
Did your dog get neutered?

author:John Farm

Now, the sterilization of dogs has become the consensus of many owners, and sterilization has become an aspect of testing whether the owner is responsible

Did your dog get neutered?

As for why everyone chose to neuter dogs? There are only a few reasons:

1. Fear of not being able to nurture after breeding

Did your dog get neutered?

What happens after giving birth to several puppies at a time? It is the biggest concern for owners of female dogs. If dogs are allowed to reproduce disorderly and excessively, it will definitely lead to the emergence of more stray dogs

2. Reduce the chance of your dog getting sick

Did your dog get neutered?

Studies have shown that female dogs can reduce diseases such as uterine pus, breast tumors, and ovarian cysts; male dogs can reduce the probability of diseases in the testicles and prostate.

3. Extend the life of dogs

Did your dog get neutered?

Frequent reproductive activities will accelerate the aging of the dog's body organs, while consuming the dog's energy, thereby shortening the dog's life

4. Change the dog's personality and habits

Did your dog get neutered?

Neutered dogs, because of the reduction of hormone secretion, the personality will become relatively more docile and trainable. In addition, habits such as peeing, screaming, and fighting due to reproductive needs will also be improved by sterilization.