
Wang Mian, who was the governor of Xingshan County

author:Yunmeng literary and historical study

Yunmeng Wang Mian (Excerpt from "Children of Xingshan", Volume II)

The new Xingshan County Magistrate, Wang Mian, looked like a scholar and wrinkled, but at the moment he was rambling around the office like a wild boar trapped in a cage. On the darkly lit desk in the middle of the room, the phone kept making a harsh sound. He knew that all this was to supervise the military movement on the front line, and he did not dare to take the earpiece, thinking that he was already a "donkey in Guizhou - the skills are exhausted."

Wang Mian, a native of Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, previously worked as a small public official in the provincial government and moved west to Enshi with the government. After the arrest of Lei Mingze, the governor of Xingshan County, he was sent to Xiakou District as the district chief to appease the people and ensure military transportation in the front. After he arrived at Xingshan, he learned that he had entered the ghost gate. The people of Xingshan died of soldiers and plague infections, and the population was less than 100,000. The International Red Cross sent an epidemic prevention team led by Dr. Flado, a Pole, to launch a lice eradication campaign in townships and field hospitals to eliminate the epidemic. Legend has it that the Japanese army used bacteriological weapons to use aircraft to drop "bacterial bombs with cholera" in Padang, Zigui, Xingshan and other places and fell on the leaves and buds along the Yangtze River, and many people were infected, vomited and diarrhea, and died of severe dehydration. The epidemic has caused nearly 5,000 deaths in Xingshan County, and most of the villages have closed their doors. The wounded and sick of the army have died more in the spread of the epidemic, there are an unknown number of wounded and sick buried in the mountains of Caijiaya, Xiajiawan and Paddy Dam, and the hospitals in the war zone have concealed the number of people, dare not count and report, for fear of causing panic in the international community, but the epidemic has been paid attention to by the national government and the international community, and the provincial government and the army have sent medical teams and epidemic prevention teams.

However, in order to ensure the transportation of military food, weapons, and ammunition for hundreds of thousands of troops on the two military transport lines in the county, we can only rely on these Xingshan people who have struggled from the disease disaster to form a team of people to carry military food and ammunition shoulder to shoulder. When Wang Mian first arrived at the mouth of the gorge as the district chief, the front line was urgent, and the only way was to put on his own straw shoes, take a pestle and a basket on his back, fill it with military food, and lead the militia team to exhaust his life on the rugged mountain road, hoping in his heart to return to Enshi as soon as possible and go to the provincial government as a small clerk. On that day, Chen Cheng, commander of the Sixth Theater of Operations, went through Xingshan to inspect the military situation on the front line of the Wudu River, and the group walked to the Yangdao River's sheep gut trail and met a grain delivery team, and he saw a middle-aged man headed by him, slender and emaciated, barefoot straw shoes, sweating heavily, dragging a pestle and carrying a large bag of military food. Someone behind me shouted at this middle-aged man, "Governor Wang, take a quick break and let the chiefs pass first." Chen Cheng sounded a little strange, where is there such a district chief, who carries the same grain as the minfu, and more than the minfu? He sent a staff officer to invite this man to the front, asked Wang Mian's name, place of origin, and position, and finally gave Wang Mian a solemn military salute and immediately set off. Soon the provincial government issued a letter of appointment: "Wang Mian, the mayor of Xiakou District in Zixingshan County, who works hard and cherishes the people, should be promoted to county chief, this order, Chen Cheng, chairman of Hubei Province." Wang Mian had no choice but to admit his fate, and he gave his life in Xingshan County with a dead heart.

