
Mei Feng went deep into Lehua Town to investigate

author:Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone

On the afternoon of October 5, Mei Feng, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone, came to Lehua Town to investigate the construction of the project, the development of enterprises and the construction of the people's livelihood project, and held a symposium. He stressed that the whole region should deeply study and implement the spirit and work deployment of the 12th Party Congress in Nanchang City, focus on the overall development of urban and rural areas, do everything possible to make the village-level collective economy bigger and stronger, take industrial revitalization as the focus point, further enhance the support for rural revitalization, accelerate the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and promote the coordinated development of the whole region. Wang Li, member of the district party working committee and deputy director of the management committee, accompanied by the main responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the district and the main responsible comrades of Lehua Town.

Mei Feng and his party first came to the construction site of Ganxin Avenue, inspected the construction of the project on the spot, and listened to the overall introduction and long-term planning of the project by the relevant responsible persons. Mei Feng stressed that the project construction party should firmly establish the awareness of safe production, earnestly perform the main responsibility of safe production, resolutely overcome the paralysis of luck, implement the safety management measures at the construction site in detail, and achieve safe construction, civilized construction, and standardized construction.

Mei Feng went deep into Lehua Town to investigate

Entering the workshop, looking at the production, entering the exhibition hall, inquiring about the products, in Nanchang Huajun Industrial Co., Ltd., Mei Feng had a cordial conversation with the person in charge of the enterprise, listened carefully to the report on the production and operation of the enterprise, and conducted in-depth exchanges on the company's characteristic products and future development. He fully affirmed the achievements made by the enterprise in recent years, and encouraged the enterprise to continue to struggle, continue to maintain a good development trend, and constantly break through the performance of new highs.

Mei Feng went deep into Lehua Town to investigate

At the construction site of the second phase of resettlement housing in Lehua Town, Mei Feng inquired in detail about the project construction progress, completion date, supporting design and resettlement plan. He stressed that the construction of resettlement housing is a major people's livelihood project related to the vital interests of the people, and the relevant departments of the district should attach great importance to it, do a solid job in the supporting facilities of resettlement housing, continuously improve the living environment of the masses, and continuously improve the satisfaction rate and happiness of the masses.

Mei Feng went deep into Lehua Town to investigate

At the subsequent symposium, Mei Feng listened carefully to the relevant work report of Lehua Town, and emphasized three requirements for Lehua Town on how to promote the comprehensive development of Lehua Town:

First, we must earnestly safeguard the harmony and stability of the overall social situation. Stability is the biggest prerequisite for prosperity and development, we must resolutely build a public safety embankment, strictly implement the responsibility system for safe production, improve the management mechanism for the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and strive to eliminate hidden risks before they occur and dissolve them into invisibility.

Second, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on making the village-level collective economy bigger and stronger. Development is the foundation and key to solving all problems, we must base ourselves on the leading industries with local characteristics, seize the development opportunities of the construction of the airport new city and the location advantages of Lehua Town, continue to optimize the business environment, find ways to develop the village-level collective economy, and use industrial revitalization to drive the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

Third, it is necessary to do practical things for the people's livelihood in a down-to-earth manner and implement them in practice. It is necessary to cultivate the feelings of the people, adhere to the people-oriented unswerving, solidly promote the construction of people's livelihood projects such as resettlement housing, continuously improve the living environment, and continuously meet the people's yearning for a better life, so that the fruits of reform and development will benefit all the people more and more fairly.

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