
Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Broken crisp bun is a flavor snack in Kunming, because this bun is famous, has now been from a folk restaurant or food stall, into the major hotels and restaurants in Kunming, almost in a variety of high-end feasts, banquets, buffets, flavor meals can taste the broken crisp buns.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Prepare the ingredients you need: pork belly, a spoonful of peppercorns, a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of extremely fresh soy sauce, a spoonful of cooking oil, shiitake mushrooms, soybean paste, 3 grams of yeast powder, 300 grams of flour, 5 grams of aluminum-free baking powder, etc.

Step 1: Prepare the above ingredients, and then take out the fresh pork belly that you bought back. Wash the pork belly, then chop the minced meat and place it in a bowl, add the peppercorns, peppercorns, and the very fresh soy sauce. Add a spoonful of cooking oil, mix well with your hands and marinate, cut the appropriate amount of shiitake mushrooms into diced shiitake mushrooms and put them in a bowl for later.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Step 2: The steamed bun with shiitake mushroom meat tastes very good, oh, here are two stir-frying ingredients, the wok is washed and heated. After the pot is heated, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the marinated minced meat and sauté, sauté until the minced meat changes color and add the diced shiitake mushrooms. Then continue to stir-fry, add the appropriate amount of soybean paste, add boiling water and stir-fry for 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and set aside on the plate.

Step 3: Then pour three grams of yeast powder in a bowl, then boil with 280 ml of warm water and pour 300 grams of flour into the basin. Here, add five grams of aluminum-free baking powder and mix well, then pour the yeast water in batches, stir into a flocculent shape and knead into a dough.

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Step 4: Here the dough is moved to the board, and then the dough is kneaded by pushing and pulling, and the dough stuck to the board is scraped up with a scraper to continue kneading. After kneading for about 8-10 minutes, the dough will become very smooth and delicate, and it will not stick to the board.

Step 5: Sprinkle with an appropriate amount of dry flour, roll out the dough, roll out into a large oval dough cake, and spread lard on the dough. Roll up from the top down and roll the side back to form a long strip. Make all the small doughs and cover with a layer of plastic wrap.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Step 6: Take the dough agent and flatten it, arrange it into a cake shape, put the filling, and then wrap it into a bun, wrap the bun and place it in a steamer basket. Leave a gap without fermentation, directly cool the water pot steaming, boiling water and steaming for 12 minutes.

After 12 minutes, turn off the heat, simmer for 5 minutes, take it out and let it cool and eat, layered, soft and fluffy. Such a small bun doesn't look good, but it's delicious to eat.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Prepare the braised sauerkraut as needed: potatoes, flour, green onions, minced garlic, paprika, peppercorns, coriander segments, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil.

Step 1: Prepare the above ingredients, prepare a potato, wash, peel and slice, then put on the steamer and steam until cooked through. Here the potatoes are pressed into a puree, then a few spoonfuls of flour are added, and five or six spoons are added here, stirring as they are added.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Step 2: Then knead it into a dough, roll out the dough into a pie shape, not too thin, and then cut into strips and divide into small pieces. Rub the small dough pieces with the palms of both hands a few times to form a small dough fish.

Step 3: Boil the water in the pot here, then add the noodle fish, cook until it floats, fish it out, go through the cold water, fish out the noodle fish over the water and put it into the bowl, add the appropriate amount of green onion, minced garlic, paprika, pepper powder.

Broken crispy buns, making simple flavor sticks, breakfast is love to eat, simple potato noodle fish, taste fragrant

Step 4: Then put a spoonful of hot oil, pour on the paprika, sizzle, the aroma will float out, add the very fresh soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, mix well, put the coriander segment.

Such a dish of potato noodle fish, the taste is delicious, slippery and delicious and refreshing, like the forehead friends hurry to try it.

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