In May 1943, China and Japan opened the Battle of Western Hubei, and several armies stationed at Wuduhe, Maliangping, Fenxiang, and Xiaofeng fronts of hundreds of thousands of troops and horses, in response to the defense of Shipai in jiangbei, counterattacked Yichang, the front line was lengthened, and the military supply route was also lengthened. Since entering May, there have been days of torrential rain and shortage of military food, and the military transportation stations have asked the civilian teams to find their own way to fill the hunger. Wang Mian felt that he could not hold on to it, and the urging, reprimanding, reprimanding, and ordering of the 26th Group Army, the provincial government, and the military transportation stations were thrown at him like grenades, and he already had the idea of committing suicide and apologizing. Zhu Yikun, secretary general of the county party department, Xiao Ximin, deputy secretary general, Chen Heshu, interim senate speaker, Xu Dashou, deputy speaker of the Council, Zhu Quanyao, secretary general of the Three Youth League, and others entered the door, and all saw Wang Mian's bitter melon look like a long stretch, and they all understood the seriousness of the situation, and the war coming from the front made them very nervous. Wang Mian begged them with tears on his face: "Dear fathers and fellow countrymen, the military movement cannot be supplied, and my king Mian's brain shell is a small matter, but if it delays the counterattack of the anti-Japanese army, it will be big, and we are all sinners of the nation." Everyone was silent, but Chen Heshu said the method: "Governor Wang County, Mo Qian, I propose a method, and everyone discusses: First, mobilize the strength of the whole county to mobilize the people of the whole county, regardless of whether they are men, women or children, to abandon their homes and go to the military transportation line, like ants moving Mount Tai to the military transportation line to grab military food." The second is to ask the three old baigongye, Hu Jiachuan, and Huang Yutian of the county town to come forward and mobilize the merchants and people in the county town to voluntarily donate money and donate grain to the county government to recruit refugees from the county to join the militia team, which can increase the number of thousands of people! The third is to invite young people to take the lead, set up a military sports corps, and summon public officials, teachers, and students throughout the county to take the lead in going to the military movement line, climbing mountains and wading through waters with the people to transport military food, and maintaining order in the military movement. ”

Chen Heshu's opinion turned Wang Mian's worries into joy, and a rare smile appeared on his face, and everyone thought that this would clearly work and immediately divide the work. The Military Movement Corps was set up, with Zhu Quanyao as the commander-in-chief, responsible for mobilizing the people, leading 376 public officials and students throughout the county to take the lead and immediately rush to the front line of the military movement to grab military food. Chen Heshu and Xu Dashou immediately accompanied the three elders to launch a fundraising campaign in the county seat. Wang Mian and Xiao Ximin led the refugee team to the section of the Line from Huang Clan Ancestral Hall to Ma Liangping to promote the transportation of military food, and everything went very smoothly.

At the Xiakou Wharf, the people's team on the hanging sheep rock mouth were all elderly people, women and primary school students, they were all two carrying a bag of military rice, a large bag of 50 pounds, a small bag of 40 pounds, Hu Ziying and Jia Xiaolan carried a large bag, and a child was helping them. He is Wan Yulian's son Wan Guozhu, who is 8 years old this year, and Hu Ziying and Jia Xiaolan lead the women's team. The old man's team is led by a pair of rivals, Bai Pugongye and Zhu Yikun, secretary of the county party department. Bai Gongye was more than sixty years old, and he also came to carry military food, and insisted on carrying a big bag with Zhu Yikun, the "bodhisattva with rotten feet", Zhu Yikun smiled: "This time the sun has come out of the west, and the gongye who has been against me all his life has also provoked the bodhisattva." Bai Gongye brushed his fancy beard and said loudly to the crowd: "The rotten-footed bodhisattva Zhu Changhai (Zhu Yikun's name) has been a churning stick all his life, stirring up where the smell is, it is this time to carry military food to the battlefield, this thing is done right." So the old man wants to lift the bar with you, and everyone knows what it means to be the same enemy! The crowd laughed, "Right, right, same, same!" In the laughter, men, women and children worked harder and sweated like rain.

