
Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

author:A city of mountains and rivers

It is said that the situation over the South China Sea has changed recently, and a confrontation that seems to be child's play but hides mysteries makes people laugh.

The little Mark over there, I don't know where he got the courage, he actually wanted to bring more than 100 fishing boats made of wood, and he dared to call for a board on Huangyan Island.

If this matter is placed in a martial arts novel, it would be a good show, but the competition in the real world is not so simple.


Speaking of little Max, with the support of Eagle Sauce behind him, his courage instantly became fat.

He thought, since there is a big guy covering, why not take the opportunity to make some noise in the South China Sea? So, he gathered more than 100 fishermen, drove his own wooden fishing boat, and sailed towards Huangyan Island.

At first glance, I thought it was a sea carnival!

Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

However, reality is always crueler than fairy tales.

Just as Little Mars and his "navy" arrived in the waters of Scarborough Shoal, the warships of the Panda family suddenly appeared around, one after another, as if falling from the sky, surrounding them.

This scene, not to mention Little Max, even the fishermen were stunned.

The wooden fishing boat meets the steel battleship, this meeting is like an ant meeting an elephant, and the victory or defeat has long been decided.

Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

But don't say it, Xiao Max and his gang really have a Q spirit.

Despite being surrounded by water, they were still able to calmly take out their mobile phones and take photos of the "victory".

If someone who doesn't know the inside story sees this scene, they think they are holding some kind of marine photography contest! However, what can this self-deception prove, apart from exposing their helplessness and helplessness?

Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

What's even more embarrassing is that these fishermen, who originally just wanted to live an ordinary life, were involved in this senseless dispute.

They are used as pawns and may even turn their homeland into a battlefield.

Little Mars and his politician friends, sitting in the comfort of their offices, planned all this, but never thought about the safety of these innocent people.

This is the cruelty of the political game.

Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

In order to enhance his confidence, Ma Yu bought a 155 mm caliber self-propelled gun ATOMS from the ant country.

This thing sounds like a bluff, but how useful can it be in the face of a real military conflict? What's more, real war is never just a contest of weapons, but also a game of people's hearts and wisdom.

Delusional to be small and big, Ma Yu went to Huangyan Island with hundreds of wooden fishing boats, and suddenly encountered the Panda warship

The turmoil in the South China Sea shows no sign of subsiding.

Little Mark and the eagle sauce behind him seem to be still playing with fire.

Hopefully, all of this will eventually be resolved in a peaceful way, instead of sacrificing innocent fishermen and people.

After all, the real victory is not on the battlefield, but in the hearts of the people.

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