
Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Xun Chao

At 1:00 p.m. on November 30, the No. 1 activity area of the 2019 Tianfu Book Fair was full of popularity, and the popular twin writer Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao took the stage in the warm welcome of book fans, opened the "Meet You in Every City" new work sharing meeting, and promoted their new books - "You Want to Be Good" and "I Am Not Afraid of This Long Night" and shared their "true inner voice".

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

Best-selling author, founder of the company, Peking University senior student, screenwriter, actor... Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao has multiple identities, and they have co-published the youth inspirational novel "May My World Always Have a Half of You" in 2013, which has attracted attention. Since then, the two brothers have continued to cooperate, publishing best-selling works such as "We Are All As Young and Wandering" in 2014, "Embracing You Through the Sea of People" in 2015, and "The Other Me in the World" and "Sorry I'm Being an Adult for the First Time" in 2017.

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

Yuan Ziwen

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

Yuan Zihao

In 2018, younger brother Yuan Zihao published his first personal work "Our Best Decade"; in 2019, his brother Yuan Ziwen published his first personal collection "You Want to Be Well", and his younger brother Yuan Zihao's new work "I am not afraid of this long night" has also been fully listed. This time, the two came to the Tianfu Book Fair with their new works to convey their "true inner voice".

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

On the day of the event, book fans from all over the country bought books early. Some people bought 9 books in one go, some people carried long guns and short cannons to find the best photo location, and some people held flowers and raised their hands to wait for the arrival of idols. A female book fan excitedly said: "I began to read their books in 2015, when I was most confused in my life, there were their books to accompany me to grow up, the first time I met them, it was on my birthday in Harbin, this is the third time to see them, I got married!" Career is also slowly on the right track, so happy, thank you for their books to accompany me through so many years. ”

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

As Yuan Ziwen's first personal work, "You Have to Be Good" contains a total of 6 stories, each story will help readers find themselves: there are neighbor girls who are constantly compared with excellent brothers from childhood to adulthood, there are hot-blooded young people who desperately gamble for their dreams, there are girls who are afraid to finally find their own light because of obesity and inferiority, and there are also people who bow their heads in front of money but still choose kindness when facing the test of human nature.

"This book is a collection of inspirations and encounters I've encountered in my life over the past two years." Unlike in the past, Yuan Ziwen, who has graduated from graduate school, has more growth experience. "Each stage has different feelings and different expressions,

I am growing up, my readers are also growing up, and I want to convey to the readers through this book my observations of this society in the past year, my observations of some people and some things, including some things that have happened, ways to solve them, and my inner experience and feelings, which is also a kind of companionship. ”

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

Yuan Zihao's "I am not afraid of this long night" contains a total of seven short stories. In the book, Yuan Zihao weaves a huge world: the brilliant school grass in high school prefers jasmine-scented tissues, the silent big boy who loves swimming has always been caught up in the confrontation with his father, the young people who share a cigarette in the city seem to have infinite hearts, the shop owner who meets every day says that he has a star wife, and the loving couple who has walked together for many years does not know how to say goodbye... Each story does not exist independently of each other, and there are also interactions and overlaps of fate between each character, complex and secretive.

Tianfu Book Fair Ushers in Popular Twin Writers Yuan Ziwen Yuan Zihao Shares "Inner True Voice" with Book Fans

Romantic youth, impermanent fate, chasing dreams, Gu Pan's hopes, waves of life, Yuan Zihao's characters are like us, are experiencing the difficulties brought by life, and there are also some dark moments that can only be walked by themselves. And what Yuan Zihao wants to do is to light up the light of the night through this book, so that each of us should not be afraid of this long night. "There is nothing anyone can pull you out of the mud, you have to think for yourself, we have no right and qualification to let the sun turn for you, all we can do is change ourselves to love ourselves, take our own steps, and really take a step to cross the obstacles of life." 」 Yuan Zihao likes to write "love", "In life, everyone must find love, rely on love, and finally give love, love is very important." I hope that through the few stories I have written, you will feel a lot of love. ”

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