
Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

author:Daily Diet Encyclopedia
Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

I believe that every woman does not want the word "aging" to appear in their dictionary, they all want to stay young forever, the body's cells in the process of metabolism, will produce redox chemical reactions, so the body will produce free radicals. Free radicals oxidize the body's cells, causing them to die or mutate. The theory of aging free radicals has been recognized worldwide, that is, most of the diseases and aging that occur in the body are related to the presence of oxidative free radicals. Since oxidation is the cause of aging, we need anti-aging. We recommend several foods and anti-aging methods for you, hoping to make you young and healthy.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

1. Asparagus

Asparagus contains anti-aging agents glutathione and rich in folic acid, anti-aging agents can directly protect cells from free radical damage, can help and prevent all chronic diseases.

The key to buying: the stem skin should be green and the tip of the shoot should not be putrid, and it is better to be thick and tender, and it is abundant from April to October every year. What is glutathione: an anti-aging agent that inhibits the activation of carcinogens

2. Bell peppers (yellow, red, green, orange)

Rich in vitamin C and β-carotene, it is effective in preventing atherosclerosis and cancer. It is a potent anti-aging agent that prevents LDL cholesterol from being oxidized and prevents arterial embolism.

Buying and cooking essentials: the shape is complete, the peel is shiny and delicious, the meat is crisp and tender, and there is no shrinkage. Green peppers are produced from January to August and December, and peppers of other colors are mainly produced in spring. Vitamin C will lose more than half of it due to steaming or scalding, but it can be heated in the microwave instead, and the loss of vitamin C is only 0-15%, or it can be changed to a raw food.

3. Cauliflower

Contains a variety of anti-aging agents: β-carotene, glutathione, vitamin C and lutein, anti-aging, anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering.

Purchase and cooking essentials: flower bulbs bright green, flower buds dense and tight package, no pests and diseases, no yellowing, the stem is not hollow. It is in full bloom from November to April. It is best to cook raw or slightly blanched

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

4. Carrots

Rich in β-carotene content is the crown of all vegetables, can fight cancer and protect arteries, contains soluble fiber and pectin can reduce cholesterol, prevent cholesterol from being oxidized into harmful substances, increase immune function and prevent infection.

Buying and cooking essentials: the skin is bright and colorful, orange-red, and the shape is not broken or scarred. The production period is from December to February, and there are no shortages throughout the year. The body absorbs better after heating.

5. Garlic

Contains a large number of adenosine (glycosaccharides), can relax smooth muscle to dilate blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, but also reduce cholesterol, and contain allicin and selenium, zinc and other substances, selenium for the human body's anti-cancer components indispensable substances. Zinc can improve the body's immune function, can stimulate the amount of T cells and macrophages, but also increase the amount of natural killer cells, can kill more bacteria and cancer cells.

Buying and cooking essentials: garlic cloves are large, the granules are white and complete, and they do not shrink. It is better to prevent blood clots from being cooked, and it is better to eat them raw or pickled against cancer.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

6. Onions

1. Containing prostaglandin A can relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and blood viscosity, and prevent coronary heart disease.

2. Rich in hemispertinine, hemisperine is an anti-aging substance, which can delay cellular aging and is an anti-aging food.

Selection and cooking essentials: the peak period is 12 to 2 months, and the skin is smooth and complete, without germination or softness. Studies have shown that eating raw onions can increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), and cooked onions have a poorer effect on increasing HDL cholesterol.

7. Mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, abalone mushrooms, Xiuzhen mushrooms, coral mushrooms)

1. Nucleic acid-containing substances can inhibit the increase of cholesterol in serum and liver, promote blood circulation and prevent arteriosclerosis.

2. Polysaccharides have the effect of inhibiting tumors, increasing the function of macrophages and T cells, improving immunity and destroying tumor cells.

3. Ergosterol can be converted to Vit D2 after being irradiated by sunlight.

Buying and cooking essentials: flowers and umbrella handles are intact and free of decay. Mushrooms must be cooked to be eaten, in addition to boiling soup, stir-fry can also be used cold mixing.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

8. Tomatoes

It is the main source of lycopene, which inhibits the activity of oxidative free radicals. In addition, glutathione is too strong antioxidant, which is an indispensable substance for maintaining normal cell metabolism.

Buying and cooking essentials: fresh color, bright color, complete shape appearance, not soft flat. Cooked tomatoes absorb better than raw tomatoes.

