
Don't be "fooled" by experts anymore, there is no so-called "core technology" in air conditioning

author:Lotte Pai Daddy

The Secret of the Air Conditioning Industry: The Truth Under Technical Barriers

With the scorching summer sun, air conditioning has become an indispensable partner in people's lives. Recently, Dong Mingzhu of Gree Air Conditioner put forward his own evaluation of Xiaomi and other brands at the shareholders' meeting of Gree Electric Appliances, saying that it does not have its own factory, relies on OEM for production, and lacks the so-called "core technology". This remark once again focused the public attention on the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. This view is like a bombshell that has caused an uproar in the industry. Is what Dong Mingzhu said the truth?

Don't be "fooled" by experts anymore, there is no so-called "core technology" in air conditioning

First of all, we need to clarify a misunderstanding: the air conditioning industry is not without technical barriers, but this barrier is not composed of so-called "core technology". In fact, with the advancement of science and technology and the development of globalization, many of the once patent barriers have disappeared. These expired patents are like open treasures, which can be used by later generations. So, on a technical level, the gap between the major brands is not as huge as the outside world has rendered.

Further, the technological development of the air conditioning industry did not happen overnight. From the initial fixed-frequency air conditioner to today's inverter air conditioner and intelligent air conditioner, every step of progress is inseparable from the joint efforts of many enterprises. These companies may not have a specific "core technology", but they are constantly innovating and improving to move the entire industry forward. This innovation, based on market demand and consumer experience, is the real driving force behind technological progress in the air conditioning industry.

Don't be "fooled" by experts anymore, there is no so-called "core technology" in air conditioning

In addition, we also need to pay attention to one phenomenon: in the current air conditioning market, many brands are emphasizing their "core technology". However, these so-called "core technologies" are often only upgrades and improvements of a function or a component, rather than disruptive innovations of the entire system. This kind of excessive marketing behavior not only misleads consumers, but also hinders the healthy development of the industry. In fact, true technological innovation should be reflected in the overall performance and user experience of the product, rather than in a single function or component.

Don't be "fooled" by experts anymore, there is no so-called "core technology" in air conditioning

So, since there is no so-called "core technology" in the air conditioning industry, how should we evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a brand? The answer lies in the quality of the product and the service. An excellent brand should have the following characteristics: first, its products should have stable performance and reliable quality, which can meet the basic needs of consumers; Secondly, its service should be thoughtful and meticulous, and be able to solve the problems encountered by consumers in the process of use in a timely manner; Finally, it should have a certain level of innovation and be able to continuously improve the product and enhance the user experience based on market demand and consumer feedback. These characteristics are the real criteria for judging the quality of a brand.

To sum up, there is no so-called "core technology" in the air conditioning industry. We should look at the development and competition of this industry with a more rational and objective attitude. At the same time, we should also encourage enterprises to pay attention to the quality of products and services, as well as the improvement of innovation capabilities. Only in this way can we enjoy more comfortable, convenient and intelligent air conditioning products, so that the coolness of summer becomes an indispensable part of our lives.

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