (customer relationship management), investment management, public opinion monitoring, enterprise video marketing, catering, construction, transportation, etc., these products and services are themselves a whole; in 2019, intelligent management tools were launched.

I hope that you have good products to cooperate with us, discuss how we work together to the industrial Internet, layout of the mobile Internet, we are a product and technology company, hope to serve everyone.

Thank you.

*The article is the author's independent opinion and does not represent the position of the note-taker.