
You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

author:Open to the sky

As an important technology in the spacecraft propulsion system, the successful development of the Hall thruster has undoubtedly brought a tremendous impetus to the development of the mainland's aerospace industry. The successful ignition of the mainland's first Hall thruster is not only a major breakthrough in technology, but also an important embodiment of the mainland's independent innovation capability in the aerospace field.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Although the thrust generated by the original Hall Thruster was relatively small and could only be measured in millinewtons, this did not hinder its strategic importance in the field of astronautics. Although the thrust of the millibull may seem insignificant, it can play a huge role in long-term space missions. Through continuous propulsion, even a small thrust can have a significant effect over a long period of time, effectively changing the orbit or attitude of the spacecraft, providing more possibilities for performing complex space missions.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

The Hall thruster works by accelerating charged particles through an electric field, creating a high-velocity jet stream that obtains a reaction force to propel the spacecraft. Compared to conventional chemical propulsion, Hall Thrusters have a higher specific impulse, which means that they are able to provide more thrust at the same mass of propellant, significantly increasing the payload capacity and mission flexibility of the spacecraft.

During the development of the Hall thruster, Continental faced many technical challenges. From the design of the thruster, the selection of materials, to the mastery of precision manufacturing technology, every step is a test of the wisdom and perseverance of mainland scientific researchers. In particular, a lot of theoretical research and experimental verification are required to ensure that the performance of the thruster meets the expected goals.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

In addition, in the process of developing the Hall thruster, Continental also paid special attention to technological innovation and breakthroughs. For example, through the use of new insulating materials and improved magnetic field structure, the working life and reliability of the thruster are effectively improved. At the same time, through the in-depth study of the electronic energy balance process, the electromagnetic field distribution inside the thruster is optimized, and the efficiency and specific impulse of the thruster are further improved.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

With the continuous progress of technology, the development of Continental Hall thruster is also constantly developing in the direction of higher power and greater thrust. From the initial milliN thrust to the current Ox or even higher-level thrusters, the continent's research in the field of Hall thrusters has achieved remarkable results. These achievements have not only enhanced the mainland's competitiveness in the international space field, but also provided strong technical support for the mainland's future deep space exploration and large-scale satellite platforms.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

In the international arena, the successful development of the Continental Hall thruster has also attracted widespread attention. As the third country in the world to achieve a breakthrough in nested Hall electric propulsion technology, Continental's progress in this field not only demonstrates the rapid development of mainland space technology, but also provides new opportunities for international space cooperation.

In short, the successful ignition of the mainland's first Hall thruster is an important milestone in the history of space technology development. Although the thrust at the start is small, its importance in a strategic sense is self-evident. With the continuous maturity and innovation of technology, we have reason to believe that Hall Thruster will play an increasingly important role in future space exploration.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

The space propulsion system is one of the key technologies for spacecraft to accomplish various tasks, providing the spacecraft with the power it needs to perform orbital transfers, attitude adjustments, and speed changes in space. With the continuous deepening of human space exploration, the requirements for space propulsion systems are getting higher and higher. However, although the traditional chemical propulsion system is mature, there are some problems that are difficult to overcome.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

First of all, the energy density of chemical propulsion systems is relatively low. This means that in order to achieve a certain thrust, the spacecraft needs to carry a large amount of fuel. This not only increases the weight of the spacecraft, but also limits its ability to carry a payload. In a space mission, every additional gram of weight can mean higher launch costs and more complex design requirements. Therefore, how to improve the energy density of the propulsion system and reduce the amount of fuel carried is an important topic in the development of space propulsion system.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Secondly, chemical propulsion systems face the problem of lack of focal points in space. On Earth, we can use air or other media to obtain reaction force and achieve propulsion. But in space, such a focus does not exist. Therefore, the spacecraft must carry its own propellants, which are ejected to gain forward momentum. Not only is this approach less efficient, but propellant consumption is also a huge challenge during long space missions.

To solve these problems, scientists have been exploring new types of space propulsion technologies. Among them, electric propulsion technology is considered a very promising solution. Electric propulsion systems, such as Hall thrusters and ion thrusters, use electric or magnetic fields to accelerate charged particles, creating high-velocity jets that gain thrust. Compared to conventional chemical propulsion, electric propulsion systems have a higher specific impulse, i.e., they are able to provide more thrust when consuming the same mass of propellant.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

However, the development of electric propulsion technology also faces a number of challenges. First, the thrust of electric propulsion systems is relatively small and can usually only be measured in millinewtons or microbulls. This limits their application in missions that require rapid maneuvering or high thrust. In addition, the design and manufacturing of electric propulsion systems is highly complex, requiring precise control of electromagnetic fields and plasma to ensure efficient and stable propulsion.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

The extreme conditions in the space environment also pose challenges for space propulsion systems. In space, propulsion systems not only have to withstand extreme temperature changes, but also face the impact of cosmic rays and tiny meteorites. These factors can all have an impact on the performance and longevity of a propulsion system. Therefore, the design of the propulsion system must take these environmental factors into account to ensure its reliability and durability in space.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

In addition, as the number of deep space exploration missions increases, so do the requirements for propulsion systems. Deep space missions often require long flights, which require longer service life and higher reliability of propulsion systems. At the same time, due to the communication delay and autonomy requirements of deep space missions, the propulsion system also needs to have certain autonomous control capabilities to adapt to the complex space environment and mission requirements.