The journey from Hanging Sheep Rock to Huang Clan Ancestral Hall on the Gorge Fog Line (Gorge Mouth - Wudu River) is the most difficult section of the military transportation line, most of which are cliffs, two mountains facing each other, sandwiched between a Xiayang River channel in the middle, the river is swollen, people can not pass through the river, can only walk from the cliff rock chiseled out of the path. Hanging Sheep Rock is towering, like a sharp sword straight into the sky, steep cliffs, there is no way. The ancients chiseled out a path up and down eight miles from the cliffs of the confrontational Lifang Rock, and the folk song "There is a female Mo marrying Lifang Rock, carrying a bucket of water, and a rotten shoe." "The obstacles of this mountain road and the difficulty of walking have been clarified. Zhu Quanyao, with more than 300 public officials and middle school students, made a round trip from Hanging Sheep Rock to Huang Clan Ancestral Hall for more than 80 miles every day, carrying military rice or ammunition, and turning back to carry the wounded and sick and ordnance. The Battle of Western Hubei was raining and rainy, the Xiayang River was soaring, the militia could only insist on walking from the rock wall, the crowd was crowded, it was difficult to find a place to fight the pestle and breathe, and the militia team on the military transportation line had no food supply, and they all relied on their own grain noodles, red amaranth, and potatoes to fill their hunger, hunger and disease threatened their lives, and every day there were cases of exhaustion, starvation, disease, rockfall, and drowning. The shadow of death hung over the military movement line, and the people of Xingshan endured great pain and struggled to stick to the anti-Japanese military movement line.

Zhu Quanyao led a convoy, and on the way back, he drew out more than a dozen teachers and students who could write and draw, and used white lime water on the rocks on both sides of the road, dipped in the slogans of the War of Resistance: "The rise and fall of the country, the pifu has the responsibility" "To overthrow the Japanese warlords, to return my great rivers and mountains", "to unite and drive out the Japanese bandits", "to have money to pay money, to make a strong contribution, to support the all-people war of resistance", "good iron to be nailed, good men to be soldiers", "to resist the war to the end, to persist to the final victory", "Long live the Chinese nation..." He also improvised a batch of cartoons and pasted them in the resting places. These slogans and seductive comic strips inspired the soldiers who rushed to the front line and the exhausted militia to strengthen their anti-Japanese fighting spirit.

Zhu Quanyao served as the commander of the military sports corps, and there were several brigade leaders and squadron leaders under him, all of whom were the backbone members of the Three Youth Leagues selected by him, and he insisted on carrying large bags, and assigned female students to carry small bags. Xiu Xiu is carrying a small bag, but she is much more laborious than Zhu Quanyao, she has been doing housework and farming since she was a child, and she can afford to suffer, while Zhu Quanyao looks handsome and tall, but has been reading outside, and is a student. Xiu Xiu silently looked at her beloved, endured fatigue every day, shoulder to shoulder, and insisted on showing a scrappy appearance to lead the people, shouting and rushing to the front, and her heart was very painful for him. At night camp, Xiu Xiu tried to boil hot water to burn his feet, and with the help of the faint light, he picked up blisters on his feet, and tears couldn't help but flow on his face. Zhu Quanyao comforted her: "Xiu Xiu is not sad, at a time of national crisis, we are nothing compared to the soldiers who fought and sacrificed their lives in blood on the front line, as long as we all persist in the War of Resistance, victory will inevitably belong to us." Xiu Xiu clung to him, her face covered with tears, clinging to his chest. The next day, Xiuxiu ignored the teasing of her classmates and the persuasion of Zhu Quanyao and forcibly changed the large bag he was carrying on her shoulder.

