
When the weather is hot, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat less cucumber and watermelon and eat more "4 sour" foods

author:Dr. Wang talks about health

Aunt Li, 65 years old this year, especially likes to participate in square dancing and tai chi exercises after retirement. With the advent of summer, Aunt Li will bring a large bottle of chilled watermelon juice every day, as well as a few fresh cucumbers as a "sharp weapon" to quench her thirst. She believes that these foods will not only rehydrate but also help cool down. However, within a few days, Aunt Li suddenly felt an upset stomach, accompanied by diarrhea and stomach cold symptoms, which forced her to go to the hospital.

When the weather is hot, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat less cucumber and watermelon and eat more "4 sour" foods

Under the advice of the doctor, Aunt Li began to realize that excessive consumption of cucumbers and watermelons, although it relieved the heat, had a negative impact on her health. The doctor explained in detail the characteristics of these foods and the dietary avoidances of middle-aged and elderly people. After a period of conditioning, Aunt Li's physical condition gradually improved. This experience made her re-examine her eating habits and made her realize that summer eating is not as simple as "eat more cool foods".

The weather is hot in summer, and many people, like Aunt Li, think that eating more cucumbers and watermelons can cool off the heat. In fact, although these foods seem healthy, they are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to consume in excess. Today, we will discuss in detail why cucumbers and watermelons should not be eaten too much, and introduce several sour foods that are more friendly to middle-aged and elderly people.

Reasons to eat less cucumber watermelon

Cucumbers and watermelons are common fruits and vegetables in summer, which have the effect of cooling and relieving the heat, and are loved by many people. However, for middle-aged and elderly people, these two foods have some hidden health risks.

Characteristics of cucumbers

Cucumber is rich in water and vitamins, making it a low-calorie vegetable. It is crisp and tasty and is often used as a coleslaw. However, cucumbers are cold, have diuretic and metabolic effects, and for people with cold constitution and weak spleen and stomach, excessive consumption of cucumbers may cause problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach cold. Middle-aged and elderly people are more susceptible to the influence of cold food due to the gradual weakening of spleen and stomach function. Especially in summer, many people like to eat cucumbers after icing, so that the cold nature is more obvious and the stimulation of the spleen and stomach is greater.

Properties of watermelon

Watermelon is also a favorite fruit in summer, sweet and juicy, with the effect of clearing heat and quenching heat, and quenching thirst. However, watermelon has a high sugar content and is a cold fruit, so excessive consumption can easily damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in symptoms such as stomach cold and diarrhea. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people with abnormal glucose metabolism, the high sugar content of watermelon will affect the stability of blood sugar and increase the burden of insulin. At the same time, the high moisture content of watermelon will dilute gastric juice and affect digestive function, leading to problems such as bloating and indigestion. If middle-aged and elderly people consume watermelon in excess in summer, it will not only affect the digestive system, but also may cause other health problems, such as edema and frequent urination.

When the weather is hot, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat less cucumber and watermelon and eat more "4 sour" foods

Backed by scientific data

Research data show that although cucumber and watermelon have the characteristics of cold and high moisture, although they can relieve the heat in a short time, long-term excessive consumption will have adverse effects on spleen and stomach function. A study on the dietary habits of middle-aged and elderly people showed that the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases was significantly higher in the group with excessive intake of cold foods than in the group with a balanced diet. Other studies have pointed out that the high sugar content of watermelon has obvious adverse effects on patients with abnormal glucose metabolism, which can easily cause blood sugar fluctuations and increase health risks.

Benefits of sour foods

Sour foods play an important role in the diet, not only enriching the taste experience, but also having many health benefits. For middle-aged and elderly people, moderate intake of sour foods can bring multiple health benefits.