In short, the development of space propulsion systems faces many challenges, but at the same time, it is also full of opportunities. With the continuous emergence and innovation of new technologies, there is reason to believe that future space propulsion systems will be more efficient, reliable, and able to support human exploration of more distant spaces.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Electric propulsion system, as a revolutionary technology in the field of space, is gradually changing the face of space exploration. In particular, Hall thrusters, with their excellent high specific impulse and low power consumption, have become an indispensable power source for space probes, spacecraft, satellites and space stations.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Hall thrusters work by using electrons to accelerate under the combined action of electric and magnetic fields and collide with the propellant, thereby ionizing the propellant and producing a high-speed ion current. This process not only improves propulsion efficiency, but also significantly reduces the required propellant dose compared to conventional chemical propulsion systems. The high specific impulse means that Hall thrusters are able to provide more thrust when consuming the same mass of propellant, which is critical for spacecraft on long-term space missions.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Compared to traditional ion thrusters, Hall thrusters have achieved a significant breakthrough in service life. Although the 10-ion thruster also has the characteristics of high specific impulse, its internal electrodes are easily damaged by sputtering, which limits its service life. The Hall thruster is optimized to reduce the impact of sputtering on the electrodes, thereby extending the service life of the thruster, making the Hall thruster an ideal choice for long-term tasks.

Innovation in electric propulsion systems is not limited to Hall thrusters. For example, the LIPS-300 ion electric propulsion system, independently developed by the 510 Institute of the Fifth Academy of the Continental Aerospace Science and Technology Group, has increased its thrust by five times compared with the previous LIPS-200 system, and the speed can reach more than 35,000 meters per second.10 This marks a solid step forward in the field of electric propulsion technology by the mainland. In addition, the 300-watt LHT-40 Hall electric propulsion system independently developed by the Lanzhou Institute of Space Technology and Physics has also successfully completed the first in-orbit test,11 which has opened the prelude to the application of domestic low-power Hall electric propulsion products in the Beidou series of navigation missions.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

The application prospect of electric propulsion system is broad. In the field of small satellites, the low-power Hall electric propulsion system is gradually becoming the first choice for small satellite power due to its small size, light weight and flexible application. 12 For example, the first domestic low-power Hall electric propulsion system independently developed by the 502 Institute of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation has successfully achieved in-orbit application on the first satellite of Galaxy Aerospace. This not only explores a new way for the mass production of low-power Hall electric propulsion system, but also lays a power foundation for the rapid deployment of the continental low-orbit satellite constellation.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

Micropower electric propulsion technology is also an important part of electric propulsion system innovation. This kind of technology has shown great potential in the field of micro-nano satellites due to its advantages of simple structure, high specific impulse and diverse types of working fluids. 13 The micro-power electric propulsion system effectively improves efficiency and extends service life by adopting new working fluid and electrode-free energy injection technology. At the same time, the application of new working fluids, such as iodine and water, also provides the possibility to reduce costs and improve environmental protection.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

With the continuous advancement of technology, electric propulsion systems are developing in the direction of higher efficiency, longer life, and wider applications. Whether it is in deep space exploration, satellite navigation, space station maintenance, or in the construction of low-orbit Internet constellations, electric propulsion systems will play an increasingly important role. Through continuous technological innovation and application expansion, the electric propulsion system is expected to become a key force to promote the development of the aerospace industry.

Since the 60s of the 20th century, the mainland has begun to research electric propulsion technology. During this period, despite the dual challenges of technology and materials, scientific researchers gradually mastered the basic theory and key technologies of electric propulsion through unremitting efforts. In the 90s, the mainland successfully developed the Hall thruster, marking that the mainland became one of the few countries in the world that has mastered this high-end space propulsion technology.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

The successful development of the Hall thruster is an important milestone in the development of electric propulsion technology in the mainland. Compared with traditional chemical propulsion, Hall thrusters have a higher specific impulse and longer service life, which can significantly improve the payload capacity and in-orbit operation time of spacecraft. With the continuous maturity of technology, Hall thrusters have begun to be widely used in various spacecraft, including communication satellites, scientific exploration satellites and deep space probes.

You can't even push an egg, but you can push the space station! What exactly are the magic powers of Hall thrusters?

