
After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

author:Sister Chen is in Guangdong

In 621 BC, Qin Mugong, one of the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period, died of illness. This monarch, who laid a solid foundation for the Qin state, was controversial for an incident after his death. According to the "Historical Records", when Qin Mugong died, 177 people were buried with him. This astonishing scale of the funeral not only caused an uproar at the time, but also sparked countless discussions in later generations.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

Why did the Qin Mu Guild have so many mourners? Are these people voluntary? And what are their identities? More importantly, what kind of cultural traditions and social realities does this large-scale act of human martyrdom reflect? What impact did Qin Mugong's funeral have on the future of the Qin State?

To understand all this, we need to go back in time to the historical origins of the Qin state, explore its cultural traditions, and examine the social context of the Spring and Autumn period. In the process, we may be able to unravel the mystery of Qin Mugong's funeral and gain insight into the deep reasons behind this shocking historical event. So, let's walk into the corridor of history and pursue those long-hidden answers.

The history of the Qin state can be traced back to the distant Shang and Zhou dynasties. It is rumored that the ancestor of the Qin State, surnamed Ying, was already a prominent nobleman during the Xia and Shang periods. In the legend of Dayu's flood control, the ancestor surnamed Ying was Dayu's right-hand man and made important contributions to flood control. It is precisely because of this credit that the Ying family was reused after the establishment of the Xia Dynasty and became the core nobles of the Xia Dynasty.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

However, the wheels of fate are always turning. When Shang Tang raised an army to defeat Xia Wei, the Ying family stood at the crossroads of history. They were keenly aware of the changes in the situation and resolutely took refuge in SenseTime. This decision allowed the Ying family to continue to maintain a prominent position after the establishment of the Shang Dynasty. During the nearly 600 years of Shang rule, the Ying family was deeply immersed in the Shang dynasty's cultural traditions, especially in terms of rituals and religious beliefs.

On the occasion of the Shang Zhou Dynasty, the Ying family once again faced a choice. This time, however, they were on the wrong side. When King Wu of Zhou led his army to defeat the Shang Dynasty, the Ying family chose to remain loyal to the Shang Dynasty because of their deep ties with the Shang Dynasty. This decision almost cost the Ying family everything. After the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Ying family, as a loser, was in danger of being completely liquidated.

Fortunately, one of the Ying family was appreciated by the Zhou royal family for their exquisite horse breeding skills. This branch was the direct ancestor of the later Qin royal family. With their special skills in raising horses, they not only preserved themselves, but also became the royal groom family of the Zhou royal family after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, in order to resist the invasion of Western nomads, the Zhou royal family urgently needed to expand the breeding scale of war horses. In this context, the Zhou royal family made an important decision: to seal the Ying Feizi of the Ying family to the Tianshui area of Gansu. This decision seemed simple, but it laid the groundwork for the rise of the Qin State in the future.

Initially, Ying Feizi only got a fief of a few dozen miles. Although the land is suitable for raising horses, it is not suitable for human habitation. However, Ying Feizi and his descendants were not intimidated by the difficulties. With their tenacious will and indomitable spirit, they worked hard in this barren land. For almost a hundred years, they not only established a foothold in the land, but also established a powerful family and began to expand outward.

In the Western Weekend year, history gave the Ying family a chance to rise again. When the news of the fall of Hojing came when the Inu Rong invaded, the King of Zhou You was killed, and the Hojing fell, the Ying family did not hesitate to lead a large army to King Qin. Together with the other princes, they repelled the dog Rong and enthroned King Ping of Zhou, escorting the Zhou royal family to Luoyang.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

It was this act of King Qin that completely changed the fate of the Ying family. In order to reward the loyalty and courage of the Ying family, King Zhou Ping not only gave the Ying family the title of earl, but also allowed them to establish a state in the same place. What's more, the Zhou royal family also gave the Ying clan a special right: as long as they could repel the dogs in the west, all the recovered lands could be owned by the Ying clan.

This decision opened the door to the rise of the Qin state. For the next nearly 100 years, the Qin state seized this opportunity and continued to expand eastward. From Gansu, they marched eastward, eventually occupying the entire Guanzhong region. By the time Qin Mugong ascended the throne, Qin had become a vassal state that could not be underestimated, laying a solid foundation for its future rise.

