
Mu Qing is in the Black Land

author:Xinhuanet client
Mu Qing is in the Black Land

A photograph of Mu Qing hanging in the office building of the Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group and his famous article, "The Role Model of the County Party Secretary – Jiao Yulu" (taken on October 14).

Mu Qing is in the Black Land

This is one of the office buildings of the Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group, where Mu Qing worked (photo taken on October 14). Zou Dapeng, a reporter of this newspaper, took a photo

All the way through the snow and wind

"In 1937, there was no fragrance and no floral fragrance, and what awaited us would be the anti-Japanese beacon that pervaded the whole country, and it would be a cruel struggle that would determine the life and death of the nation!"

In this article "Welcoming 1937", a 15-year-old boy named Mu Yacai, in the cold winter and snow of the nation, wrote romance and passion with his pen, and also ignited the ideal revolutionary fire.

Coordinates, Qixian County, Henan. In December of that year, he received a letter from his classmate Feng Ruoquan, resolutely bidding farewell to his parents and going north to Shanxi. After walking through Tongguan, crossing the Yellow River, passing through Fengling, and finally arriving at the Jin office of the Eighth Route Army in Linfen, Shanxi.

Zhang Yanping, the author of "The Biography of Mu Qing", once described this history: he put on the uniform of the Eighth Route Army and put on the armband of the Eighth Route Army... Now that you have joined the revolution, you should change your name to a new name, what is it called? Young youth is the most precious, so dedicate youth to the revolution! So, he wrote "Mu Qing" on the form one by one.

Around 1940, during the most difficult stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Party Central Committee decided to send some educated young people to Yan'an for training in the front-line units of the Eighth Route Army. In 1942, while dreaming of being a writer in Lu Yi, he was named by the Liberation Daily. Since then, this career has accompanied him throughout his life.

Qingliangshan opened the door to Mu Qing's news. His interview career began with a visit to Zhao Zhankui, an old worker in the border area, and took root in the squatting point for more than twenty days, allowing him to enter the ordinary and noble inner world of old Zhao, and reports such as "People Talking About Zhao Zhankui" caused strong repercussions, and the border area rated old Zhao as a special model worker. Mu Qing took the newspaper and read it again, and for the first time felt the power and unique charm of the news. Fortunately, the two reunited in Harbin three years later, and the scene of his hometown was frozen into a precious photo.

In 1945, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, The Xinhua News Agency and the Liberation Daily dispatched a total of 16 editors, reporters, and translators to form an advance detachment to advance into the northeast, with Wu Wentao, vice president of the Xinhua News Agency, as the captain, and Mu Qing was one of them.

Thousands of kilometers are measured by foot. In the face of the snow and wind, the squad arrived in Liaoning in December. At this time in the northeast, the dripping water turned into ice, the snow was vast, the snow on his pants and shoes condensed into ice bumps, and his legs were frozen almost unconscious, and Mu Qing and his teammates rushed to the village where they were camping when it was dark. Knowing that they were an anti-Japanese team from Guanli, a strange and enthusiastic old couple took them in.

Cooking smoke rises and the fire burns the kang. Mu Qing, who was anxious to go to kang, found that he could not take off his boots and wanted to drag hard, and was stopped by the old man: "Child, you must not drag hard, nor can you take hot water to pour, your legs and feet have been frozen with your boots... I'm afraid it's hard to keep my legs and feet. ”

People who have not lived in the northeast do not know the laws and power of ice and snow, let alone the wisdom and know-how of those human beings. The old man brought a basin of cold water, dissolved the ice ballast, carefully pulled down the boots, and put these cold feet on his chest and kept rubbing and massaging. From numbness to heat swelling, consciousness was finally restored, and at that moment, the old man's body temperature also reached Mu Qing's heart.

Many years later, Mu Qing recalled: How many years have passed, this hut on the snowy field, this father-like old man, has always been deeply imprinted in my mind, I often warn myself, your legs and even life are protected by the common people, in this life and this life, no matter at any time, you can not forget them.

This memory has become the treasure of Mu Qing's life, and it has also made the people's feelings into the blood, just like the old wine stored in the old cellar, which has lasted for a long time in the accumulation of years.

Two pencil buildings tell the story

In Beijing, no. 57 Xuanwumen West Street, the pencil-shaped building has become a unique landmark; in Harbin, at the intersection of Lot Street and Jingwei Street, there is also a pencil-shaped old building, quietly standing.