The disaster occurred at the mouth of the two rivers, which is where the two rivers of the Xiayang River and the Confucius River converge, and the water potential is larger, but across this river, it is on the old foundation of the original Sichuan-Han Railway, bypassing the untamed and roaring god dog stone, and the road is flat. Unexpectedly, the stone pier originally placed in the river water, due to the impact of the flood loosened, when Xiu Xiu and two female classmates took care of each other, holding hands and jumping, the stone pier overturned, Xiu Xiu three people fell into the water, let the torrent rush away, walking behind Zhu Quanyao and a few male classmates hurriedly dropped the back basket, jumped into the water to save people, immediately rescued two, and Xiu Xiu's best classmate Zhou Shu'e was suffocated in the water because of the back basket upside down, when the body was salvaged from the downstream to the shore, Xiu Xiu could no longer help but be sad, howling and crying, bringing many students to cry, The mournful crying echoed through the empty valley, and the entire military line was weeping with sorrow. The two rock eagles perched on the General Pillar Mountain flew up into the sky in horror, hovering between the green mountains and blue skies, and making sharp cries at the sad people, making people even more sad. The mountains are silent, and the rivers are weeping. Zhu Quanyao did not go to help Xiuxiu, who was lying on the ground because of pain, he wiped the tears from his face, carried the military food on his back, and took a big stride back, singing "Man Jiang Hong" in a high-pitched and sad voice: "Angry hair rushes to the crown, by the railing, Xiao Xiao rain rests." Look up at the eyes, look up at the sky and scream, and be fierce. Thirty meritorious deeds of dust and earth, eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Don't wait idle, white teenager's head, empty and sad! Jing Kang shame, Ju Wei Xue; courtiers hate, when will it be extinguished? Drive a long car and step through the Helan Mountain! Zhuangzhi was hungry for meat and laughed about thirsting for The blood of the Huns. Stay at the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and go to the sky! ”

The melody of excitement and pathos, began to be harmonized, and people continued to join, and suddenly the mountain valley echoed with a song "Drive a long car, step through the Lack of Helan Mountain!" Zhuangzhi starved for meat, laughed and talked about thirst for The blood of the Huns..." The high-pitched and pathetic "Man Jiang Hong" drove away the goshawks circling above the crowd and drove away the pain and sorrow in people's hearts, and the team of the transport corps carried the body of Zhou Yuan'e, carrying military food and ammunition, toward the front line, and continued to advance with difficulty.

Celebration consolation for the army

The news of the "Great Victory in Western Hubei" blew into Xingshan County like a swift wind, filling the people who were panicking and uneasy with the joy of turning danger into safety.

A few days ago, the war was tense, and refugees pouring into Xingshan from Zigui Sandouping and Maoping filled the chengguan. The 32nd Army stationed in Maliangping, Xingshan County, was urgently transferred to Jiangnan to reinforce the Shipai defenders, and tens of thousands of people turned west to the south, passing through Xingshan Chengguan and rushing to the north bank of the Yangtze River. Due to the continuous rain, the swollen water of the Xiangxi River washed away the pontoon bridge erected in the river, and the people of the whole city immediately responded to the call of the county government, removed their wooden doors and wooden planks and sent them to the river, and rebuilt the pontoon bridge overnight, so that the officers and men of the 32nd Army and the weight quickly drove through the Xiangxi River to Jiangnan. People's hearts are heavy and worried about the outcome of the stone pai defense war.

The sudden news of victory made the whole city boil, and the people who heard the news first ran to the street and shouted loudly; "Great victory in Western Hubei!" Victory in Western Hubei! "The devils have been defeated!" We won! "Suddenly, people rushed to tell each other, the cheers were boiling, the troops fired their guns for it, all the businesses lit firecrackers in the streets, public officials of government organs beat gongs and drums and took to the streets, children also beat copper basins all over the streets, men, women, and children were smiling happily, and the military and people of the county town were overjoyed and elated." The Great Victory in Western Hubei was a major victory in the Sixth Theater since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Wang Mian and Zhu Quanyao, county magistrates who had just returned to the city from the military sports line, discussed that under the victorious situation, they should expand the anti-Japanese propaganda and encourage the people of the whole county to persist in their determination to resist Japan to the end. Inform all townships, each security, and each household to make a pair of military shoes as soon as possible to comfort the soldiers in the front.