At the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period, a fierce power game was unfolding on the land of China. The decline of the Zhou royal family was a foregone conclusion, and the vassal states rose one after another, vying for supremacy. In this era of the rise of the powers, although the Qin State had occupied Guanzhong, it was still on the margins, and its strength was still insufficient compared to the Central Plains States.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In 659 BC, Qin Mugong ascended the throne. At this time, on the land of the Central Plains, the Jin State, the Chu State, the Qi State and other powerful countries have begun to compete for hegemony. The first task facing Qin Mugong is how to find a place for the Qin State in this troubled era.

At the beginning of Qin Mugong's accession to the throne, the Qin state was not stable. During the reign of the previous monarch Qin Xianggong, the Qin state experienced a series of civil strife. Gongzi Cheng, Gongzi Kijiu and others fought for the throne one after another, resulting in a great loss of national strength. After Qin Mugong came to power, the first thing he had to do was to calm down the civil strife and stabilize the domestic situation.

Qin Mugong took a series of measures to consolidate his rule. He vigorously pursued the policy of appointing people on the basis of merit and selected talents without sticking to one pattern. One of the most famous is the story of the "Five Doctors". Legend has it that in order to find talents, Qin Mugong once sent people to inquire around. Someone told him that there was a sage named Baili Xi at the foot of Qishan Mountain. Qin Mugong sent someone to hire him, but Baili Xi was being captured by Yu Guo at that time. Qin Mugong did not hesitate, exchanged five sheepskins for Baili Xi, and appointed him as a doctor.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

After Baili Xi entered Qin, he made great contributions to the development of Qin. He not only helped Qin Mugong formulate a series of reform policies, but also provided valuable advice on diplomacy and military affairs. It was with the assistance of Baili Xi and other virtuous ministers that Qin Mugong was able to gradually realize his political ambitions.

While stabilizing internally, Qin Mugong also began to pay attention to the external situation. At that time, the Qin State had the powerful Jin State in the east, the Chu State in the south, and the Rongdi tribe in the north. How to survive and develop in such an environment has become a challenge that Qin Mugong must face.

Qin Mugong adopted a flexible diplomatic strategy. On the one hand, he maintained friendly relations with the Jin state, and on the other hand, he secretly supported the other vassal states against the Jin state. This kind of diplomatic maneuver from left to right made the status of Qin among the princes gradually improved.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In military affairs, Qin Mugong also showed extraordinary talent. He knew that Qin was located in the west, and if he wanted to gain a foothold in the Central Plains, he must first solve the threat of Rongdi in the north. Therefore, he led his army on the Northern Expedition many times and defeated Rong Di, not only protecting the northern border of Qin, but also expanding the territory of Qin.

In 627 BC, Qin Mugong seized the opportunity of the civil strife in the Jin Dynasty and led his army eastward to capture the Hexi land of the Jin State in one fell swoop. This military campaign not only expanded the territory of Qin, but also greatly enhanced Qin's status among the princes. Since then, the state of Qin has officially become one of the great powers.

In addition to military expansion, Qin Mugong also attached great importance to economic development. He encouraged agricultural production, reclaimed wasteland, and built water conservancy projects. Under his rule, Qin's economy developed rapidly and its national strength grew stronger and stronger.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

However, Qin Mugong's ambitions did not stop there. He continued to expand eastward, engaging in fierce rivalry with the Central Plains states. In this process, the Qin State clashed with the Jin State, the Chu State and other powerful countries many times, and although it also suffered setbacks, it still maintained a strong momentum of development on the whole.

Qin Mugong's life can be said to be full of legends. From the monarch of a small border country, he gradually built the Qin State into a powerful country that could compete with the great powers of the Central Plains. Under his rule, the Qin State not only made major breakthroughs in military affairs, but also made great progress in economic and cultural aspects.

