
Meishan, Sichuan: Love under the blue sky, sharing the sound of birds

author:Meishan Net

Author: Zhang Danmei Meng Fei Xu Jingxi

Not long ago, the news of hunting egrets on the shore of meishan dongpo lake triggered heated discussion among citizens and brought new thinking to wildlife protection.

Birds are wild animals that are very close to humans. Because of them, our lives become more vivid and interesting. The first week of April every year is the "Bird Love Week" in Sichuan Province. In the past few days, meishan daily reporters have walked into the city's wildlife habitat, visited the forestry department, interviewed bird lovers, and explored the survival status of birds and other wild animals in Meishan City. Let us be kind to life and protect these beautiful beings together.

【A】 Visit the habitat

Blue sky egret man bird common home

At about 14:00 on March 30, Zhao Lijun, as usual, dressed in a green vest, wearing a red armband and holding a notebook, walked into the Heilongtan National Wetland Park in Renshou County, Meishan City. Along the boardwalk, he patrolled the bird habitat, stopping occasionally to check the area around the boardwalk.

Along the boardwalk, Zhao Lijun ascended the "Bird Watching Pavilion", where you can see the panoramic view of the wetland park. He carefully observed the birds flying in the sky and kept detailed records.

Meishan, Sichuan: Love under the blue sky, sharing the sound of birds

Zhao Lijun was observing the birds.

"You see, under the blue sky, a flock of egrets flew by, as beautiful as a painting!" Zhao Lijun sighed continuously. After the wetland park was built, it became the habitat of many birds due to the good ecological environment and water quality. Every year, during the spring blossom season, birds such as cormorants and bone-top chickens appear one after another. Because of their arrival, the wetland park has become a good place for citizens to watch birds.

Zhao Lijun is a cadre of the Kaiyuan community in Heilongtan Town, Renshou County, and he also has a status - a volunteer bird watcher in the wetland park. "The 'bird watching' work is mainly to monitor whether there are dead birds and new birds in the park, register and report them in a timely manner." Zhao Lijun said that for more than a year as a volunteer bird watcher, he has visited the wetland park on time every day. Looking at these cute birds, he often felt happy.

"Now the ecological environment is getting better and better, and there are more and more birds living in the park. We must further do a good job in protection, so that birds can better live here and become indispensable 'friends' in our lives." Zhao Lijun said.

It is understood that there are currently 128 species of birds in the Heilongtan National Wetland Park, including 9 species of national level II protected birds such as goshawks and giant eagles, and 13 species of provincial key protected birds such as eagle cranes and colored sandpipers.

Hongya County, which also has a good ecological environment, is also a favorite habitat for birds and other wild animals. Currently, there are 309 species of birds in the county. There are many migratory birds that migrate to Hongya for wintering every year, including Chinese autumn sand ducks, black-necked cranes and other national first-class protected animals.

The Tsing Yi River has a beautiful environment and a suitable climate, and from November to March, wintering migratory birds inhabit here. In order to provide them with a quiet and comfortable habitat environment, in 2019, Hongya County built a public welfare base for wintering migratory birds along the Tsing Yi River, not only set up a warm reminder board, but also arranged a special person on duty to regularly inspect the habitat of migratory birds, persuade tourists to prohibit entry, prohibit the random release of food, and avoid human factors causing birds to stay or postpone migration.

[B] Bird lovers

Hundreds of photographs document the beauty of birds

On the morning of March 31, at the state-owned forest farm in Hongya County, Meishan City, Tang Kaicheng and several team members carrying cameras were shuttling through the forest and inspecting.

In the forest sea that cannot be seen at a glance, all kinds of pleasant birds call one after another. Tang Kaicheng listened to the side: "The call is loud and pleasant, this is a thrush; the sound of 'cuckoo, cuckoo' is definitely a cuckoo; the call of 'ticking' is', if you guess correctly, it is 'white-headed'..." Years of forest patrol work have made Tang Kaicheng familiar with all kinds of bird calls, and the ability to listen to and distinguish birds has made his teammates praise.

Tang Kaicheng, 49, is the deputy director of the state-owned forest farm in Hongya County, Meishan City, and has been engaged in the protection of forest resources for 28 years. One of his daily tasks is to go into the forest farm to patrol and protect forest resources. "The observation and protection of wild animals such as birds is also part of our work." Tang Kaicheng said that during the inspection, they will check whether there are birds and other wild animals that have died, whether there are new species, and whether there is illegal and indiscriminate hunting and killing.

"In the early years, everyone's awareness of the protection of wild animals was not enough, and occasionally we found traps and bird nets in the forest farm, and we would deal with them in time." Tang Kaicheng said.

Meishan, Sichuan: Love under the blue sky, sharing the sound of birds

Strengthen publicity and raise public awareness of bird love and bird protection.

With the increase of the state's protection and publicity of wild animals, the illegal setting up of traps and bird nets has long disappeared, all kinds of birds and beasts breed here, and the ecological environment is getting better and better.

"Now the forest farm is rich in wildlife resources, there are more than 200 species of birds alone, and I have seen hundreds of species alone." Tang Kaicheng said.

