
The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

author:A city of mountains and rivers

If you've been staring at international news lately, you've been taken aback by the tension between Russia and the United States.

The Ministry of Defense on the Russian side made a big move, announcing that they had killed several of the Yankees' "Hippocampus" rocket launchers, and even the foreign experts who were responsible for repairing them were also reimbursed.

This happened quickly and ended simply, which directly made the global media explode.


We all know that the relationship between the United States and Russia is like a fire on an ice cube that can be extinguished at any time, but there is always a little spark jumping there.

Recently, this spark can be regarded as a prairie fire.

The high-tech gadgets that the U.S. military fiddled with in Ukraine, such as the "Hippocampus", originally wanted to give the Ukrainian army a strong courage, but they didn't expect that the Russian Aerospace Forces, like hunting masters, directly took these equipment to the nest.

The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

The Russian army is not ambiguous, what means did they use? Some say that it is directly covered by long-range fire, and some say that it is quietly touched under the cover of night, anyway, no matter which trick is used, the effect is real - the baby bumps of the United States, as well as those experts in suits, have been smashed to pieces by the iron fist of Russia.

The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

Speaking of which, you might think that's all there is to it, but it's not.

The trick between the United States and Russia has never been a one-shot deal.

On the U.S. side, the embassy issued a warning, saying that Russia's move was a provocation, and accused Russia of interfering in its internal affairs, making it seem like playing a big game of chess.

As for Russia, it is not a vegetarian, they directly said cruel words, saying that if the United States continues to sanction, they will use tougher means to reciprocate.

The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

This is simply the modern version of "If you dare to slash immediately, I will pick up the mountains and rivers".

Now, the eyes of the whole world are on the two big guys, the United States and Russia.

Some people worry that this will be a resurgence of the Cold War, after all, the tense atmosphere at that time makes people's backs chill when they think about it now.

However, there are also optimists who believe that this may be a prelude to the two sides finding a balance at the negotiating table, after all, no one wants to go to war, and no one can afford to pay the price.

The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

Having said that, no matter how the situation changes, we ordinary people are most concerned about peace.

I hope that the two bosses of the United States and Russia can sit down and have a good chat, and don't always show off their muscles when they don't agree.

After all, peace is not fought with fists, but requires wisdom and courage to maintain.

There is a global call for a return to sanity and dialogue as the key to solving problems, rather than missiles and sanctions as the everyday means of communication.

The Russian army is furious! Crazy attack on American-made weapons, killing foreign aid professional maintenance personnel...

Whether it is the United States or Russia, or any country in the world, it should be remembered that real strength comes from unity and cooperation, not confrontation and division.