9. Soybeans and soybean products

Contains isoflavones, phytoestrogens and other phytochemicals, help to capture free radicals in the body, with antioxidant properties, can prevent the formation of peroxidated lipids, delay the occurrence of aging.

Buying and cooking essentials: fresh mainly, soybeans should be cooked before eating.

10. Saury

Containing n-3 fatty acids lowers triglycerides and increases HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) to prevent arteriosclerosis.

Buying and cooking essentials: fresh, bright eyes and elasticity.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

11. Olive oil

Rich in n-3 fatty acids, it can lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and prevent LDL cholesterol from being oxidized into a foamy form that can harm arteries.

Cooking Essentials: The best way to cook olive oil is to mix food cold.

12. Tea

Tannins can quench thirst and quench grease, catechins can enhance the toughness, elasticity and penetration of blood vessels, reduce the ability of blood clotting, can prevent hardening of blood vessels, black tea, green tea can be, and green tea contains a large number of antioxidant polyphenols can prevent stroke; containing polyphenols can inhibit cell mutations and the production of cancer cells, can effectively block the synthesis of carcinogens in the body.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

13. Apple

Contains soluble fiber to lower cholesterol.

Food selection points: the particles are complete, the color is bright, and the sound is crisp.

14. Liu Ding

Contains Vit A, B, C, Ca and pectin. Vit A and C are antioxidants that resist cell damage from free radicals.

Food selection points: the particles are complete, the color is bright, and it should be eaten with fiber when eating.

15. Sheep placenta

Sheep placenta through the most advanced cell extraction technology, in order to practice people's pursuit of "delay aging, youth forever". Completely in accordance with the principle of biological "self-healing", activate the body's declining cells for self-repair and regeneration, so as to achieve the best state of human monitoring.

Food selection points: choose anti-aging natural sheep placenta products that are completely free of compounds, have no side effects, and are suitable for long-term use.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

Second, anti-aging secrets

Anti-Aging Tip 1: Moisturize and hydrate

When the skin is dehydrated, it is a powerful condition that causes wrinkles to appear, so it is very important to replenish the skin, when the skin cells are full of moisture, the skin will become plump. It is not easy to produce wrinkles. To do a good job of daily hydration, lotion, moisturizing essence, moisturizing cream is necessary. You should also make a hydrating mask 2 to 3 times a week.

Anti-aging tip two: eat more deep-sea fish

Deep-sea fish are rich in vitamin D and calcium, which is the best combination of nutrients to fight aging, and studies have also proved that women who take calcium-containing foods and foods containing vitamin D are younger than women who do not pay attention to supplementing these two kinds for a long time. Usually eat tuna, sardines, salmon and other lipid fish.

Anti-Aging Tip Three : Supplement with fiber

Fiber can help the body laxative, detoxification, lower blood lipids and prevent obesity, and most women in 40 years old have constipation, constipation can lead to a variety of skin problems, so fiber supplementation is very important. You can take oral vegetable and fruit fiber, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

Anti-aging tip four: eat more soy foods

The isoflavones contained in soybeans are similar in structure to estrogen, which can alleviate the symptoms of female menopausal syndrome, delay the aging of female cells, and make the skin elastic and nourish the face. It also contains a large amount of soluble fiber, which reduces constipation and reduces cholesterol content. Soybeans are rich in protein and essential amino acids, as well as soy saponins, which can improve human immunity. Usually eat more legumes with soy milk.

Anti-aging tip five: do more exercise

Insist on doing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day to maintain your body and keep fit. And while exercising, the toxins in the pores will be discharged along with the sweat, and the skin will become rosy and shiny. Such as aerobic gymnastics, jogging, badminton and so on.

Staying young and making yourself more beautiful is a woman's lifelong career, and anti-aging you need these foods

Anti-aging tip six: eat more fruit

Fruits are rich in vitamins, can whiten the skin, fruits are rich in antioxidant ingredients, can help the human body antioxidants, but also replenish skin moisture, eat more hawthorn, winter dates, pomegranates, kiwifruit, mulberries, strawberries, reeds, oranges, oranges, lemons and so on

Anti-Aging Secret Seven: Wine

Wine is made from grapes and has antioxidant properties. A small glass of red wine every night before going to bed can improve the quality of sleep, delay skin aging, promote blood circulation, and accelerate skin metabolism.

Anti-Aging Tip 8 : Honey Water

A cup of honey water every morning can clean the intestines and improve constipation, and the honey contains a large number of amino acids, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and sugar components, which have the effect of anti-aging and preventing skin dryness.

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