
This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

author:Brother Ye Xingtao

Hello everyone, it's "Tao Brother Blind Vernacular" time again, today to give you a bad thing that makes Americans worry about their hair balding, this nightmare lasted for 15 years, and finally ended in a very dramatic ending.

The story begins in 2003.


In 2003, a fishing brother in Maryland, USA, was surprised to find himself pulling up an unusual fish - its head was very similar to a python, its whole body was covered with frightening evil snake patterns, and its body surface was covered with unusually sticky glue, which looked both disgusting and terrifying.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

Later, when he communicated with the same people in the fishing club, he found that many people had caught similar fish, so the fishing brothers reported the matter to the local fishing association.

More than a month later, experts caught the fish again and identified it as the snakehead, a freshwater species that originally lived in north-central Asia, or what we Chinese call "blackfish."

This is a huge ecological disaster that has disrupted 20% of the natural waters of the United States in the future, and has not been completely managed in 16 years at a cumulative cost of 800 million US dollars, but unfortunately, the careless experts at the time did not foresee the seriousness of the situation, but only routinely wrote an observation report and submitted it to the Maryland Fish and Game Administration.

At the end of 2005, the Maryland Finance Department in the United States found that the salmon export revenue of that year had been abnormally reduced, so it contacted the fisheries department to jointly investigate the causes, and finally concluded that there were a large number of invasive alien species in the Sasquahanna River and tributaries in the state, which caused a lot of blows to migratory salmon and their seedlings.

With state media coverage of the news, The Blackfish's protracted torture of Americans officially began.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years


Just like all love at the beginning, it is always extremely gentle.

All the problems at first always seem painless or itchy.

Aren't there a few more big blackfish? Therefore, the first move launched by the Americans seems to be a bit of a joke today - to remove the fishing specification restrictions of this species, open up the fishing, and most of them do not need to be released.

Although the fishing brother is ecstatic, but I don't know whether it is the south orange and the north orange, or the American work is not very good, the black fish put in their hands how to tinker is not delicious, the end of the matter is still a thief big, the body is more than 1 meter long, you say that a fish is big and unpalatable and looks crazy, if you catch you will do it?

Must have let things go, otherwise take it home to add to your own blockage? As a result, this open fishing policy for big blackfish has become a dead letter.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

Seeing that the masses did not take their own government decrees seriously, the US government had to use the second trick, or launched a call for the fishing brother - the blackfish did not have to be released, and they were killed on the spot!

This time, in order to make the public aware of the harm of the big blackfish, the government department used many descriptive sentences that made people look at the appeal.

Exaggerated and frightening words such as "snakehead fish", "can breathe on the shore for days", "a villain who looks like a python", and "an invasive fish that can swim hundreds of meters on land" began to appear frequently on government social media, and these descriptions of blackfish continue to this day.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Natural Resources' Fisheries Office in Georgia called on people to kill blackfish on Twitter

However, after a few years, the results have been very little, and the momentum of blackfish has not diminished, but has become increasingly widespread. The first to react was the fishing brother, who was surprised to find that in the inland rivers that used to be densely packed with various fish, now the fishing port is not open, and once the black fish is removed, it is a black fish!

The strong fecundity and rapid growth ability of blackfish will rub the freshwater fish that originally inhabit north America on the ground, what pike catfish bass fish, even fry with adult bodies, all slaughtered by blackfish, and even the notorious gar eels have declined in a certain number because the food chain has been broken!

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

The ultimate nightmare of all freshwater fish in North America is the alligator eel


At this point, hoping that private fishing could not be settled, the U.S. government was forced to raise its spirits and begin to seriously study strategies to deal with blackfish.

Since 2010, after a series of hearings and studies, the fisheries department has taken a series of measures to deal with the flood of blackfish in Maryland, let's take a look at some of these measures to feel the fear and disgust of the American people for blackfish:

1. Set up high fishing rewards, regardless of the size of the catcher, only the number of bars, each one will be issued a bounty of 1 US dollar;

2. Once a dense distribution of blackfish is found in a certain section of the river or water, a special water police force is dispatched to block and care;

3. Set up a special laboratory to develop poisoning drugs for blackfish;

4. In the "disaster area" where blackfish is particularly serious, professional operators are allowed to use unconventional means including small-caliber fishing nets, electric shocks and even draining the lake;

All of this, and so on, it can be said that the state government's determination and means are quite in place, ordinary small roles after such a set of combination punches, should hang should be suspended and stopped, but helpless this time the blackfish is not a thing in the pool - as a 2-year-old can be sexually mature, mating five times a year, once laying more than 15,000 eggs of the breeding machine, after suffering from the THUNDER means of the US government, the blackfish not only did not decline, but in the next 5 years, gradually spread from Maryland to Virginia, New Jersey, In 14 states, including North Carolina, the affected waters are close to 20% of the total natural freshwater in the United States!