In June, the water of the Xiangxi River is no longer clear jasper, but the color of grass and green precipitated from the turbid water of the flash flood ripples with the waves, which people are accustomed to call "muddy water". In the early summer wilderness, the mountains are like dai, the water is full of smoke, the trees in the mountains are lush, and the road is full of jingling mountain springs and water, which is very pleasant. Layers of terraces, wheat waves rolling, flocks of greedy little sparrows and beautiful flower butterflies flying around in the wheat waves, dancing. County magistrate Wang Mian and Zhu Quanyao, secretary general of the Three Youth League, led the literary and art propaganda teams of the county middle school and the county primary school to the headquarters of the 26th Group Army in Xiangxi, Nansi County, to give a condolence performance. In front of the condolence team, there were four villagers carrying half of the pork tied with red cloth strips, and six villagers carrying Pu'an Gongmi, followed by a music team composed of a drum team, followed by male and female students carrying a basket of basket cloth shoes, and the team of more than 100 people, playing along the way, blowing and singing along the way, and lively to Sixiang Creek.

The military band organized by the headquarters of the 26th Group Army on the left bank of the Xiangxi River welcomed the condolences of the people of Xingshan County with "foreign drums" and "foreign trumpets." A few wooden boats quickly crossed the condolence procession across the river. The river beach was bustling with activity, and Zhou Yan, commander-in-chief of the group army, was a short and fat man with a blessed face, about fifty years old, speaking difficult Zhejiang dialect, and personally brought the chief of staff and a group of generals to the river to greet him. They held Wang Mian and Zhu Quanyao's hands very politely, and the tall and thin chief of staff quietly whispered to Zhu Quanyao: "Principal Zhu, be careful, your group of beautiful women will be robbed by us." Zhu Quanyao immediately saluted and replied solemnly: "Report sir, we only send materials for the comfort activities, not people." It made Zhou Yan, the chief of staff, and the generals laugh. The headquarters of the 26th Group Army hosted the Xingshan Condolence Group and distributed a box of compressed biscuits and a box of canned beef airlifted from the United States to each of the comfort team members. Commander-in-Chief Zhou Yan painfully told Wang Mian and Zhu Quanyao: "This is the generosity of the subordinates, I really don't want to have the only family foundation, who told them to like the girls of Xingshan too much." That night's performance pushed the condolence activities to a climax.

The teachers of the county middle school and the county primary school jointly performed the song "Anti-Japanese Song" composed and composed by themselves: "Compatriots, quickly sober up, unite to fight the Japanese Kou, the Japanese Koko will not drive away, the local area is restless, the compatriots, do not hesitate, the military-civilian cooperation is the most important..." "September 18, do not forget, the Japanese devils are crazy, launch a war to invade China, seize our good places; from the north to the south, the robber policy is "three lights", kill my compatriots, burn my house, Chinese the people suffer, planes bomb, tanks crash, destroy our cities and villages." Occupy Shanghai, rob Wuhan, and now ravage me yichang, unable to watch, unable to hope, vowing to resist with blood..."

Teachers and students of the county middle school sang the anti-Japanese pop song "Exile Trilogy": "Cry goodbye to the white mountains and black waters, and walk all over the Yellow River and the Yangtze River." Wandering, fleeing, fleeing, wandering. How long did you wander? Where to flee? Our homeland is in turmoil, and we have nowhere to wander or flee. Where is our hometown? Where is our daddy? Millions of glory, in an instant, turned to ashes; infinite laughter, in the blink of an eye into desolation. see! The fire is up again, and I don't know how many properties are destroyed! listen! The cannon sounded again, and I don't know how many lives died! ..."Go, go to war! We want to avenge Daddy! Go, go to war! We are going to fight for the nation! The song is smooth and the words are sonorous, inspiring the military and the people to fight against Japan.