Tang Kaicheng loves birds. He said that these beautiful elves, flying and singing in the forest, brought endless life to the forest and made his boring forest patrol work interesting. Therefore, every time he patrols the forest, he will bring a camera, see the beautiful birds, and quickly take pictures. Sometimes, in order to get a good picture, he would run all the way with the birds and fall down in the bushes several times.

"I have taken hundreds of pictures of birds, and I have photographed many kinds of birds, including white-collared birds, spotted geese, fork-tailed sunbirds, orange-winged noisy birds, etc." Tang Kaicheng said.

Under his lens, there are black-naped yellow orioles singing on the branches, black-necked cranes dancing, and fork-tailed sunbirds eating honey among flowers... Each photo embodies his deep "love".

When he has time, Tang Kaicheng takes out a photo to admire. "These pictures I took have been published in several newspapers and magazines. For example, it has been published in Hongya's tourism atlas, appeared in wildlife protection books, and was even made into an exhibition board for the public to visit. Tang Kaicheng said, "The photos convey not only the beauty of birds, but also the beauty of harmonious coexistence between man and nature." This is also the greatest joy I have ever had when I photograph these birds. I hope that everyone can protect wild animals and forest resources, so that our ecological environment will be better and better. ”

[C] Departmental action

Protect the ecology online and offline

Birds are an important part of the ecosystem, and strengthening bird protection is of great significance to maintaining ecological balance, protecting and improving the living environment of human beings. Looking at Renshou County and Hongya County in Meishan City, it is not difficult to find that the continuous emergence of various birds is inseparable from the local protection of the ecological environment.

In recent years, Heilongtan Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, has continued to carry out afforestation and water environment management, creating a good ecological environment suitable for the survival of wild animals; every year, the "Bird Love Week" is organized to enter the community, enter the school and other activities, which enhances the public's awareness of good behavior of loving the environment and protecting wild animals.

In Hongya County, Meishan City, the continuous increase in publicity on the protection of wild animals has further enhanced the public's awareness of bird love and bird protection. The staff of the county's Forestry Bureau said that at the nodes of Bird Love Week and World Wildlife Day, relevant departments will organize theme publicity activities to publicize and popularize relevant laws and regulations and wildlife protection knowledge to the public. During this year's Bird Love Week, they will organize and carry out bird love into the campus publicity activities, and play wild animal popularization propaganda films in the school to guide students to develop the good habit of loving birds and protecting birds from an early age.

Meishan, Sichuan: Love under the blue sky, sharing the sound of birds

Carry out law enforcement inspections to eliminate the sale of wild animals.

This is just a microcosm of Meishan's efforts to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization and protect wild animals.

The reporter learned from the Meishan Forestry Bureau that there are 469 species of terrestrial wild (vertebrate) animals in Meishan City, including 309 species of birds, 91 species of mammals, 35 species of reptiles, and 34 species of amphibians. Around various nature reserves and rivers, lakes and ponds in the territory, it is the distribution area and habitat of birds and other wild animals.

In recent years, Meishan City has further strengthened publicity and guidance, and organized counties (districts) to carry out publicity activities such as "Bird Love Week" and "Wildlife Protection and Migratory Bird Protection" every year, so as to popularize relevant laws and regulations to the citizens of Meishan and guide them to love birds and protect birds. In 2020 alone, Meishan organized more than 30 publicity activities related to the protection of birds and other wild animals, distributed more than 100,000 copies of publicity materials, and set up more than 300 publicity slogans, logos, and display boards for bird love and bird protection, and the awareness of the masses to protect wild animals was significantly improved.

Continue to carry out wildlife patrol and monitoring. Carry out in-depth activities of "clearing nets, clearing sets, and clearing clips" to ensure the safety of wildlife habitats and migratory birds. Meishan has set up a total of 53 wildlife field monitoring points and 164 field monitoring and patrol lines. Each monitoring point implements personnel, clarifies responsibilities, and clarifies the disposal process after monitoring and discovering abnormalities in wild animals, ensuring that abnormalities are found at the first time, reported (sent) for inspection at the first time, and reported information at the first time.

Carry out comprehensive law enforcement inspections. Forestry, public security, market supervision, agriculture and rural areas and other departments jointly organize actions to severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts of destroying wild animal and plant resources. Organize all counties (districts) to carry out comprehensive rectification around conspicuous problems such as indiscriminate hunting and indiscriminate hunting and illegal management of wild animals.

At the same time, the rescue of injured and trapped wild animals, the daily supervision of artificial breeding of wild animals, and the monitoring and prevention of epidemic diseases in wild animals have achieved remarkable results in wildlife protection, which has effectively supported the construction of ecological civilization.

"During this year's 'Bird Love Week', we will guide counties (districts) to actively carry out wildlife protection publicity activities through a combination of online and offline methods such as sending text messages, publishing proposals, distributing publicity materials centrally, and through weChat public account publicity, to further popularize the knowledge of wildlife protection and bird love." The relevant person in charge of the Yebao Station of the Forestry Bureau of Meishan City said.

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