
The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

author:Bright Net

A variety of variety shows have sprung up and become more choices for the new generation of artists. As a drama reality TV variety show, "Xingsheng Report" shows five cheerful teenagers in the program, namely Shi Mingze, Hu Wenxuan, Xu Bingchao, and Gu Landi. They are several outstanding trainees who have stood out in "Youth with You" before, and in the program of "Star Life Report", they are called "Desert Five Sons" by netizens.

The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

In the latest episode of "Xingsheng Report", Shi Mingze became a "comic" in the eyes of netizens with his "lion roar gong". At the beginning of this episode of the program, the program team informed the teenagers of the next general direction, proposed to take them out to play, and when asked where to take them to play, the program team members naughtily kept it secret, Hu Wenxuan put forward with a blank face, saying that he only had one request, that is, not to go to a particularly horrible place. Unexpectedly, this casual remark really became the content of the next activity. Hu Wenxuan, who was full of words, was also constantly frightened in the subsequent activities.

The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

When the teenagers first began to escape the room, they were still in a relatively good state, singing the song of "Good Luck Coming", bouncing and groping forward in the secret room, tightly next to each other, not leaving anyone behind. Halfway through, Shi Mingze was already frightened, but they were escaping from the secret room with the task, and he didn't want to drag his teammates' hind legs, so he persevered all the way.

The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

Until they came to a place that looked like the end, the sudden appearance of the "female ghost" frightened them panicked, the sharp-eyed team members had already seen the relevant information about the mission on the "female ghost", Shi Mingze screamed while wondering whether the "female ghost" was played by a boy or a girl, and Shi Mingze, who was not lightly frightened, shouted that the "female ghost" was the big brother for a while, and then shouted that the "female ghost" was the sister, and when the "female ghost" walked in front of him, he blurted out a beautiful sentence that also made the other team members cry and laugh.

The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

Subsequently, Shi Mingze asked the "female ghost" very cutely whether he knew the "Five Sons of the Desert", and it could be seen that the staff was already trying to hold back their laughter, and the other team members also relaxed a lot because of Shi Mingze's funny, and the atmosphere was not as tense as before. Finally, after the team members got the information they wanted to get on this mission, before leaving, Shi Mingze once again spoke amazingly, he actually praised the shoes of the "female ghost" for being very good-looking, and also recognized that they were Converse's shoes. Such a funny Shi Mingze has also made many netizens turn fans.

The five sons of the desert played escape room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes

The desert five sons escaped from the secret room, Shi Mingze was frightened to call a beautiful woman, and finally did not forget to praise the ghost's shoes! I really don't know whether Shi Mingze's guts are small or big, obviously they are scared to call brothers and sisters beautiful women, and they can actually divide their spirits to pay attention to the shoes of female ghosts, this big boy is also very cute.

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