When Qin Mugong died after 39 years of reign, the Qin state had become an important force to be reckoned with during the Spring and Autumn period. He laid a solid foundation for the rise of the Qin State and laid the groundwork for the unification of the six kingdoms of the Qin State in later generations. However, just as Qin Mugong died, an amazing funeral ceremony cast a shadow on this eloquent monarch.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In 621 B.C., on an ordinary day in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin State was shrouded in mourning. Qin Mugong, the monarch who reigned for 39 years and laid the foundation for the hegemony of the Qin State, finally completed his legendary life. However, at the time of Qin Mugong's death, an amazing funeral ceremony was being secretly prepared, which not only shocked the Qin government and opposition at that time, but also caused countless controversies and discussions in later generations.

According to the "Historical Records", when Qin Mugong died, as many as 177 people were buried alive. Among these funeral companions, there were three confidants of Qin Mugong before his death: Ziche, Dyingxi, and Zhongxing. In addition to this, there were a large number of retinues, maids, and craftsmen. Martyrdom of this scale was rare even in the Spring and Autumn Period, when extravagant funerals were in vogue at the time.

So, how did this mass human martyrdom happen? According to historical records, before Qin Mugong died, he expressed his hope to the ministers around him that they could continue to assist the crown prince. However, this seemingly ordinary last wish has been misinterpreted by some people as a request for ministers to be buried with them.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

When the three ministers, Ziche, Dying, and Zhongxing, learned of this "last wish", they did not immediately express their position. They may be weighing the pros and cons, or they may be waiting for someone else's reaction. However, just when they were hesitating, Qin Mugong's crown prince quickly made a decision.

The crown prince may have wanted to consolidate his rule, or he may have misunderstood his father's wishes, but in any case he ordered the three ministers to be buried with them. In the face of this order, the three ministers did not immediately resist. They may have considered this to be the highest manifestation of loyalty to the monarch, or they may have accepted this fate out of respect for Qin Mugong, or they were forced by the crown prince to finally accept this fate.

However, it didn't end there. When the news spread, the Qin government and the opposition were shocked. Many people think this practice is too cruel and unethical. In particular, Ziche's family, who strongly opposed this practice. Ziche's brother Ziyu argued even more on the basis of reason, believing that this was not Qin Mugong's true will.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

Ziyu's protest sparked more sympathy and support. However, the crown prince seems to have made up his mind to carry out this "last wish". Under the deterrence of power, the voices of opposition were gradually suppressed. In the end, not only the three ministers, but also a large number of retinues, maids, and craftsmen were included in the funeral list.

On the day of the funeral, Yongcheng, the capital of Qin, was shrouded in sadness and fear. 177 mourners were taken to Qin Mugong's cemetery. Some may be voluntary, believing that this is the highest manifestation of loyalty to the monarch; Some people may be forced to comply, under the deterrence of power. In any case, when these people were buried alive in the tomb, the entire Qin state was plunged into an indescribable atmosphere.

This large-scale human martyrdom has triggered huge social repercussions. Many people expressed their sorrow and anger at this practice. Ziche's family was even more grief-stricken. After learning that his younger brother had been buried alive, Ziyu was filled with grief and anger and committed suicide on the spot. This series of tragic events cast a shadow over Qin Mugong's funeral.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

However, the impact of this martyrdom went far beyond that. It sparked a deep reflection in the Qin government. Many began to question the rationality of this cruel funeral system. Some people of insight have even openly criticized this practice, holding that it not only runs counter to human ethics but will also harm the long-term interests of the country.

The controversy even affected the political situation in the Qin state. Although the crown prince demonstrated his authority in this way, he also lost the support of the people as a result. Many began to question his ability to rule and his moral character. This laid a hidden danger for the political struggle of the Qin State in the future.

What's more far-reaching is that this martyrdom incident has become a microcosm of the collapse of etiquette in the Spring and Autumn Period. It reflected the shortcomings of the social system of the time, and also heralded the coming of a new era. In the years that followed, more and more people began to reflect on and criticize this funeral system, which eventually contributed to the gradual extinction of this barbaric custom.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

The mystery of Qin Mugong's funeral is not only a historical event, but also a mirror, reflecting the complex social reality and cultural traditions of the Spring and Autumn Period. It not only shows the autocratic idea of the supremacy of the monarchy, but also reflects the light and darkness in human nature. The impact of this event went far beyond the Qin state at that time and became a fragment worth pondering in the long river of Chinese history.