According to Zhou Baohua's "A Brief History of the Northeast Branch of the Xinhua News Agency", on January 17, 1946, when Wu Wentao led the detachment to the ancient town of Hailong (present-day southeastern Jilin Province), the Northeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee was still far away in Benxi, and after the Northeast Bureau was moved to Hailong, the Northeast Branch of the Xinhua News Agency was established, and Wu Wentao was the president. On February 7, Northeast Daily resumed publication in Hailong. At the same time, the Northeast Branch of Xinhua News Agency began to officially open its office in a green brick and tile house in Hailong. In May, the Northeast General Branch moved to Harbin.

Shi Kanli, former director of the Heilongjiang branch of the Xinhua News Agency, introduced in the article "Mu Qing and Harbin" that at that time, the Northeast Daily and the Northeast Branch of the Xinhua News Agency were together, two brands and a set of people, and Mu Qing served as the director of the interview department of the Northeast Daily. At that time, there were 64 people in the Northeast General Branch, who were responsible for copying and receiving manuscripts from the Headquarters and various parts of the Northeast, providing them to the Northeast Daily for adoption, and sending reports from all over the Northeast to the Yan'an Headquarters. The office is the pencil building in Harbin.

The small building was built in 1938 as the Harbin Hongbao Guild Hall. Looking at this small gray building from a distance, the main building and the tower are shaped like pencils, and the two side buildings are shaped like manuscript paper, extending to Jingwei Street and Lot Street respectively, overlooking the sky like a swan with its neck spreading its wings.

Before his death, Mu Qing told people that Harbin was one of the two cities he had the most affection for during the war, and fondly recalled: "The Northeast Daily newspaper is near Harbin Central Avenue, and whenever the horse-drawn carriage passes through the street in the middle of the night, the horseshoe steps on the gravel road, making a crisp sound of 'getting it', like a beautiful piece of music..." He called this two-year ice city year "the golden age of memory."

Approaching the small building, you can see the nameplate of "Harbin Immovable Cultural Relics" embedded in the wall, the main building is three stories high, the tower is three or four stories high, and this building is now one of the office areas of Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group. Entering the building, you can vaguely feel the vicissitudes of history, although the cubicle room of that year has become a large plan for the office, but some old, slightly broken solid wooden doors have been preserved and displayed in the gallery hall, which is what Mu Qing, Liu Baiyu and other famous people have used in the office.

"It is not clear which room Mu Qing's room is, but it is felt that it should be the room inside the west side, and this building was the office of the Northeast Branch of the Xinhua News Agency and the place where the staff lived." Wang Yanhan, editor of the History Office of Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group, said.

In 1991, after more than 40 years of absence, Mu Qing revisited Harbin. He and his wife Xu Lei are both partners and colleagues of the Northeast Branch of Xinhua News Agency. Tracing the place, Mu Qing said emotionally: "During the Liberation War, I worked and lived in Harbin for three years, married here, and gave birth to my first child here, I have special feelings for Harbin, and my wife also has special feelings for this place, which reminds us of many of the situations of that year..."

In his time in Harbin, Mu Qing's life was hard, eating sorghum rice and small rice, but the work was extremely tense and heavy. How nervous is it? Mu Qing said: "There are only a few people in the newspaper, everyone is busy all day, there is no Sunday. There are two cinemas near the newspaper office, and I haven't seen the movie; not far from Sun Island..."

This period of time is also a period in which the perspective of the people of Muqing is constantly deepening. He seriously pondered and summed up the practice of news business and explored the law of the party's news work. In February 1946, he wrote in the article "Writing about the Masses": "Looking at the contributions of the Northeast Daily in recent months, I think it is necessary to emphasize more clearly among all our comrades who write about the masses: that is, to write about the masses. The large number of pages of our newspapers must be occupied by the lives and activities of the masses, reflect the demands of the masses, carry forward the creations of the masses, and solve the difficulties of the masses; and constantly report on the heroic figures and heroic deeds that have emerged in the mass movement, so as to educate the masses and promote work. This is a fundamental task in our journalism work. ”

That's what he said and that's what he did. Shortly after the liberation of Harbin, our party rebelled in Harbin, straightened out society, and carried out land reform in order to consolidate the newborn people's power and support the liberation of the whole country. At that time, there was a "ghost market" in Harbin, which was a place where some outlaws specializing in theft, robbery, and fraud traded stolen goods, and they traded at night and dispersed at dawn. Mu Qing got up in the middle of the night to "disguise", put on a robe, put on a top hat, and found out the dark curtain of the "ghost city", which may be one of the earliest "secret visits" in the history of Xinhua News Agency.