Dressed in the elegant costume of a country girl, combing a big black and shiny braid, Jia Xiaolan took the stage to sing a solo song "Cold Night Song of a Foreign Land": "Leaving my hometown, I don't know how many years, my nostalgic hometown, looking at and looking at the eyes is a desolate and sad, when will I be able to see the moon in my hometown?" Quiet night, cold wind, the moon sinks west. Leaving my hometown, I don't know how many years, my nostalgic hometown, looking at and looking at the front of my eyes is a desolate and sad, when will I be able to see the face of the deceased. The wilderness of suffering, the bitter tears, do not run to a foreign land..." Her poignant and sad tune, the soldiers and civilians under the stage who sang were looking down and weeping, their mood was sad, and the soldiers who were shrouded in the shadow of the war missed their hometown even more.

The live newspaper drama "Smart Catch the Devil Soldier" performed by the prefectural middle school caused the laughter of the military and civilians in the audience. Several handsome middle school students dressed up as Huang Company Commander, Zhou Platoon Commander and soldiers of the 13th Division of the 75th Army of the Nationalist Army set up an ambush on the Jinbaling Mountains in Yichang and captured two ghost soldiers, Songshan and Chunjing Murami, played by Zhu Quanyao and Zhang Yuexuan. When Sun Guangyu, a student who played the commander of Huang Company, announced: "Report to commander-in-chief Zhou, report to the fathers and fellow villagers of Xingshan, I even captured two ghost soldiers alive, the ghosts in our Country raped and burned and killed, no evil, everyone wants to take revenge, please report." At one point, the voices of the people boiled over, and the soldiers and civilians in the audience roared in unison, "Fight, fight, fight," and many soldiers and civilians rushed to the stage, and you punched, and I punched the Japanese prisoners' steel helmets to the ground, shouting, pushing, and beating into a mess. At this time, the actor County Governor Wang Mian, who played commander-in-chief of Zhou Yan, appeared and shouted: "Take the Japanese prisoners to the headquarters of the 26th Group Army, and I will personally interrogate them," which ripped Zhu Quanyao and Zhang Yuexuan, who were rolling on the ground, from power. When the two men removed their makeup, they were sweating profusely and both were injured, Xiuxiu was so distressed that she burst into tears, and wanted to go to the military doctor to give them medicine to heal their wounds, but was pulled by Zhu Quanyao, laughing and saying: "Well played!" Well played! I'm going to beat the Japanese devils like this, and they're not hitting me. "It made everyone in the backstage laugh.

The grand finale of the evening party was also the program that the officers and men were most looking forward to, the song and dance drama "Sending Military Shoes", more than twenty young girls led by Jia Xiaolan, singing and dancing their own songs and dances: "The autumn wind rises, the autumn wind is cool, the national soldiers go to the battlefield, we are in the rear, and the green cloth shoes are made into a few pairs." The bottom is densely packed, the help is firmly on, and the shoes are so beautiful. Pair by pair, box by box, sent to the front. The brethren saw that the shoes were good, rejoiced and put them on their feet, and went to get their guns with full vigor, and calmly went to the battlefield, you shot, I shot, and I can win the battle. Winning the war and defending the country is also protecting the hometown, and the family is hoping to eliminate the devils and return to their hometown. The family reunion is joyful. Xi Yangyang (the ending is sung by Jia Xiaolan) I am waiting for Junlang in the new house. "The afterglow is lingering.

The girls on the stage were uniformly dressed in blue cloth and floral clothes. The black hair was tied with purple bows, which the county government collected donations for them overnight. Carrying a basket full of cloth shoes from the stage, dancing gracefully like a fairy, and being generous, this group of girls came down from the stage and distributed a pair of cloth shoes to the soldiers. The officers and men's eyes were wide open, staring at these beautiful girls, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, but some of them had the courage to hold the girl's hand and did not want to relax. When the song and dance ended, the host Zhu Quanyao came to the stage to announce that the condolence party was over, and the venue erupted into fierce applause and shouts...

