
Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured

author:Murdoon Cancer Treatment Diary


It's time to go back to the hospital for a review. The first time I was able to go to the hospital alone to report, it was also an improvement. Today is just a check-in, after completing the admission procedures, I will go home, and tomorrow morning I will go to the blood test or something.

Now the physical strength is better than before, and the more time to rest will feel uncomfortable, indicating that more exercise is better. So I packed up the things that were moved from home, which was also a light physical aerobic activity. But lifting your arms up will feel tired.

Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured

My toothache was not good, my tongue was blistering again, it was really one fire after another. The process of tidying up the home is also combing the heart, little by little, so that they present a sense of order...


Today is wearing a light gray pink shawl and wide fat jeans to the hospital, this outfit changed my previous hospitalization when not trim the edge, back to the healthy time to have their own style of dressing state, the head of the department saw me in front of the eyes, said "is this, beautiful", I immediately feel light as a swallow! Now there is a special need for praise, hehe!

Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured

The morning lab results came out quickly: cancer value 1.5, normal liver and kidney function, white blood cells 4.2, platelets 305, hemoglobin 104. The minimum value of the normal value of hemoglobin is 110, and now whether I eat raw blood tablets or compound soap alum pills or polysaccharide iron, these oral drugs cannot make it reach the normal value, whether I take medicine or not, it is basically a hundred and a hundred. This is the test result without taking any medication for a week (only pidolimod is drunk). Now the hemoglobin is slightly lower, and everything else is normal.

The doctor prescribed an enhanced CT to be done tomorrow morning, which was an evaluation of the efficacy of the previous three stages of chemotherapy. In the afternoon, the director of the department did an internal diagnosis, said that it was much better, it should be that the left lesion may still be a little bit, let the day after tomorrow to intervene in the ultrasound room, see if you can see the lesion, if you can see it, then inject chemotherapy drugs on the lesion.

Today is as tired as every time I go back to the hospital, this time I may be more tired because I haven't eaten much, and when I take the bus home in the evening, I just want to close my eyes and sleep, and I don't have the strength to talk.

At noon, I ate bud rice, and in the afternoon I kept venting, and I had diarrhea and pulled very thinly. Now the stomach can not eat a little easy to bloat stomach does not like to digest things, eating will soon diarrhea.

When I was given an internal consultation in the afternoon, the attending doctor asked me how I felt now and what the symptoms were, and I said that my masticatory muscles were not strong, and I felt very tired when I chewed things. Both she and the section director said that this should not be caused by chemotherapy, and most people did not respond to it. So what's going on with me? Others are weak in their legs and feet, but I am weak in my masticatory muscles.

I felt chest tightness yesterday and the night before, first in my left lung and then in my right lung. Today during the day was also a little bit. I don't have enough energy, so I want to lie down, sleep, and empty my brain.

When I accidentally saw my own photo at this time last year, I realized that I had changed my face. Nostalgia, but the outside is only a skin bag, and what should really be practiced in life is the heart.

Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured
Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured
Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured
Anti-Cancer Diary: My middle and advanced cervical cancer is cured


Enhanced CT was done in the morning. As soon as the iohexol contrast agent hit the blood vessels, I immediately felt that my body was hot and my throat was on fire, as if I had been turned on by an electric current. Fortunately, it calmed down after a few seconds. If it weren't for the fact that the child's father was helping to pick up the drugs that needed to be injected, it would really be more panicked! I panic every time I do enhanced CT, I belong to people who are very sensitive physically and nervously.

Today, you can lie on the left side of the bed, and when you lie down, your left lower abdomen does not hurt.


The results of the review CT are out.

The good news is that hydroureteral and hydronephrosis are gone.

The same news as before is that the cervical mass size is the same as before chemotherapy, and the strengthening is uneven.

The new status is increased pelvic effusion and thickening of the rectal wall.

Overall, it is ok, and chemoradiation has reached the maximum dose.

In the afternoon, under the interventional ultrasound, no parauterine left lesion was found, indicating that the lesion was basically gone! This is really exciting news! In other words, my tumor is gone, and my body is initially cured! Such a fast treatment effect is something I didn't expect! Thankfully, thankfully, I told the head of the department and the attending physician about this good news, and they were very happy for me!

The attending physician said the next review would be a month later.