In the Daowai District of Harbin City, there was a "Huifangli" at that time, which was a brothel gathering area left over from the old society, and the government launched a resolute struggle to ban and combat prostitution. Mu Qing conducted in-depth interviews and wrote an internal report exposing the darkness of the brothel and the tragic experiences of the prostitutes.

At that time, Mu Qing often went to the countryside to squat and interview, and slept on the kang of his fellow villagers and ate together. At that time, there were bandits invading and destroying, and going to the countryside to report was difficult and dangerous. Therefore, when a reporter went to the countryside, colleagues went to the Jihong Bridge near the newspaper office to send them off; after returning from the interview, everyone went to the head of the Jihong Bridge to greet each other. Mu Qing once said with emotion, "That is really a comradeship!" ”

Mu Qing once took a photo on the roof of the Northeast Branch of the Xinhua News Agency in Harbin, holding cuffs in his hands, a pen on his chest, a military hat on his head, a slightly exposed stubble, and a happy smile on his young face. In recent years, he is happy and fulfilling, on New Year's Day 1948, Mu Qing and Xu Lei got married, the newspaper's New Year's dinner, is their "wedding banquet", Xu Lei prepared a large piece of red silk cloth, Hua Junwu and his wife, Liu Baiyu and other friends and colleagues have signed on it. These young people with ideals, ambitions, and literary talents set sail here to follow the People's Liberation Army all the way south, ushering in New China and a new stage for news and literary creation.

Records of three old newspapers

In the Special Collections Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Library, old newspapers were scanned and shrunk into film, opened one by one on the computer through the projection equipment, like slides of time. "Northeast Daily", which was still in traditional Chinese at that time, was a vertical version from right to left, priced at four corners per issue.

Searching for answers in the vastness of history and flipping through the past in thick newspapers is like finding a needle in a haystack. Perhaps by chance, the administrator Yin Ze selected the sixty-sixth issue in a roll of film. The headline of this issue published a photo of General Zhou Baozhong, titled "Expounding a Brief History of the Struggle of the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army and Opinions on the Construction of Northeast China -- General Zhou Baozhong's Answer to this Reporter's Question", the manuscript was not signed, but everyone knew that the author was Mu Qing.

In February 1946, Mu Qing received the task of interviewing General Zhou Baozhong of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League. Escorted by a squad of fighters, he and the writer Wei Dongming rode in a truck, braving the cold of minus 30 degrees Celsius, walked for two days and two nights to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Headquarters.

General Zhou Baozhong lost contact with the central authorities for more than a decade, and he was extremely excited to see his relatives in Yan'an. In "The Biography of Mu Qing", the author Zhang Yanping once told two stories, one is the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, which fought alone, lost contact with the central authorities and Guannei, and had a hard time finding a copy of "On Protracted War." If everyone gets the most precious treasure, you pass on to me, I pass on to you, copy and excerpt, and guide guerrilla warfare in accordance with strategic thinking. The other was that when Zhou Baozhong was at its most difficult, in the face of the enemy's encirclement and blockade, which had been starved of grain for many days, he sent Deputy Tao to lead two fighters down the mountain to look for grain, and as a result, the two fighters could not stay up, hung their guns on a tree and left the team to "find a way to live." Zhou Baozhong said heavily, "Even if I am left with Zhou Baozhong, I will also resist Japan to the end." ”

Li Min, a veteran soldier of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance League, spoke to people more than once with tears in his eyes in his eyes: "We were besieged by the Japanese puppet army for three days and three nights, running out of ammunition, and a few comrades who had just broken through could not help but lie in the swamp and drink muddy water, and as a result, they were killed by the pursuing enemy without drinking a few sips." Bark and grass roots also became 'luxuries' in the most lonely and cruel periods; because of the lack of bullets, every bullet had to be captured from the enemy's hands, and several different guns had to be carried at the same time during the battle; in order to prevent exposure, the secret camp could not make a fire, and many soldiers froze their hands and feet..."