The funeral of Qin Mugong caused a huge shock at the time, and its impact went far beyond the scope of the Qin state, leaving a deep imprint on the entire long river of Chinese history. This large-scale martyrdom not only reflected the social reality of the Spring and Autumn Period, but also had a profound impact on the politics, culture and thought of later generations.

First of all, at the political level, the funeral incident of Qin Mugong directly affected the political situation of Qin. Although the crown prince demonstrated his authority in this way, it also aroused discontent and doubts among the people. Although this practice of ruling by power has deterred the government and the opposition in the short term, in the long run, it has sown factors of instability.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In the years following the death of Qin Mugong, there was obvious political turmoil within the Qin state. After the crown prince ascended the throne, he became the Duke of Qin Kang, but his rule was not stable. Historical records record that during the reign of Qin Kanggong, the development of the Qin state slowed down significantly, which is in stark contrast to the Qin Mugong period. It can be speculated that the social contradictions and political controversies caused by the funeral incident are likely to be one of the important reasons for this situation.

Secondly, at the cultural level, Qin Mugong's funeral incident has become a typical case of the collapse of etiquette in the Spring and Autumn Period. This incident exposed the shortcomings of the social system at that time and triggered people's reflection and criticism of the traditional etiquette system.

During the Spring and Autumn period, the patriarchal system had begun to loosen, but some old customs and ideas remained. As a funeral custom originating from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, human martyrdom was still prevalent in some vassal states. However, the scale and impact of Qin Mugong's funeral incident made this custom unprecedentedly questioned.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

Many thinkers and politicians began to criticize the inhumanity of this practice. Confucius, for example, expressed strong opposition to human martyrdom. He believed that it was contrary to benevolence to bury a living person. This view resonated widely among the intellectuals of the time, and promoted people's reflection and reform of the traditional ritual system.

At the ideological level, Qin Mugong's funeral incident also triggered people's in-depth thinking about the value of life and human nature. In this incident, whether it was the courtiers who were forced to accompany the funeral or the retinue who voluntarily died, it all triggered people's thinking about the meaning of life.

This kind of thinking directly influenced the formation of the hundred schools of thought in the later years. For example, the idea of "contemporaneous love" emphasized in the Mohist doctrine can be seen as a reflection and critique of this inhumane behavior. The concept of "benevolence" emphasized in Confucianism was also inspired to some extent by such events.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

More far-reaching, the funeral incident of Qin Mugong has become an important case for later generations to reflect on the feudal autocracy. In later historical writings, this event was often used to criticize the autocratic idea of the supremacy of the monarchy, and became a typical example of a call for respect for life and opposition to brutal rule.

At the level of social system, Qin Mugong's funeral incident also promoted the reform of the funeral system. Although the phenomenon of human martyrdom continued for some time after that, it gradually shrank in scale and became more symbolic. By the end of the Warring States period, human martyrdom had been basically prohibited, and it was replaced by terracotta figurines and other items for burial. This change reflects the improvement of the level of social civilization and the deepening of people's understanding of the value of life.

In addition, Qin Mugong's funeral incident also had a profound impact on ancient Chinese funeral culture. This event became an important reference for later generations to discuss the funeral system. In the history that followed, whenever someone proposed a funeral plan that was too lavish or cruel, Qin Mugong's funeral incident would be taken out as a warning.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In the field of archaeology, the funeral events of Qin Mugong are also of great significance. It provides valuable historical materials for the study of the funeral system in the Spring and Autumn Period. By comparing the differences between the Qinmu Cemetery and other tombs of the same period, archaeologists can better understand the social structure and cultural characteristics of the time.

In general, as a historical node, the funeral incident of Qin Mugong profoundly affected the political, cultural, ideological and social system of ancient China. It is not only a microcosm of the social changes in the Spring and Autumn period, but also an important factor in promoting this change. The impact of this event has continued to future generations and has become a memorable episode in the long history of China.

With the development of archaeology, the historical mystery of Qin Mugong's funeral incident has gradually been revealed. Modern archaeological excavations and research not only provide us with more physical evidence about this event, but also help us to understand more comprehensively the social structure and cultural background of the Spring and Autumn period.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In 1976, archaeologists discovered the Qinmu Cemetery in Fengxiao Town, Qishan County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. This major discovery provides valuable material for the study of Qin Mugong's funeral incident. The tomb is located near Yongcheng, the early capital of the Qin Kingdom, covering an area of 24,000 square meters, and the scale is amazing.