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

U.S. media reported that 14 states had been invaded by blackfish

For a time, the state fishing and hunting administration of the green silk turned whitehead, all the ways to discuss how to solve the blackfish government seminars have been held (held), during which some scholars predicted through the model, if the status quo continues to deteriorate, within 25 years, the species of wild fish in the United States will drop by 50%, which is by no means alarmist!

But you have to take a trick out of it, don't you?

Fishing efficiency is too low, has been verified, not to give a bounty problem, give how much is not good;

Fishing under the net, not to mention how big the mesh is, the mesh is big, the juvenile fish have grown up in a few months, the mesh is small, and the other things in the river are gone;

Electric shock is also a truth, a vientiane thunder down, the black fish is gone, the white fish, red fish, yellow fish are also all turned over;

The same is true for poisoning, you can't always get a heavy cold in order not to hang yourself directly without nasal congestion, right? A meaning.

Thinking about it, all the means were ineffective in front of the blackfish, and the desperate atmosphere spread among the fisheries departments of the various states in the United States, at this time, there was only one thing left in everyone's mind, that is, don't be found out by me, otherwise you must beat up the first Wang Badou who brought the blackfish to the United States!

In the light of this thinking, the solution was not conceived, but led to the introduction of another punitive regulation — Virginia and other states criminalized "bringing blackfish into the state" without special permission.


The living can not let the urine choke to death, in the face of the increasingly rampant "blackfish army", Americans finally remembered a life-saving straw - biological governance.

Just as the so-called one thing drops one thing, people have no tricks on you, but there are always other animals that can pick you up. After a small pilot experiment, the Americans, who had little to do, finally —

There is nothing more that can be done.

Let's appreciate the species of blackfish sacrificed by the states.

North Carolina introduced a larger black perch, which was fierce and brutal, and the authorities put 1,000 large black perch into a small reservoir of 7,000 blackfish, and three months later, a sample survey showed that only 200 black perch remained;

Virginia, on the other hand, uses another kind of "black diamond fish" close relative bass fish, the size of the blackfish, the combat effectiveness is extraordinary, but it turns out to be as white, and nearly 5,000 bass fish used for testing are eaten by the blackfish less than 10%;

New Jersey felt that the chaotic world used heavy codes, heavy medicine, to the top of the whole, so they chose more than 400 crocodile eels as thugs, you don't say, the effect is really there, these 400 crocodile eels eliminated a lot of blackfish, but they seem to be more interested in other groups in the river than preying on cunning and powerful blackfish, so the trouble is greater, so the experiment was forced to abort after several months;

The blackfish is already invincible.

To this day, the fisheries departments of the U.S. states have spent more than $800 million to control the flooding and invasion of blackfish, and countless operators are busy on the river, but there are always endless blackfish in the river, and their python-like skin surface at the same time, which is the most helpless inner nightmare of Americans in 16 years - armor is not far away, year after year, year after year, year after year.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

But when everyone thinks, "This is the X-like thing, let it go, otherwise what else can it be?" At that time, the scourge of the blackfish ended in a very dramatic gesture. Perhaps it is not appropriate to use "ending", but it is more appropriate to call it "evolution".


In the 1990s, when the Mississippi River flooded in the United States, a large number of Asian carp that were originally used to control the growth of aquatic plants in captive fish ponds fled in large numbers, and after gaining freedom, they multiplied wildly in the wide waters, and after more than a decade, they began to migrate northward, laying a large number of eggs along the way.

Several major rivers in the United States have fallen one after another, the Mississippi River, the Tennessee River, the Missouri River, the Ohio River, the Columbia River, the number of Asian carp has grown wildly. Until recent years, the trend of Asian carp flooding has completely spiraled out of control.

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

Compared with the ferocious and violent blackfish, the Asian carp, although milder, has a stronger reproductive capacity, a shorter sexual maturity period, and a greater advantage in grabbing food and water resources.

A 2018 survey showed that in the Potomac River in Maryland, where blackfish were once flooded, 91% of the fish in the river are now Asian carp.

What else can this say?

This plate of "sauerkraut fish" is worth $800 million, and the Americans have "eaten" it for 15 years

At this point, I guess many people must not be able to suppress a thought: Tao Brother Tao Brother, let alone blackfish or carp, this directly sent Chinese foodies on ah, let's say eat into several levels of protected animals, right?

This is really not OK, the reason has been said in an article I have said a long time ago, to sum up nothing more than two, first, the south orange and the north orange, the meat quality is different, how the whole taste is not right. Second, heavy metals exceed the standard and are harmful to the human body.

Well, today I will nag here, I am Tao Brother, love fishing can talk, like to pay attention to me.

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