
Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

author:Morning Hengyang
Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

"Measure from this side to see how big the ?......" On July 21, in the summer heat, in the Zuwan Community Eyebrow Group of Baihe Street, the members of the housing and outdoor facilities measurement and registration team composed of the Hengyong Expressway Project Construction Coordination Service Department, the County Natural Resources Bureau, Baihe Street, and the Hengyong Company were methodically carrying out the measurement and registration work, and from time to time carefully verified the housing and auxiliary facilities with the villagers.

"Building roads is a great thing, and we fully support and cooperate." Villager Tang Gengsheng told reporters with a smile. "If you want to be rich, build roads first." He hoped that after the road was repaired, it would bring convenient transportation to his hometown and improve the production and living conditions of the villagers.

Since the loud horn sounded on June 13, when the physical survey of land requisition and demolition of Hengyong Expressway (Qidong Section) was officially launched, the high temperature of the past few days and the early departure and late return of the team members have not affected the enthusiasm of the team members. A pen, a record board, a stack of materials, a work log, and several teams of division of labor and cooperation have fully carried forward the spirit of "five plus two" and "white plus black", worked overtime to do a good job in all work, and carried out investigation and registration work in a fair, open, just, and orderly manner according to law.

Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

At the same time, two other teams — the Land Survey Registration Team and the Grave Registration Team — are also "wading through the mountains" and "cutting through thorns" in the woods and thorny bushes where roads cannot be found. The scorching sun, rolling heat waves, and scorching heat "tested" the will of the majority of party members and cadres walking in the mountains, but they could not stop them from advancing the construction of the Hengyong Expressway project.

Hengyong Expressway is a key project of the province, and a groundbreaking ceremony was held in our county on April 28, 2020. The total length of Hengyong Expressway is about 108.7 kilometers, and it is built with technical standards for two-way four-lane expressways, with a total investment of more than 13 billion yuan. Passing through baihe, Jinqiao, Hongqiao, Yongchang, Shuangqiao, Lingguan and other townships (streets) in our county, the task of physical quantity investigation and requisition and demolition is very arduous.

After the completion of the Hengyong Expressway, it will end the history of Qidong without high-speed direct access to the urban area, which is of great significance to improving the transportation network system of our county and enhancing the advantages of our county's transportation location. To this end, the whole county has made concerted efforts to launch a vigorous battle.

Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

The county party committee and county government attach great importance to the construction of this road. Du Dengfeng, secretary of the county party committee, and Peng Litang, the county governor, dispatched many times to solve the problem on the spot, and Zeng Hongbo, former member of the standing committee of the county party committee, dispatched "elite soldiers and strong generals" to form a project construction coordination service department to fully promote the construction of the Hengyong high-speed project.

In mid-to-late May, the excavation of the red line trench was fully completed. In early June, the physical quantity survey of the "multi-pole" relocation was completed. At present, we are making every effort to promote the investigation of the physical quantity of land requisition and demolition. The overall steady progress of all work has benefited from the thorough preparatory work in the early stages and the meticulous and deep-rooted ideological work of the residents during propaganda and mobilization; to the fact that there are old party members and backbone cadres who actively take the lead in participating in the measurement like Zeng Xiangke and Zeng Xianglong; there are "female fighters" who are close to the masses like Zhou Taoxiu; there are professional and technical personnel who scientifically carry out the measurement work like Duan Zhongming, Li Ping, and Jin Qihuo; there are also village branch secretaries who fully support the measurement work like Xiao Guozheng; and there are residents who actively cooperate with the measurement like Tang Gengsheng.

In the schedule of the team members who conducted the physical quantity survey, there were no weekends or holidays. In order to better do the work of the masses and answer the questions of the masses, they are familiar with the requisition and demolition policies and relevant laws and regulations, carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, take root in the grass-roots level, study with a deep heart, and fully serve the construction of major projects. In order to obtain accurate data, their hands were scratched by thorns, their feet were blistered by the soles of their shoes, and sometimes at the end of the day, they were "scarred".

Recently, the weather has continued to be hot, and the team members have undergone great physical and mental tests. Every day before dawn, I went out, waited until it was dark to finish work, sorted out data at night, studied problems, often my clothes were wet and dry, dry and wet, and when I rested, it was close to midnight. When working in the field, we must always beware of the bite of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

One day in early July, Jiang Jianjun, a member of the land survey team, was accidentally bitten by a rat during a field operation, and he secretly gave everyone a rabies vaccine and "brought injuries" to work. Xiao Jie, an official of the Coordination Service Department, on the way to the countryside and entered the house, because of the wet and slippery wrestling on a rainy day, the ligament was broken and still insisted on leading the team to investigate. It is precisely the condensation of many such forces that have expectations for the Hengyong Expressway and have confidence in the construction of the project, and inject a steady stream of motivation into the staff who complete the tasks of measuring, surveying and pointing graves under the scorching sun. Even if the sweat soaked the clothes, it could not stop everyone's firm determination to complete the task.

Land acquisition and demolition is a key basic work of project construction, which is directly related to the overall process of project construction. The physical quantity survey of house measurement and land demarcation is a necessary guarantee for the smooth progress of land acquisition and demolition. The team members will go all out and work overtime to fully complete the physical survey by the end of July, and their efforts will also provide the strongest guarantee for the full start of Hengyong Expressway on schedule.

【Please indicate the source of reprint: Qi Dongrong Media Center】

Struggle Qidong: Fighting in Hengyong, pressing the "acceleration button" of land acquisition and demolition

◆ Editor: Yi Yujuan (intern) ◆ Supervisor: Tan Xinjun

◆ Third trial: Qu Bo ◆ Editor-in-chief: Wang Zhiying

◆ Submission email: [email protected]

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【Source: Qi Dong Propaganda】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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