In recent years, with the rapid development of the mainland's aerospace industry, electric propulsion technology has also been more widely used and developed faster. Especially in the Tiangong space station project, the assembly and use of Hall thrusters not only demonstrates the practical application ability of the mainland in the field of electric propulsion, but also a strong proof of the technical strength of the mainland's electric propulsion.

As a space laboratory independently built by the mainland, the Tiangong space station has extremely strict requirements for the propulsion system. The use of Hall thrusters can not only provide stable and reliable thrust to ensure the precise control and orbit maintenance of the space station, but also greatly reduce the propellant carrying capacity of the space station due to its high specific impulse, thus providing more space and possibilities for the payload and scientific experiments of the space station.

In addition, with the continuous advancement of the continental deep space exploration program, the application prospect of electric propulsion technology, especially Hall thrusters, will be broader. Whether it's the upcoming Mars mission or the possible future asteroid and Jupiter explorations, electric propulsion will play a vital role. Its high efficiency and long life will provide strong power support for the continental deep space probe, helping the probe to achieve longer flight and longer exploration mission.

At the same time, with the rapid development of commercial aerospace, the demand for electric propulsion technology, especially Hall thrusters, for the construction of small satellite constellations is also increasing. Small satellites have more demanding requirements for propulsion systems due to their size and weight limitations. With its advantages of small size, low power consumption and high specific impulse, Hall thrusters have become an ideal propulsion choice for small satellites. In the future, with the implementation of projects such as the continental low-orbit Internet constellation, the application of Hall thrusters in the field of commercial aerospace will be more extensive.

In short, from the beginning of the 60s to the present, the continental electric propulsion technology has gone through more than half a century of development. From the initial basic research, to the successful development of the Hall thruster, to the practical application of the Tiangong space station, the continent's electric propulsion technology has continuously made new breakthroughs and progress. In the future, with the continuous maturity and innovation of technology, as well as the emergence of new application needs, Continental Electric Propulsion Technology will usher in a broader development prospect.

As a key space propulsion technology, the future research direction of Hall thruster is mainly focused on increasing thrust without increasing the volume and weight of the equipment, so as to meet the needs of more far-reaching space exploration missions in the future. This boost is critical for spacecraft on long-term missions, as they need enough thrust to maintain orbit or enable interstellar travel.

Continental continues to make new progress in the field of electric propulsion technology. According to the latest research results30, Continental has successfully developed a 50 kW Hall thruster, which marks that Continental has reached the international advanced level in the field of high-power electric propulsion technology. The successful development of this thruster not only demonstrates the continuous innovation and development of electric propulsion technology in the mainland, but also provides more powerful power support for future space exploration missions.

The 50 kW Hall thruster has performed well in ground tests, using both xenon and krypton as working fluids. Especially when using krypton as the working medium, the maximum specific impulse exceeds 5100 seconds, which is also very leading in the world. This shows that the mainland has made breakthroughs in solving a number of technical problems in the electric propulsion system, and has mastered the core technology with independent intellectual property rights.

In addition, Continental has made progress in the in-orbit application of low-power Hall electric propulsion systems. The successful in-orbit ignition of the low-power Hall electric propulsion system on the first satellite of Galaxy Aerospace not only verifies the reliability of the system, but also demonstrates its broad application prospects in commercial satellites. This kind of system has the characteristics of small size, light weight and flexible application, which is very in line with the current application trend in the international aerospace field.

With the continuous development of technology, the application prospect of Hall thruster will be broader. For example, it can be installed on a starship for long-distance flight, to trade time for speed, or to counteract orbital decay caused by the air resistance of low-Earth orbit satellites. In addition, the practical application of high-thrust electric propulsion also needs to solve problems such as power supply, heat dissipation in vacuum, and corrosion caused by high-temperature plasma.

Continental has added another "sharp weapon" to the research and development of Hall thrusters33, and through the establishment of a "black light laboratory", it has realized the transformation of the full-cycle 24-hour unattended test mode, which provides the possibility of testing the ultimate life of thrusters for a long time. At the same time, Continental has achieved a technological breakthrough in the nested Hall thruster, which has laid the foundation for the development of a Hall thruster with greater thrust.

In the future, the development direction of Hall thruster will be to expand to both sides on the basis of the existing thrust, that is, smaller power to meet the needs of small and medium-sized satellites, and more power to meet the needs of large satellites and deep space exploration missions. In addition, the research and development of multi-mode thrusters will also be an important direction to meet the mission needs of different stages of future spacecraft.

In short, Continental's continuous research and innovation in the field of electric propulsion technology has not only enhanced Continent's international competitiveness in this field, but also contributed an important force to the cause of human space exploration. With the continuous progress and breakthroughs in technology, we have reason to believe that the future of space exploration will be more in-depth and extensive.


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