First of all, sour foods can stimulate appetite, especially during the hot summer months. Many middle-aged and elderly people often lose their appetite because of hot weather, and the sour food can effectively stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, help improve appetite and promote digestive function. Secondly, sour foods help regulate the acid-base balance in the body. In the modern diet, the intake of meat and refined foods is large, which can easily lead to acid-base imbalance in the body, and the organic acids in sour foods can help neutralize excessive alkaline substances in the body and maintain the stability of the internal environment.

In addition, sour foods also have a positive effect on cardiovascular health. Many sour foods are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can effectively fight free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress and protect the cardiovascular system. Finally, sour foods also boost immunity. Sour foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon and hawthorn, can improve the body's immune function and help fight off diseases.

Lemon: A natural choice for boosting immunity

Lemons are known for their abundance of vitamin C and citric acid, making them a very popular sour food. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immune system function and helps the body fight off infections. The citric acid in lemons can also promote the absorption of minerals such as calcium and iron, improving bone and dental health.

During the summer months, lemonade is a simple yet effective drink. Brewing lemon slices with warm water every morning not only replenishes hydration, but also provides a rich source of vitamin C, which helps remove toxins from the body and refresh the mind. At the same time, lemon can also be used to make lemon honey tea, which is delicious and moisturizes the throat, and is suitable for long-term drinking.

Apple cider vinegar: a great helper for regulating blood sugar

Apple cider vinegar is a healthy drink made from fermented apples and is rich in organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar levels, which is especially beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people with abnormal glucose metabolism. The acetic acid it contains slows the rate of stomach emptying and helps stabilize blood sugar after meals.

Apple cider vinegar also has a digestive effect. Its acidic environment contributes to the activity of pepsin, promotes the digestion and absorption of food, and reduces the occurrence of indigestion. In addition, the antioxidants in apple cider vinegar can also help remove free radicals in the body and slow down the aging process.

When consuming apple cider vinegar, it is recommended to dilute it and drink it with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar at a time in a glass of water to avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Apple cider vinegar can also be used as a dressing for salad dressings to add flavor to dishes.

Yogurt: the guardian of gut health

Revered for its high content of probiotics, calcium, and protein, yogurt is an ideal sour food. Probiotics can regulate the balance of intestinal flora, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, and inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria, thereby improving intestinal health and preventing constipation and diarrhea. It is especially important for middle-aged and elderly people to maintain gut health, as intestinal problems not only affect digestion but also weaken the immune system.

When the weather is hot, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat less cucumber and watermelon and eat more "4 sour" foods

The calcium in yogurt contributes to bone health and prevents osteoporosis. Middle-aged and elderly people can consume yogurt in moderation every day, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also promote strong bones. Protein supplementation helps maintain muscle mass and prevent muscle loss.

Yogurt can be eaten in a variety of ways, it can be drunk as is, or mixed with fruits, nuts, etc., to make a healthy breakfast or afternoon tea. At the same time, yogurt can also be used to make salad dressings to increase the nutritional value and taste of dishes.

Hawthorn: A natural protector of heart health

Hawthorn has become a good choice for middle-aged and elderly people in summer diet due to its sweet and sour taste and rich nutrients. Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, and pectin, which have significant benefits for heart health. Flavonoids have an antioxidant effect that protects the lining of blood vessels and reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis. Vitamin C helps boost immunity, fight free radicals, and protect the cardiovascular system.

Hawthorn can also promote digestion, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with weak digestive function. The pectin in hawthorn can increase intestinal peristalsis, help digest food, and prevent constipation. Hawthorn also has the effect of lowering blood lipids, for people with high blood pressure in the systemic arteries, moderate consumption of hawthorn can help reduce blood lipid levels and protect heart health.

Hawthorn can be eaten in a variety of ways, it can be eaten directly or made into hawthorn chips, hawthorn soup, or hawthorn cake. In summer, you can use hawthorn to soak in water, which is both thirsty and appetizing, and is suitable for long-term drinking.

When the weather is hot, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people eat less cucumber and watermelon and eat more "4 sour" foods

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