
A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

author:Yi Legend Entertainment

Our entertainment industry is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and it's not just those traffic niches who can make headlines. Today's protagonist is a legendary woman who has counterattacked from the grassroots to a wealthy family - Liang Anqi!

This Sister Liang is amazing, she won the 65-year-old gambling king Stanley Ho at the age of 26, which is simply a hanging life! If you want to talk about means, our eldest sister Liang will definitely not lose to Deng Wendi. What? Who do you say Wendi Deng is? That's the ruthless character who took down Murdoch! But today, let's take a look at how Angel Liang transformed from a dancer to a strong woman in the business world!

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Liang Anqi's story can be called a realistic version of "Cinderella". She was born in Foshan, Guangzhou, and her family conditions were not bad when she was a child, and her parents were cadres. But the good times didn't last long, her father suddenly became seriously ill, and all the family's savings went in. 13-year-old Liang Anqi has to drop out of school to work, at this age, today's children probably can't even order takeout, right?

But Liang Anqi is not an idle person. With her dancing talent, she successfully entered the Guangzhou Art Troupe. Do you think you'll be able to live a human life from now on? How naïve! After 7 years in the art troupe, Liang Anqi earned barely enough money to survive and wear, and finally retired due to injury. This wave of operations is simply from heaven to hell!

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

In the 80s, Angel Leung decided to go to Macau. When she first arrived in Macau, she only had 8 yuan on her. 8 bucks! I can't even buy an egg scramble now! In order to survive, Liang Anqi works 4 jobs a day. When she had no money for housing, she and her mother had to sleep in the hospital corridor or in a scrap car. This experience is even more bloody than a TV series!

But! There is no endless road. In 1986, 26-year-old Angel Leung was invited to a private ball. It was at this ball that she met the man who changed her life - the 65-year-old gambling king Stanley Ho.

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Do you think Liang Anqi's heart fluttered as soon as she saw the gambling king? Too underestimate her! Liang Anqi is a person who understands and knows how many pounds and taels he has. She didn't take the gambling king to heart at first, so she taught him to dance seriously. But! The gambling king was attracted by Liang Anqi's serious attitude. The two slowly became acquainted with each other.

Liang Anqi is not the kind of vase that only makes a sugar daddy. She jumped at the chance and started learning about business. You know what? She refused the gambling king's monthly "household expenses" of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and instead learned "business experience" from the gambling king. This operation is textbook-level!

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Applying what she has learned, Liang Anqi soon made a name for herself in the business world. Not only did she run a dance school, but she also invested in real estate. By the time the two-bedroom and three-bedroom villas were bought, there were more than 5 luxury properties under Liang Anqi's name! This wave of operation is simply rubbing the other wives on the ground!

But Angel Liang was not satisfied. She began to help the gambling king take care of his business and participate in decision-making. With her help, the gambling king's business territory continues to expand. Liang Anqi's ability has been fully recognized by the gambling king and has become his most trusted person.

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Speaking of which, some people may ask: Will Liang Anqi only make money? Of course not! She is also a strong woman with super fertility. In 10 years, she gave birth to 3 sons and 2 daughters for the gambling king. This fertility speed is simply open!

Angel Leung's success is not just about business. When the gambling king's original wife died, she came forward to arrange the funeral and entertain the guests. Not only can she make money, but she can also handle all kinds of complex interpersonal relationships. This kind of all-round ability is a real strong woman!

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Some netizens commented: "Liang Anqi's success proves that as long as you have the ability, even if you have a bad background, you can counterattack!" Someone else said: "Her story is a real-life version of Cinderella!" "

However, we must also see that behind Liang Anqi's success is her continuous learning and continuous improvement of her own results. She was not satisfied with being a rich wife, but actively participated in business operations. This kind of spirit is what we should learn. The point is, are we ready when the opportunity comes? Can you be like Angel Leung, seize the opportunity and realize the value of your life?

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?

Well, that's all for today's revelations. Everyone, where do you think Liang Anqi's story is the best? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! See you next time!

A 26-year-old dancer meets a 65-year-old gambling king, 10 years and 5 sons, how did she counterattack and become a strong woman?