Archaeological excavations have revealed the complex structure of the Qinmu Cemetery. The burial mound consists of the main burial chamber, the burial pit and the burial tunnel. The main burial chamber is located in the center and is surrounded by a large number of burial pits. This arrangement coincides with the large-scale human martyrdom recorded in the history books.

In the burial pits, archaeologists found a large number of human bones. Skeletal analysis showed that the remains belonged to individuals of different ages and genders, which is roughly consistent with the historical record of 177 people buried together. Interestingly, in some of the burial pits, archaeologists also found groups of horse bones, which may have been Qin Mugong's favorite war horse during his lifetime.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In addition to human bones, archaeologists have also found a large number of exquisite burial goods in the tomb. These include bronze, jade, lacquerware, etc., reflecting the high level of craftsmanship of the Qin State at that time. In particular, some bronzes with inscriptions provide important clues for the study of the early history of the Qin state.

It is worth noting that in the Qinmu Cemetery, archaeologists have found some cultural relics that are different from those of the Central Plains culture. These objects show distinct Xijon cultural characteristics, reflecting the close interaction between the Qin state and the western nomads. This discovery confirms the statement recorded in the history books that Qin Mugong reused Yu and other Xirong talents.

In 2003, archaeologists discovered another large tomb near the Qin Mu Cemetery, which was presumed to be the tomb of the Duchess Qin Mu. Although the scale of this tomb is not as large as that of Qin Mu Cemetery, it also shows a noble identity. In this tomb, archaeologists have found a large number of exquisite feminine items, including dressing utensils, jewelry, etc. These discoveries provide valuable information for our understanding of the lives of noble women in the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

With the deepening of archaeological excavations, scholars have a new understanding of the funeral incident of Qin Mugong. First of all, the scale of the tombs and the richness of the burial goods confirm the important position of Qin Mugong in the history of the Qin state. Secondly, a large number of human bones have been found to confirm the existence of large-scale human martyrdom, but the specific number and method still need further research.

Archaeologists also noticed that in addition to human bones, some terracotta figurines were also found in the Qinmu cemetery. This indicates that during the Qin Mugong period, human martyrdom and burial with Ming vessels may have existed at the same time. This discovery provides an important clue for the study of the evolution of the ancient Chinese funeral system.

The application of DNA technology has brought a new breakthrough to the study of Qin Mugong's funeral incident. Through DNA analysis of the human bones in the tombs, scientists tried to determine the identities and blood relationships of these burial companions. Although DNA extraction and analysis have faced many difficulties due to its age, this research continues and is expected to shed more light on the identity of the burial person.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

At the same time, archaeologists have also used modern technological means, such as 3D scanning and virtual reconstruction technology, to make a comprehensive digital record of the Qinmu Cemetery. This not only helps to preserve the artifacts, but also gives us a more intuitive understanding of the structure and layout of the tombs.

In addition, archaeologists have also conducted extensive archaeological surveys around the Qinmu Cemetery. They found that there were a large number of handicraft workshop sites near the tombs. These discoveries suggest that the Qin state may have mobilized a large number of craftsmen and laborers in order to build such a grand tomb. This also reflects the economic strength and organizational ability of the Qin state during the Qin Mugong period.

The research methods of modern archaeology have also been applied to the study of Qin Mugong's funeral events. For example, by analyzing the plant remains unearthed from the tombs, scientists are trying to reconstruct the natural environment and agricultural production at that time. Through the analysis of the composition of metal artifacts, the researchers explored the level of metallurgical technology in the early Qin state.

After Qin Mugong died, why did he bring hundreds of people to accompany him to the funeral? There is such a historical origin behind it!

In general, modern archaeological discoveries and research have greatly enriched our understanding of the funeral events of Qin Mugong. It not only verifies a lot of historical records, but also provides us with a lot of new information. These discoveries and research results provide valuable material for our understanding of the society, politics, economy, and culture of the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period, and also lay the foundation for further exploration of this historical mystery.

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