For nearly half a month, Mu Qing often talked and wrote, and cried while writing, and was in a state of extreme excitement. In the end, under the pseudonym "Guan Jichen", he published "A History of the 14-Year Struggle between the Communist Party of China and the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army" in the 86th issue of the Northeast Daily, and the 12,000-word article was transferred from the first edition to the fourth edition. The reporter searched for the newspaper samples of that year in the film, although the handwriting was somewhat vague, but the beginning of the article was clearly visible: The Anti-Japanese Struggle of the Communist Party of China and the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army under its leadership over the past fourteen years is a history written with blood and tears, and it is also the glory and pride of the Chinese nation under the invasion and occupation of the violent enemy.

This is the first time that the heroic epic of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War against the Earthquake has been shown to the world, and the 14-year bloody struggle led by the Communist Party of China has stood up the indomitable backbone of the Chinese nation. Subsequently, Mu Qing threw himself into excavating the heroic deeds of martyr Yang Jingyu.

The people are heroes and the creators of history. During his time at the Northeast Branch, Mu Qing was constantly looking for burning passion from the people, and wuchang was the place where he often squatted. In the 1947 Northeast Daily, much of the space was reserved for the mass movement that surged everywhere.

Zhang Wei, former director of the Wuchang City Local History Office, said: Under the leadership of the party, the Northeast Liberated Areas launched a vigorous agrarian reform movement to crack down on local tycoons, divide up land, and destroy feudal forces. At that time, Wang Yuncai, the bully landlord of Wuchang Zhoujia gangtun nicknamed "Wang Zhangtou", was not willing to fail, played conspiracies, released dark arrows, repeatedly counterattacked the turned-over peasants, and after seven struggles, he finally received the punishment he deserved.

The story of the "Seven Fighting Kings Holding the Head" circulated locally has also become a classic in Mu Qing's pen. "You came in early August with a lot of manuscripts, and I'm very happy. Comrade Mu Qing's draft of "The Offensive of the Five Permanent Peasants" has a sound, a momentum, and a process, and sees the general situation of the five permanent group movements, which is worth learning from the reports of the group movements. Xinhua News Agency said by calling the Northeast Branch.

The anticipation of the four-word proverb

"Don't forget the people" - this is Mu Qing's favorite word to write before he died, and it is also his motto for a lifetime. The text is like its person, and the word is like its person. Mu Qing, the old president of Xinhua News Agency, has condensed into this piece of soul with his life.

"I am the son of the people", this deep voice of the soul, led Mu Qing's footsteps to the masses. He came from the people, loved the people, visited Lankao six times, and wrote about the people. On July 31, 1991, Mu Qing came to the Heilongjiang branch of Xinhua News Agency to have a discussion with all the staff.

"Among the masses, in practice, there is something very rich, and it is a very rich, wordless book... The ancients said, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles... It is very important to go to practical work and increase knowledge, to understand our country, to understand our people, to understand the Party's policies. When this foundation is laid, there will be freedom in the future, and we can contribute to the people... We, the old reporters of Xinhua News Agency, have all come from this road. ”

Mu Qing, it was from this road, step by step, to trek to the peak. When it comes to young journalist Chengcai, he is also entrusted by Yin Yin: "Chengcai has always been inseparable from hard work and hard work, and there is no kind of person who makes a fortune like a second-way dealer." If we want to become talented, we must honestly go among the masses, conduct investigation and study in a down-to-earth manner, practice the basic skills well, and make our foundation solid and solid again, so that we will not lose our way under any circumstances. This is particularly important. Some people are very talented, they just can't get rid of the word 'fame and fortune', can't put aside personal things, and as a result, very few people really become talented, either on this issue or on that issue. ”

The deceased is long gone, but the survivors can still be traced. "Old Man Mu", in the four-word proverb, has already given the answer - do not forget the people.

Only people who have gone through vicissitudes have such deep and broad feelings. He held on to his faith all his life, so he had love all his life; he had love all his life, so he gushed all his life. When Mu Qing left the Heilongjiang branch, he also left an ink treasure in the small courtyard of the branch - "inheriting the past and opening up the future".

Time flies, how can it be comforting? The autumn sun in the northeast is warm and shining on the former site of the Northeast General Branch, the cars and people at the intersection are endless, and the Songhua River, which is flowing endlessly in the distance, seems to be stirring and complaining... (Zou Dapeng participated in the writing of Liu Heyao)

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

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