
Cheerfully facing suffering Li Hao, a young man in Guang'an, Sichuan, won the first gold medal in China at the Tokyo Paralympic Games

author:Bright Net
Cheerfully facing suffering Li Hao, a young man in Guang'an, Sichuan, won the first gold medal in China at the Tokyo Paralympic Games

Chengdu, August 26 (Wang Jue, Wang Lin) On the 25th, in the A-class final of the Wheelchair Fencing Men's Sabre Individual Championship at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, Li Hao, a young man from Guang'an, Sichuan Province, defeated Ukraine's Artyom Manko 15-12 to win the first gold for the Chinese team.

It is understood that the 27-year-old Li Hao's family lives in Yanghe Town, Huaying City, Guang'an, Sichuan Province, and when he was a child, he had his right leg amputated due to a car accident. Because of his love of sports since childhood, Li Hao did not give up on himself because of his disability, but began to practice fencing at the age of 13 and grew into a national team athlete.

This is Li Hao's first time participating in the Paralympic Games. In the next competition, he will also compete in the men's foil individual and team competitions. "Although his right leg is disabled, his son never gives up on himself and has an optimistic personality from an early age." Li Hao's mother, Yu Dingqiong, said that her husband is working in Chengdu, the youngest son, Li Jinyang, is studying for a master's degree at Chongqing University, and her daughter is in junior high school.

Cheerfully facing suffering Li Hao, a young man in Guang'an, Sichuan, won the first gold medal in China at the Tokyo Paralympic Games

In Li Hao's home, there are 21 heavy medals, large and small. Photo by Kang Jianlin

The 24-year-old Li Jinyang and his brother gathered less and more, but his brother showed amazing athletic talent from an early age, which left a deep impression on him: "When we were young, we were faster than climbing trees and swimming, and my brother was faster than us, even riding a bicycle, he could win us with one leg. ”

In 2007, a fortuitous opportunity changed the trajectory of Li Hao's life. At that time, 13-year-old Li Hao was riding a bicycle to carry people to school, and happened to be seen by a cadre of the Guang'an Disabled Persons' Federation, who thought that Li Hao had a good talent, so he suggested to Li Hao's school that he be sent to Guang'an to take the sports road, which was in line with Li Hao, who was active by nature.

In the beginning, Li Hao learned to swim. But as he grew older, Li Hao's height reached 1.86 meters, and the coach believed that he was more suitable for practicing fencing with his tall arm length. Therefore, under the advice of the coach, Li Hao began to learn wheelchair fencing and successfully entered the Sichuan wheelchair fencing team. However, the long-term boring and hard training made Li Hao physically and mentally exhausted, and he had the idea of retiring from the team. In 2014, Li Hao left the Sichuan wheelchair fencing team and came to Chongqing to work. After learning the news, Yu Dingqiong did not blame his son, but said to him in a serious tone: "It is impossible for a person's life to be smooth sailing, and it is impossible to retreat when encountering a little setback, and only by relying on his own hard work can he break out of a road." ”

Listening to his mother's teachings, Li Hao became more determined in his goal and decided to carry out the fencing career to the end. In 2015, Li Hao came to Shanghai from Sichuan and joined the Shanghai Wheelchair Fencing Team. After joining the team, he found that his skills were different from other team members, the basic skills were not solid, and many actions almost had to be torn down and restarted. In addition to technical difficulties, the sequelae left by the old injury of the right leg and the frequent injuries during training are also difficulties that Li Hao must face.

Through hard and systematic training, Li Hao's fencing skills have made great progress and begun to emerge in major competitions. In the men's Sabre individual A event, he won the third place in the 2016 World Cup, the third place in the 2017 National Championship, the 2018 World Cup champion, the second place in the 10th National Paralympic Games in 2019 and the second place in the 2019 World Championships.

Years of hard work, the end of the fruit. In Li Hao's home, there are 21 heavy medals, large and small, which he has won in many years of competition. Yu Dingqiong said that whenever she missed her son, she would take out these medals to see. Now that the medal box was running out of place, she was ready to buy a bigger one.

For this Paralympic gold medal with the highest gold content, Yu Dingqiong also warned his son: "We must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and strive to achieve better results." ”

For Li Hao's upcoming competition in the men's foil individual A-class and men's foil team competition, Yu Dingqiong also maintained an optimistic attitude: "No matter what the results, try your best." What I am most looking forward to now is that my son will come home early and eat a meal of my hometown that I made myself. ”

It is reported that at this Paralympic Games, two Guang'an athletes have been confirmed to participate, in addition to Li Hao, there is Also Tang Zhihua from Yuechi, who will represent the Chinese blind football team in this tournament, and his first match will be against Brazil on the 29th. (End)

Source: China News Network

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