
Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

author:A city of mountains and rivers

It's been a lively night in Israel lately, but it's not as lively as you think.

The government thought that everyone should rest at night, so they put up a "sleep order" to let everyone sleep peacefully and reduce the scare caused by night attacks.

Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

Unexpectedly, Allah on the Lebanese side did not buy it at all, their rockets flew into the sky as if they didn't want money, and then went straight to northern Israel.

The Israelis had hoped that the sleep order would make the night sky quieter, after all, who wouldn't want to have a good dream in the dead of night?

However, Allah seems to have its own plans, their rockets raining down, Israeli air defenses are busy, sparks are flying in the sky, and the sound is shocking, as if to declare that this night sky is no longer quiet.


You say this rocket strikes, it doesn't take place day or night, and it doesn't matter if you've just fallen asleep.

The people of northern Israel, who are worried in their hearts, are playing a heartbeat game every night, wondering if the rockets will come to their rooftops in the next second.

In the face of this rocket rain, the government's sleep order is like a piece of waste paper, completely useless.

Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

Israel's response has also become the focus of international attention.

Some countries nodded and said that Israel had to protect itself; Some countries shook their heads, fearing that the cycle of violence would sink deeper.

As for the people of Israel, they live in anxiety and anxiety, working and studying during the day, and having to watch out for uninvited guests at night, which is not easy.

Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

Looking at the Lebanese side, Allah, through these moves, seems to be telling the world that they are also weighty pawns on the chessboard in the Middle East.

Every rocket launch is a way for them to demonstrate their strength and a statement in regional security affairs.

However, if this continues, the security situation in the Middle East will be like a powder keg that has been ignited, which may explode at any time, and the situation will become more and more unstable and complex.

Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

Originally, the sleep order was a good intention to give the Israelites a peaceful night, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

The tensions between Israel and Allah in Lebanon are like dark clouds in the night sky that cannot be dissipated, obscuring the dawn of peace.

The people only hope for a peaceful night, and hope that the rainy season of this rocket will pass as soon as possible, so that the real sleep order can take effect, and the people of this land will have a peaceful night.

Israeli sleep order has become a laughing stock, and Allah Lebanon has been bombarded with night tactics!

In the end, it depends on dialogue and understanding.

After all, rockets won't solve the problem, it will only make it worse.

Hopefully, one day, the night in the Middle East will no longer be the home of rockets, but a tranquil haven of the sea of stars.

Let's hope that the day will come soon.

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