A few days later, the Headquarters of the Commander of the Sixth Theater and the Hubei Provincial Government sent a telegram commending the Xingshan County Anti-Japanese War Military Movement, supporting the meritorious service in the Battle of Western Hubei, and specially commending the merits, which were broadcast to the whole country by the Central News Agency. The Commander-in-Chief of the Sixth Theater sent a touring film team to Xingshan to comfort the people and screen the newly filmed anti-Japanese feature film "Plugged in the Wind and Clouds". Many people in Xingshan are watching movies for the first time, which is very strange. When the sun was still hanging in the sky, people had rushed to the river beach outside the South Gate Tower to compete for a place. Around Chengguan, people from Caijiaya, Lijiawan, Jinjiawan, Dalixi, Xiangtan and other places flocked to Chengguan to watch movies, and the county government dispatched all police forces to maintain order, and the silver curtain hanging in the middle of the river dam was full of people, and the narrow river valley appeared crowded with people, and the vegetable fields planted by the city residents on the edge of the city wall were trampled on, and no one dared to stop them. Xiuxiu snuggled up to Zhu Quanyao and squeezed around in the sea of people, and finally let Jia Xiaolan, who was sitting next to the projector, see that Lieutenant Colonel Guo Tai, who was in charge of screening the film, sent a few soldiers to drag Xiu Xiu and Zhu Quanyao to the middle, Jia Xiaolan was next to Zhu Quanyao, but snuggled up to Lieutenant Colonel Guo Taichang, making Guo Taichang sweat with excitement, and Jia Xiaolan took out a handkerchief full of balsam to carefully wipe the sweat off his face. Zhu Quanyao and Xiu Xiu understood that Jia Xiaolan was deliberately acting for the two of them to see.

On the morning of June 17, 1943, the sky was high and cloudless, the sun shone on the Xiangxi River, the green mountains on both sides were lush, and the river was sparkling and clear. The county government held a grand "Victory Conference on the Battle of Western Hubei" at the Nanmenlou River Dam, which was attended by more than 10,000 people from various organs, organizations, school teachers and students, officers and men of the army, and the people of the whole city. The Commander-in-Chief's Department of the Sixth Theater and the Commissioner appointed by the Hubei Provincial Government read out the commendation of the telegram and the commendation order for the meritorious service of the Xingshan County Military Movement. The chief of staff of the 26th Group Army spoke on behalf of the garrison, and Wang Mian, the county magistrate of Xingshan County, spoke on behalf of the county government, and to the sound of military music and firecrackers, he congratulated the frontline officers of the 26th Group Army and the people of Xingshan County.

After the zhujie meeting, the representatives appointed by Zhu Dingqing, commander of the 86th Army, and Liu Jiming, commander of the 75th Army, attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the "Monument to the Anti-Japanese Fallen Soldiers of the 13th Division of the Army" held by the Xingshan County Government in Zhongshan Park, the county seat. The 13th Division heroically killed the enemy in the Battle of Western Hubei and suffered heavy losses, but because of the collapse at the Partial Rock and the disruption of the deployment, in the review of the Battle of Western Hubei, it was reprimanded by the commander of the theater, the division commander Cao Jinlun was dismissed, and the remnants of it were transferred to Baiyangping, Jianshi County. The 11th Division, the 5th Division, and the 114th Division, which had made meritorious achievements in the Battle of Western Hubei, all built monuments in the places where their respective theaters had made meritorious achievements, and the 13th Division had no place to build monuments. To commemorate the soldiers of the 13th Division and the soldiers of Xingshan who died in the anti-Japanese war. Li Shiqiu, a famous calligrapher of Xingshan and a chinese language teacher at the county middle school, inscribed "Monument to the Anti-Japanese Soldiers of the 13th Division of the Army", "Memorial Hall", and "Zhengqi Pavilion". The inscription was written by Zhu Dingqing, the former commander of the 13th Division, and Li Shiqiu Shudan's "Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of the 13th Division of the Army" and "The Architectural Record of the Memorial Hall of the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall of the 13th Division of the Army". Faithfully record the history of the growth of the 13th Division' army, highlight the course and merits of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, such as the Songhu War of Resistance, the Bloody Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Zaoyi, and the Battle of Western Hubei, so as to shine in the history of The Youth and Shine for thousands of years.

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